
169: Is This Why You Killed Your Husband?

This chapter is dedicated to tewo_ade, happy birthday sweetheart ❤

Amanda was sleeping on top of the office table. Drool flowed from her mouth and her snoring could be heard all around the room. 

Vin has been calling her phone countless times but she was not receiving it. He was supposed to inform her that Her father will be in the office any time so she needed to be prepared to make things smooth for her. 

Walking through the elevator even the secretary was not at her place, Vin cursed inwardly as he walked beside Clank who was busy making his long strides towards the office. 

Though it was lunchtime, Mr clank never recognized things like lunch, those were the rare things in his schedule maybe if he feels it's too important to have it on the list for the day.

"Where is fuck, everybody!" He shouted once he got into the middle of the room. 

Vin placed his hands in his ears and was standing beside him holding his briefcase.

Clank walked and picked the microphone that was beside the elevator door shouting into it he ordered everyone to come back to work. 

"You eat at your homes, not in my office!" He shouted and even before he could finish his words, the offices were being flooded, some people were rushing over and they fell on each other.

For the ones who were passing near him had the painful time of their lives, he slapped them with his long hands that had fingernails all grown. Scratching some of the girls' faces without care, "work, that's what you are paid for!" 

Amanda was not woken by those noises, he went on sleeping and his father threw himself into his office, and the first thing he did, he picked the bottle of drinking water that was placed on top of the water dispenser and poured all of it to her body.

Jumping from her position, she screamed and the chair fell backwards. Her red eyes showed signs of tiredness. 

"What did you do that for dad?" her father threw the bottle on her face before moving closer to her and slapping her across the face.

"What type of a woman are you? Is this why you wanted to become the CEO so bad that you had to kill your husband so that you can take over his position?" Shouted clanks as she threw all the things that were on the table down to the floor with care. 

He started throwing things all over the place, stepping on each type of artefact that was present in the room, Amanda look at Vin but he only gave him a sorry look. 

"Dad please," Amanda crowd walking to him but she was thrown down to the floor. 

Vin knew better than to walk and help her out of her misery. He might be thrown out through the window. No one wants to come closer to him when he is angry, this is because he had a bad temper, an effect adapted from overdosing on drugs.

Both Amanda and Vin about that but they can't tell him shit because he was then, he was the king and a king is not told anything and does it. 

When her wife tried to talk to him about it, he claimed how that was the only way he could make his drugs, being a heroin drug dealer, he had to make acceptable drugs but still, he didn't make any real medicine, they were illegal and that feeling always hunts him. He didn't make it how he wanted. 

He would experiment with different people every day to make sure that whatever he is making is going to be grand and most people lived it, investors from different parts of the world invested in it.

Drug traffickers used it on the girls they were trading, prominent people would take a girl home do all types of dirt on them then inject them in the drugs and they wouldn't remember what happened to them. 

People who used his drugs felt superior, they felt like they can't be told anything and they were boss. It's now I'm him, though sometimes he knows how to control himself, today everything got out of control.

Finding out his daughter who was supposed to be vigilant because she is the only one who hasn't been injec6ed was also under something. 

After Vin told him that she saw Brown yet he has been buried for almost two months, he thought it was true until they went and found that the man was still der and rotting a fold for the worms. 

He was sure that she had been taking some of the depressant drugs to make her feel lively and just the over right amount for her which is illegal. 

He didn't want her daughter to be mixed in the mess. He was okay being in it but his daughter was the saviour messiah that he was waiting to free him when he is drowning, but the messiah is also a sinner more than him, who will now save him. That was the only thing frustrating him right now, he was not angry that the employees were late for their work, or her daughter was busy sleeping yet it was working hours, no, he was mad that she is overdosing herself.

Pulling Amanda from the floor, he threw her on the sofa that was now wet from the water that she was poured on. 

Amanda didn't know what was wrong with her father today, he knows him to be violent but no when it's not needed and for him to come in here with all this anger from his frustrations there must be something that has irked him.

"Dad, why don't you say what is wrong, you are hitting me," shouted Amanda as she crawled into the sofa to avoid his hands on her face again. 

Vin had escaped to the secretary's place, the employees were not even concentrated on their work, they stood by the stairs as they listened to Mr Clank shouting and throwing things inside the office. They were waiting for him to go so that they can start their gossip.

The office is always calm, ko wars no shouting except for the exceptional times when Amanda is not in the mood. So today seeing Mr Clank whom they had just heard about, they were shocked. Just a week ago, Vin and Amanda, were arguing and now it was Amanda and her father. 

Back in the office, Mr Clank was trying to calm herself but the drugs don't work that way, they made it hard for him to be calm. Amanda walked from the sofa and stood behind him to calm him down, he knew exactly what to do, it was illegal but that was the only thing she could do.

Dialling Vin's number, she asked him to join them in the office. Clank's eyes were now red someone will assume it was for blood, the black orbs were almost invisible, his veins were popping and his teeth gritting loudly.

Vin came quickly and Amanda pulled him out of the door locking it from the inside and started kissing him roughly. 

Vin pushed her aside in a disgusted face. Ever since he met lady Bo, he is not fascinated with Amanda any more and that is worrying him not like he is entitled to have her for life but he is entitled to have Daniella for life that was from the start. 

"What, you need some porn to get hard or what?" Shouted Amanda. 

Vin just looked at him, he couldn't say Lady Bo was the reason because that will mean she is killed or something worse so he went on with her style. Touching her, seductively, kissing passionately before throwing her on the table, but they couldn't leave Clank, they had to involve him, Vin helped him to the chair where he sat facing them. The only way to get over the drugs was by pleasing himself when he sees Amanda and Vin having sex. 

That is the only action that entices him every time he needs to come back to normal from the effects. Just the act, the morning and the cum was all that he needed to satisfy him.

He groaned as he watched Daniella being laid on the table, Vin and Amanda did the 69as they looked at him. After their little action, Clank finished last and his eyes came back to normal and he was not gritting his teeth anymore instead he was okay, not like he had a problem a second ago.

"You are going to step down as The CEO!" Said Clank in a serious voice as he walked to the window, "you are not supposed to be using drugs if you are a CEO."


Amanda looked at Vin, she knew this was his doing he might have convinced her dad to change his mind about it.

"I know you are hallucinating and that only means one thing, you have been injecting yourself. I can't allow that Amanda, so it's either I go to the board and they shamefully remove your ass or you do it silently."