

"Good morning Mrs Patt?" Greeted Davids.

Mrs Patt was their neighbour. Sje had been living in the area for fifteen years. She chose the neighbourhood because it was a silent and calm place.

"Morning Son, how are you doing today, who is the lady with you?" Asked Mrs Patt in her old lady voice as she tried to hold the leash on her dog. 

The dog is always jumpy whoever he sees Davids.

"Mrs Patt, I am a boy and my name is Brian, I am his older brother and sje is a girl and my younger sister," said Brian as Davids was now hooked on the dog. 

In realization, Mrs Patt scratched her hair as she looked between Davids and Brian. She is always confused about Davids. This is the tenth time she is going to be reminded that Davids was a girl and not a boy.

"It's okay, you don't have to remember that, you can call me anything Mrs Patt," assured Davids as she gave her a slight kiss on the cheeks. 

"Nice meeting you Mrs Patt," waved Brian as they waved and walked on the corner.

"Where did you meet her again?" Asked Brian as he wiped her lips after kissing Mrs Patt.

Davids looked at him, the way he was giving a disgusted look and wiping his lips continuously.

"Jesus Brian, it was a slight Kiss why are you acting as if you were on a kissing spree?" Asked Davids as she looked at his face.

"I don't like her lotion, it's irritating on my lips," he complained and Davids had to laugh at him.

"Did you lick her or you pecked her?" 

Brian slapped her head and she had to run because Brian was now getting angry with what she had said. She accidentally knocked over a stone and fell making Brian reach her very fast.

"Sorry, I am sorry, I was just joking," Davids said as she lifted her hands in defence. 

Brian was not wearing any of it, as he lifted his hands to beat his head Davids escaped and m

Hit himself on the wall and the wall caved in making Brian jump back. 

The security alarm went off and some snippet guns were pointed at Davids's face. Davids knew they will go off anytime if her dad and parents don't come and rescue her and there is no way that she is going to miss any of those shots.

She was scared, she had her hands to her head waiting for them to go on. She didn't want to move because the security line on her left will slice her into two.

Sje was still. Brian looked checked for her phone inside hos pockets but he remembered that he hadn't carried it. 

Mike and Vicky heard the alarm go off and quickly walked out of the house to see what was happening this early morning. Andrew was already near the perimeter wall but he still needed to hear from the control room about what was happening.

Brian started running towards the house, though he knew it would be a long distance to reach there.  Seeing Mrs Patt walking in front of him, he had no otherwise but to be nice to her and ask for her phone.

Breathing heavily, he stood in front of Mrs Patt who was trying to pull her dog to come on track.

"Excuse me?" He called to Mrs Patt but she was not even listening to him die was still on her dog.

"Fuck!" He cursed as she walked closer to her.

"Mrs Patt, you remember me?" Asked Brian when he arrived closer to her. 

"Do I know you?" Asked Mrs Patt as she lowered her glass to look at him.

'Fuck, why didn't Davids say you were having amnesia?' He thought ro himself as he looked at her. 

He didn't know how to ask for her phone yet she had forgotten about him. He wasn't going to go back yet because the alarm was still loud.

"Mrs Patt, it's me Brian, Davids brother?" Said Brian as he hoped that she will remember him.

"Ooh, you, you were walking here where is your brother young lady?" Asked Mrs Patt as she looked closely at him.

"I need your phone something bad happens to her and I need to call my parents so that they can save her before she is killed," cried Brian as he talked to her.

"A phone, no I ding have one, I for..," Brian couldn't wait for her to finish what sje was saying. He quickly run towards the compound which felt like a kilometre walk. 

Davids was crying and she had peed on herself, she was wondering why no one has come to her help. Sje was not even thinking about her last words before the snippet guns starts to shoot all over her. She had only one minute before hell broke loose. 

"What's happening?" Shouted Mike when the alarm didn't go off for a while. 

They knew that probably a bird fell into the compound and the alarm can't go off until it's switched off. The snippers were hard to switch off and Mike had a reason to pick them up, he hard to send a code to the control room and the code was reset every three seconds.

Mike picked his phone and called the control room, he wanted to ask them if they needed the code urgently or they can pick the whatever had fallen into the compound.

"Honey, this has never happened, what do you think happened?" Asked Vicky as sje walked in front of him.

Mike stretched his hands and stopped her from going forward.

"Hey, what's going on there?" Roared Mike, I'm on the phone.

The other person in the line was hesitant to reply. He was stammering while listening to what his boss was saying.

"It's Davids she had fallen into the compound!" Shouted Andrew as he run into the house.

"What?" Screamed Vicky as she held her hands in her head and from down.

"How did that happen?" Asked Mike as he ran off the house towards the perimeter.

Ann had to pick Vicky up as Mike ran off with Andrew. Andrew jumped on the golf cart that was parked nearby but Mike was not jumping into that, instead, he picked Davids motorbike and grabbed the keys that were on the door wat and rode off.

"Calm down ma'am, it's gonna be okay," assured Ann. 

Vicky was not listening to that, she wanted to jump and tear everything around her, she was crying on the floor. Sje knew she heard to do something but she couldn't gather enough strength to do that, she had lost it all when she heard about Davids being the one who jumped over the wall.

Davids heard a sound of a bike, she couldn't lift her head to look at the person who was near her but she knew that whatever was coming was the help that she wanted.

"Baby, the bay can you hear me?" Hearing her dad's voice made her excited bit sadly she couldn't jump on to him.

"I am sorry dad, I was just by the wall and it caved in with me," she apologized. 

Moving closer, he was supposed that a part of the wall had caved in. They used strong stones to build the wall and this part to have curved in means that someone had tampered with the perimeter.

"It's not your fault baby, everything will be okay, just stay calm, I am sending a code and we will have you out," assured her dad. 

Davids was breathing heavily as she listened to her dad's voice. Sje knew her dad has never failed her so she trusted him.

"You never told me about the wall, why do we have such tight security papa?" She asked in a worried voice.

Mike looked at her, she had wet her pants and she was trying all her best not to live because the red line was becoming more visible and he feared that if she moved even for can't she will be dead. He has to maintain a conversation with her to keep her intact as he waited for three seconds to elapse before the code is sent.

Brian had finally arrived at the gate, but he couldn't enter because the gate had closed itself after the alarm went off.

"Fuck!" He swire as he banged on the gate. 

The guard around heard him and opened for him. 

Walking in, he saw Mike on Bike as he overtake Andrew who was in a golf cart.

He followed them on foot but was exhausted even before he could begin the race. He walked back into the garage and picked a bicycle and followed the two who were rushing towards the perimeter. 

"I saw your project proposal, and I love it," said her dad. 

Davids was happy about that news. Sje didn't know if her dad we going to accept the proposal though he loved the idea. 

"Thanks, dad. I was trying my best," she said.

"I am proud of you, I know we are always hard on you and your brother but it's for the better of you. You all are creating legacies and we want you to know how to manage and take care of them," said Mike as he sent the code to the control room. 

They had only four seconds to enter the code but only one minute to put the code he sent to them.

"I feel like my hands are numb and they might fall any time dad," she cried as sje felt her hands fall slowly.

Mike quickly moved closer to her, "baby, squeeze four hands squeeze them one more time," said her father.

Andrew and Brian arrived at the same time and saw the situation that was going on. Brian felt stupid for the joke she said seriously. He knew he was joking but he had to slap her. 

Andrew had to ask the team if they had placed the code bit instead they had missed a number and Mike had to redo it again. 

"Fuck!" Shouted Mike. 
