
170: Will They Gang Against Me?

Amanda was angry about her father's idea. She has made good progress while in the company. He removed the documents to show her father the many achievements she made while Brown, her husband couldn't manage to make them. 

"You see, the sales gave increase by 10% in two months. The volunteers who want to be tried during your next trial clinic are now 80% from the 59% when Brown was around and the way you were struggling to get volunteers. Look here, we have partnered with almost five companies to make sure that our drugs are in the leading pharmacies and other countries as well and they help other people too. This was something that has never been achieved here dad, I am the first one to achieve it. We are beginning even to take our services out to African and Russia where they didn't want us, think about it!" She said shoving the papers closer to his face.

Clank was not interested in her achievement, her daughter is a determined young lady and everything she does is to perfection that's why she knew that the company was in good hands, ever since she was young, she was determined and that he had no doubt.

"Then why are you raking the drugs?" He asked, slowly pacing around the office, he wanted to know why she is using them yet she is not supposed to be using them, "is the workload too much for you? Or Are you being haunted by Brown's ghost, we have dug him up a-"

"And he is not there right? I knew it!" Shouted Amanda from her seat as she threw her hands in the air.

"No, he is still rotting there, Amanda!" Shouted Clank after he watched her daughter do some weird dance thinking that she was right.

"What? Are you sure because I am not taking any drugs dad, I swear I saw him with other men," she shot Clank and Vin her big orbs? 

"I think we need to have a drug test on you, I won't be having a maniac in my office, Vin I want you to call the lab right now!" Said Clank. 

Amanda looked at him, she was not on any drug, she knew how her mother died from drug addiction and she was not going to follow in her footsteps, never but seems her dad had other plans for her. 

"Okay if you insist about it, I am free to take them," she shouted and sat her ass on the chair waiting for the pathologist to come and prove them wrong.

His father on the other hand was positive that her only daughter, the girl who was never weak or bothered with anything is turning to be like her mother!

Vin watched as the two, father and daughter were in deep thoughts. He didn't know what they were thinking but he feared that if the results come out positive, he will have to have sex again to calm the old man's temper down, something he has started to hate though he used to enjoy it.

The knock was heard from the door and the man walked in with his instruments, he knew that whoever his boss, Mr Clank calls, it's a matter of checking for drug abuse of the effects of the drug that's why he had to carry his toolbox with him.

"Yes sir," he said placing his toolbox on the table. 

Amanda looked at him in displeasure. The pathologist instead just smiled at her without care. 

"It's me you are in here for Jade," Amanda said and stretched her hands for him to do whatever he has to do with her hands.

Jade looked at Mr Clank who nodded and he withdrew the blood from Amanda's arm. 

A little was enough for the test, they all sat down waiting to see the results. The room was chilled, no wind was blowing, no breathing could be heard from any of them, just eyes looking around and the bottles that Jade had placed near the window to access the results. 

After some twenty minutes of tense waiting, Jade cleared his throat, everyone looked at him, Amanda's heart was now beating, she just remembered that a week ago she swallowed some of the drugs to work on the project that required her attention. She feared that it will be discovered in her body. 

She watched as Jade shook the apparatus with keenness and laid them in small bottle tops before sucking the extract with a syringe. 

'Please don't be,' she shook her leg and crossed her fingers. Vin noticed it and realised that things are not going to be good. He dripped his head down and waited for the hell to break loose before him.

"Let's see what we have here," Jade started, "it's only the headache plain killers available in her blood."

Amanda sighed in relief, jumping up and looking after her father who was surprised that the results had cane out negative. 

Vin raised his head and was thankful he didn't have to do the intimacy again. 

"Thank you, Jade, you can now leave us alone," instructed Clank. Jade nodded and walked out leaving the trio alone.

"I am happy that you are not turning to be a drug addict like your mother sweetheart," he started sarcastically looking at his daughter who was giving him a dissatisfied look. 

"Ooh, and who made her that dad, was it not you who turned mum into one hell of a drug addict after injecting her with different kinds of drugs every day with the intentions of 'making something stronger' " said Amanda, "you think I was abusing them? No, I can't because I don't want to be that dirty and got tempered to watch my daughter being fucked by his boyfriend so that he can calm down!" 

Clank felt anger building up in his body, he knew this was going in one wrong direction. As much as he hates to see her daughter get intimate with another, he had no other choice to make, he just had to use his daughter for the job. 

"So tell me, dad, are you satisfied?" Asked Amanda as she gave him her scornful look. 

"No, I am not satisfied because it looks like your husband's ghost is haunting you, don't you think?" 

Amanda watched him all okay with his mouthing. She thought that at least he was going to be sorry and change his decision not turn out he is not sorry. 

"Don't even bother, I know you are never sorry, not for killing mum, not for the little kids you have manipulated nor even for killing Brown's parents and molesting him! That's why you are not happy, you get a girl to your house ye fucks you and you later strangle them to death. Tell me how many have you killed? Ten twenty and you still cone to your daughter sp that you can see her masturbate or fuck herself to satisfy or horniness!" Amanda was not taking any of his dramas anymore. She is tired of everything and just wants to let him be. 

She knew her family is the perverted one in the whole neighbourhood ever since she was four when her mum and dad could have sex in front of her without care bit right now, sure thinks it's enough that her father is acting all sassy and tough-minded yet he is the biggest rapist walking free. 

Vin watched as they exchanged words over and over. Amanda was tired of her father but he didn't think she will throw words on his face, She respected him, seems that respect is no more.

Though it shocked him that this behaviour of satisfaction through sex started a long time ago and not recently, '2hat type of father does that?' He didn't need to think a lot because he knew Clank. 

He is the one person he wants to know his story, what made him become this type of a person, he doesn't recognize his parent or any family that he has or he is just a weirdo, psychopath. 

"Are you satisfied after say g all that was congested in your chest because I want to start talking g about other things," asked Clank as he sat of the office chair comfortable without any problem. 

Amanda gave him a side sneer and sat beside Vin. Everyone facing his or her side. Clank looked at them, he knew they were close but not close enough, ' the only way to win this is by coming up with a great plan but will these two ever gang against me after teaching them everything for those whole years?" He thought to himself.

He watched as they squirmed in their seats as if the didn't want to be in the meeting. Amanda was clicking every second and looking at the blank wall that was in front of her.

'Maybe, dived and rule, that can work when I realize that they want to gang against me,' he chuckled inwardly.

Maybe he was right or maybe he was wrong, they fear him but at the same time they are tired of his wants and doings and they might look for something else, something new.