
149: HICKEY!

The sun was already up, the birds were chirping near the big mahogany that was fully grown near Davids room. 

But for Davids, she had beat the sun at its job. Working on so things that we're in the table, sje tried her best to keenly draw the light lines of a pencil on the plain piece of paper that was in front of her.

"Good this works out now," she said to herself as the placed the ruler hoping that it was a straight line that was going to be drawn.

Sipping the last content of coffee inside the cup, she placed it aside and focused on the drawing. 

Adjusting her reading lamp, she beautifully drew the lines that she had spent the who night working on. 

"I did it!" She shouted while jumping up and down.

"Jesus, what the fuck dude, it's seven a.m can you keep it quiet?" Shouted Brian from the bedroom side as he threw the blanket down. 

Davids walked towards the bedroom side and watched his furious face but in turn, a bottle of John Walker was thrown to his face and luckily for Davids her reflexes were working just quite well. 

"Sorry, but I needed to let off steam," apologized Davids and picked the blanket up to cover Brian. 

She knew she was not supposed to be that kind, but she just couldn't contain her excitement as the project she was working on finality came to life. 

Brian fixed the bangs from his hair and sat on the bed with a goofy face looking at Davids. His eyes were not fully open due to the light from the sun that was illuminating through the curtains. 

"What are you doing up so early anyway?" He asked Davids.

Davids expressed her excitement and climbed on the head to give her good news to Brian. 

"Do you remember when I met Makena?" She asked excitedly as she pulled the blanket to cover Brian.

Brian nodded her head as he sat down to listen to her. He knew whatever had woken his younger sister this early must be important and was eating her up.

"So, I wanted to start this avocado project. I know it's something that doesn't give returns very quick but when the avocado trees are grown they are very food and the returns are promising," 

Davids was narrating the whole thing to Brian in a very excited and delighted mood. Someone would have thought that this is her first breakthrough in investment. 

Being a young entrepreneur, she was making it bigger in the world of business. Brian wondered how much she will be if she grows up given that she is only eighteen years old. 

He admires her every day. She has the energy of youth, a brain of a wise man and the skills. If schools were not a must Brian knew she didn't need one to succeed in life, but for him, he was a pig head in high school, had to be expelled in two schools for discipline cases. 

His parents were okay with it, though Vicky always advised him to try better tricks other than the normal ones and up to date when they sat with Vicky reminiscing over his school life he can't stop himself from laughing. 

He believes in Davids, she is not driven by greed, money or fame but the only thing that she is driven with is the passion to do something.

"Couldn't that wait till morning, I mean you don't have echo till Monday," he tried to loosen up.

"No, I won't that project to begin, 8bdont want to delay it, this is going to be one of my first agricultural projects. Makena is going to stir it but I will be managing it from the outside," she said confidently.

Brian looked at her, "okay, I will need to go through the project, your dad needs to go through it before it's approved."

Davids knew the rules, there is no way she will pass the project on her own. Though she had told her father beforehand about it, she had to show him what she had before it's approved.

Rushing out of ned, she picked the file that contained all the plans that she had written down and handed them to Brian doing the same to her father's email and uncle Drew. She knew her motherboard he held up but her dad would pass the information to her.

She was nervous as she watched the way Brian's forehead was forming furrows on his forehead as he read the documents. He has a pencil with him and he was making some drawings on paper. Davids wanted to ask her why he was doing that, she walked into the washroom to get a shower.

She has a day to get ready for, friends to apologize to and a girlfriend to check on and make sure that she was doing okay. She wore simple jeans her favourite polo t-shirt before matching out if the closer to finding Brian nowhere in the room. The documents that have had given her were neatly arranged on the table with some notes on what to change. 

She wanted to start changing them instantly but Brian's voice startled him. 

"You have a nice proposal, but check on some small mistake and you can resend to papa the final document," said Brian as he turned on the blow-dry and walked into the closet.

"Hey, why don't I work on this as I wait for you," 

Brian nodded from the closet door and Davids went back to her work.

Inside the dining room;

Breakfast was ready served, Davids and Brian were settled on the table. Vicky was busy in the kitchen brewing coffee. 

Mike walked downstairs and Davids and Brian's eyes shot up looking at him. When they made eye contact with him they pretended to be focusing on their food. 

"Morning dad," greeted Brian as he shot him a glance.

He didn't even lift his eyes to look at him instead he lifted the magazine from the table and placed it inform of his eyes and replied at Brian in a low voice.

Davids and Brian touched each other's feet under the table and chuckled silently. Mike wanted to face the two cheeky mice around the table but he was embarrassed from last night. 

"Babe, you okay?" Asked Vicky as she placed a cup of coffee in front of him.

He picked the cup of coffee and drank a gulp bit managing to throw it all down because he had forgotten that it was hot.

Vicky quickly got her a glass of cold water and he drank but still, that didn't help as his lip was hanging out like a dog's.

Vicky had to stop her morning routine and place some ice on his lips to help him cool down.

Davids and Brian had to evacuate the table for the fear of being asked to do some morning chores that they were not ready for that morning. 

They went to uncle Drew's house where they were welcomed with moans from the living room and they had ro ran away into the garage.

"I just saw my dad and my step mum doing what?" Shouted Brian as he watched his breath next ro the car.

Davids looked at his red face, she knew this day was just going to be more dramatic.

"I just saw my dad with a hickey!" 

They just couldn't believe how their day was rolling out. Davids thought that sue was going to get approval from her father that morning, not some embarrassed dad hiding a hickey.

"What do you think we should do?" Asked Brian as he walked all around the vehicle. He was wondering what to do today given that they had done lots of delivering and packing some of the ordered clothes. 

He wanted to rest before embarking on his career. Though he knew that work might come in anytime, he still wanted more time with his family. He is growing, and the older he gets the more he becomes busy and they might grow apart.

He wanted to make sure that his little sister, Davids has everything figured out with her projects. Though city life is more promising and fun, she was doing quite very well around here. 

"Why don't we wait for everything to cool down before we walk back in the house, I feel like I need to change my clothes I am sweating a lot," said Davids she watched towards the house. 

Brian walked them out of the gate and they strolled as they watched the environment. Their house was isolated from other buildings. Davids admired the way her parents had achieved a lot of things in their life, this is what she wanted in her life with the woman she is going to marry. 

"How much do you think they spent in this?" Asked Davids as she pointed towards the house.

"I guess millions, have you seen how delicate the house is, the security outside and inside, I bet we would have disconnected a million wires to rob it or insert a spying recorder inside."

Thanks for reading.

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