


"The winner is...."

Everyone looked at the fallen Hugo on the ground. He was groaning in pain. Davids take a look at him and she realised that he had broken his leg but this man was determined to make sure that he gets to know the winner. 

The audience was tensed as they feared for the young teens around who had come for the game. They had never seen their faces around this area. 

Most teenagers in these areas are into drugs and love participating in illegal activities like gambling, car races, and illegal skating where they fetch money from the participants and the losers exchange sex for payment. 

Someone could easily spot them, the expensive clothes they were wearing, smooth skins that hugged their bodies not the sunburnt skin and rough hands that the people in these areas possess. 

As the MC was talking, the audience was looking around trying to see the way the three girls were acting.

Jane was calm, she didn't look bothered with the fact that they were announcing the winner, she waited to see whether they will announce Davids as the loser and take her chances or if not she will have to accept that its not then time for her to dhow jer true colours. 

It's ten in the morning, they sure have a long day ahead to place her mission into action. 

Davids and Daniella, we're now exhausted. Their eyes were puffy and swollen from crying for one and half an hour. They were now laying down at the corner of the cell waiting for the final judgement, they knew it was over. Though Davids had done her best, applied all the tricks she had learnt and mastered but still, they feel luck was not dancing their way today, it was either they were going to be gang-raped by this huge monster who are walking with their chest out and arms widespread like the bouncer they are. 

Daniella was moving near Clara and cuddling in her embrace. Clara was trying all her best to make sure that she is comfortable. 

As much as she was acting all collected and calm, she feared for her life, she feared that everything she had worked hard for was going to waste. She was not going to have her first time as beautiful and romantically ad she desired instead it's going to happen in the dirty, rough and stinking skateboard area.

Tears just wet her cheeks as she thinks of that. She looked in Damien's direction but she couldn't locate him. She wanted to just look at her one last time and see if he will still accept her after this incident. 

She feels dirty even before the main action, what about after the action? Who will Damien lol at her, how will she look at herself?

She caressed Daniella's body and revered when she asked her about her first time, she wasn't happy about her first time, it was unexpected she cried and told her how painful it was. 

She dreaded the time this is going to happen and already felt the pain even before they announce the winner. 

"We had very amazing tricks. The new guys from uptown had decided to show us some amazing lives and we are happy, our home town has developed their moves and they are stunning especially the last part where our Hugo tried his best to create a new style but ended failing that is still a style l," said the Mc as he held a paper in his hands reading every detail from there.

"Our amazing skateboard winner is Hu....." He didn't even finish the statement as everyone cheered and jumped up and down. 

Hugo on hearing his name lifted his head and grinned at Davids. He asked some men to help him stand up. 

Davids looked at her and she swear she missed a heartbeat. She knew they were done. Everything they tried had been washed like the writing on the beach.

She moved backwards slowly and the men helped Hugo to stand up from his state Smiling. She knew next he is headed towards the girls' direction and he is going to make sore he does what Victor did to his girl. 

Davids lifted his neck to look in the girls' direction but she saw nothing. She thought that probably it's the audience around that were blocking her from seeing them but suddenly she felt someone grab her hand pulling her backwards. 

She tried to protest but it was pulled through the shouting crowd until she fell on a heap of sand. 

"Christ sake, stand up and run," shouted the person. 

She was quickly picked up and rushed out of the sand.  The audience saw her running away from the pitch. They started chasing after them while chanting her name, Davids, David's, Davids," 

Her heart was thumping almost moving out of her body. She saw a small hole to where they were rushing. 

"Pass in there," shouted the gut who was helping her. 

She hadn't registered anything in her mind, the crowd was chasing after her and she heard gunshots being fired here and there. 

One-shot missed her only bruising her arms and she winced in pain. They didn't have time to check where exactly had it been fired so they kept running until they went past the entrance. 

Standing by was the truck that they had come in with. All other vehicles were packed outside the pitch. 

"Where are you running to?" Asked a certain man after seeing them hurriedly using the small hole to come out.

"Dude, they are my classmates, they can't do this to them," said the guys who helped them escape. 

He has a scarf wrapped around her face leaving his eyes only and he had a hat on his head making it hard for anyone to recognise him.

H placed some cash ok his palm and rushed Davids towards the car that was in front of them.

On climbing inside, Davids found Damien and Clara busy sucking each other throats as if there is no tomorrow while Daniella was by the window waiting looking at her. She didn't even wait for her to get into the car, she rushed and crashed her lips with hers as she climbed into the car. 

The audience was now after them. The men that Davids taught were police were normal audience who stood as police. 

Guns were fired as the guy who helped them quickly stepped in the break as he swiftly rode them out of the place.

Hugo on seeing that they were going, climbed into his car followed by his friends who helped to ride and they followed suit. 

Gibs were shot at their car and they felt a bullet greasing the vehicle as to the side. 

"Fuck!" Shouted Damen. That was his uncle's car and he knew he will chop his head if he found it creased or just slightly damaged.

Their driver seemed to be a pro at his game, the way he was giving their tail a very hard job catching up to them was so hard. He made sure he gave them rough patches so that they won't catch them. Driving faster, he saw a police vehicle in front and managed to reduce the speed before they were noticed. 

They swiftly passed the police stop without any problem but Higo and his friends were forced to go back because the police had seen them shooting and went after them.

"Lord, thank you," cried Clara as she knelt on the seat. 

Shee then looed and Damien and slapped him across his face as her fingers quickly flashed through his cheeks. 

"Don't you ever he a fol again, if you don't have good ideas I better sleep in your house for the whole day than face this torture her!" Shouted Clara as she poked his face now and them.

The driver screeched the tires and came to a sudden halt. He looked back at how Daniella was being reprimanded and just laughed. 

As much as Clara was serious, the way she was licking at him while talking turned out to be so hilarious. 

"Damien bro, you've got yourself a lion, you will never try that joke again," said the dude as he removed his scarf and cap and loomed at Davids.

"You good Davids?" He called and Davids quickly lifted her eyes to access his looks.

"Nathan? What the hell man?" Shouted Davids while looking at him. She hadn't noticed that the guy who acted with so much braveness was Ethan. How did he even know they were there?

Then like a bulb moment, it's dawned on Davids. 

"Please don't tell me you suggested this for Damien?" Asked Davids.

Clara shot a glance at Nathan, she moved out of Damien slap and slapped Ethan on the cheek.

"Asshole, what the fuckk did, we're you going to enjoy it while we got kicked in there?" Shouted Clara as she added another slap on Ethan's back making him groan in pain.

"Seriously Damien, can you tell her to stop!" Shouted Ethan but Clara went ahead and slapped him on the head. 

"Can you drive the fucking car before I hit this one your head," shouted Clara as she lifted the sandals that were on his hands. 

Damien had to pull her back to calm her down.

Victor and Jane were just quiet as they calmly sat and focus on their phones.

"Sorry guys you couldn't fuck whoever you wanted but victor, nice show out there," said Davids as she patted her on his shoulder.

They both didn't say anything. Jane went on to sleep in his lap as Victor was bust chatting on his phone.

Danella had booked the last seat at the back. She wanted to be with Davids alone. Just for sometimes, to appreciate her and show her that she truly loved her. 

Davids hugged her gently and then looked at her in the face, "sorry about today, it won't happen again," she said it not intending to make it emotional. though to Daniella that was emotional. 

She looked at Davids and placed a kiss on her cheeks before kissing her lightly on the cheeks, "I love you too baby."

Davids helped her remove the dirty clothes that were now hugging her body before wiping her boys with a clean wet towel. 

Danella was feeling shy but Davids made sure she does it very gently as she removed any travel of Hugo from her body. 

After she was done, she picked one t-shirt from his bag and made her wear it as she handed her one pair of her boxer. 

She helped her wait for it Nd began to play her hair in more since was roughed up during the match. Playing them into beautiful lines, she accidentally came across a part of her head that had stitches. 

Using her mobile torch, she checked the stitches, they looked fresh maybe a day or two. They were neatly stitched and a small bandage was placed on the top but its gum was wearing off.

She wanted to ask Daniella about it but she decided to let it be. Robablynshe just hit her head and had to be stitched up. 

"But when did this happen?" 



Thanks for reading❤

Please follow me on Instagram; coffee_ciggarette