

"Her nose was bleeding and her face had a slight cut!

"I am sorry," she mumbled.

"Shhh, calmed Damien as he helped her out of the ring. The medics around moved quickly in their direction to help them. 

Daniella and Clara were all in tears, Clara fell clutching her stomach as she cried. Daniella rushed in Davids and Damien's direction but was stopped by a huge body in front of him.

She looked up and the monster he didn't want, the person he dreaded was there looking at him. His eyes were black with rage while his dirty hands poked his nose.

"Well, well, little princess, where are we going to?" He asked with a wicked smirk playing in his eyes.

"Get out! Get out of my way you asshole, get out!" Shouted Daniella as she pushed him with her little hands but he was there stationed like a stone not moving. 

Hugo picked her with one hand and lifted her, "you are my prize, I want your girl to see how well I can satisfy you with a real dick, not some fancy fingers that she uses on you every night. I know you will enjoy my little brother here who is already calling your name," said Hugo in a mockery voice as he sneered at her and licked her neck. 

Clara stopped crying once she saw what was happening to her friend. She quickly rushed towards them and demanded him to place her down at once.

"Asshole, I said you take her down, right now!" Shouted Clara as she kicked him. 

This man looked like steel, he couldn't hear anything. He was still enjoying Daniella's neck. Wetting it with his saliva while Daniella was crying.

With Daniella still in his grasp, he grabbed Clara. He licked her face. Clara tried to push her away but she didn't succeed.

Davids had stopped bleeding and was still groaning from the pain of the falling down. She didn't hurt her legs but her hands were bruised a little on the floor. 

"You don't need to do this again, maybe we should call the police," Damien said as the medics left them. 

Davids looked at him and wondered, how can she start and leave something in the middle without finishing it? What a coward would they be? She had to make sure that this thing is finished before that asshole of Hugo touches their girls. 

Talking of the girls, she turned her head towards the direction of the girls. 

"What the fuck!" Shouted Davids as she stood up and ran towards him.

Damen stood up as soon as he saw Davids shouts and walk off.

"You better let them down or I swear......!" 

"You swear what bitch, you are already defeated just accept it and let everything be!" Shouted Hugo as he placed Clara and Daniella to the ground. 

Davids quickly walked towards him. Looking at his face to face. Anger was written all over her forehead. She was tall almost Higo's height. The only different thing was their body size. 

Davids was not that built for Hugo, he had muscles popping out on his hands. His broad chest heaved every time he breathed and his high arms were always part as he walked. 

Davids faced him, licking their heads together, gritting her teeth she pushed him away and walked over to the middle of the ring.

Grabbing the mike from the Mc she stood with her skateboard in her hands. 

"I fell, I am not dead, so Don't you dare touch any of those girls, leave them! Just leave them and face me as a man whore you are, face me, Hugo!" Sue shouted through the microphone forcing everyone to look at Hugo.

Hugo matched towards her, his face sulking as his brows crunched almost colouring with each other. 

Picking his skateboard, he threw it in front of her daring her. 

The judges once again walked into the ring, ready to referee the match.

"At the end of this, you will regret this, I will make sure I fuck your ass and fill it with my cum you motherfucker!" Mocked Hugo as he started the second match.

Davids tried her best and win the match, earning a growl from Hugo and three heartwarming cheers from Her friends. 

Jane was again frowning at this situation. She thought that when she fell that was her chance, but disappointment danced on her face as she saw her wake up and join the match. 

They were given a break before they went for the last match. Davids didn't want the break but she thought it will be a good opportunity to rest and take some air before trying her last chance. 

"Here, I got you a helmet, just for your head you know," said Damien. 

She chuckled and bowed her head to give Damien access to her head and helped her put it on. 

"Are you sure it's my head that needs protection or somewhere else needs protection?" She asked cheekily to try and clear the air around them.

"I can work with your broken leg but not your insane brain that is already insane," said Damen as he patted her shoulder. 

He also gave her some gloves and knee caps to protect her. He wanted to make sure that she is safe and wins the game that was all in his mind. 

"Hey, just to say this before you fall and your brain goes enajenado, I don't know what I would have done without you," said Damien as he held the helmet in her head 

"Jesus, side, I am skating, I am not going for a war in Afghanistan or Somali, just pray you to be the first to stir that pot," said Davids while looking at Clara.

"Fuck you!" Shouted Damien as Davids rushed into the circle again. 

Hugo was also back, he gave Davids a grin but she was not in the mood. The last round was for determining the person with the best tricks. 

Hugo was worried that Davids will kick his ass in this game, at the same time Davids didn't know what tricks Hugo had in store for her. She had to chill and wait for the result. 

Hugo was afraid to start, he thought that if he start Davids will know each style that he is going and copy them or manipulate them, he winked at the referee and Davids was asked to start. 

They had three chances, and All of them had to be impressed with their tricks or else someone was not going to touch what's there and Davids didn't want that.

Clara and Daniella were left holding each other, clinging onto each other as if that's what they needed to escape the death that was wallowing at them.

"God just this one, just this one and I will walk to church this Sunday," cried Clara as she quickly did the cross sign. 

"Mother of Jesus, just this," she begged again.

Daniella was not watching Davids, she called and sat at the edge of the cage, Clara was with her but her mind and would were not with her they had travelled far away not to be found within.

Davids stepped on the board, Damien was there with a camera ready to document this event not to be forgotten. 

Hugo was watching Davids who was testing so hard not to fail in any of the flips. 

She stepped on the board and jumped with his board on the wall doing a 360 rotation without falling. She went round twice and everyone watching was cheering until she finally stopped inside the ring without any problems. 

Hugo sneered. He knew that style was too easy for him even to do but he couldn't do it because the rules don't allow you to practise the same thing as your competitor. 

He stepped on his board and did the 'front foot impossible' everyone cheered at him as he came and stood still with his leg in front. 

"Good work, though all the tricks were impressive and we still award you the same marks. You are trying, the last trick is going to determine the winner," announced the judges. 

It was Davids turn to do her trick again. She had tried to master the art of '600 and 1260 degree flips' he remembers it vividly but she had to do it now, this was the only one that was going to gang his point up. 

Using all her might, she breathed in then out and stepped on her board once more, jumping from, she kicked the board up and then jumped along with it before stir ing around in a swift manner.

Everyone was cheering as she swiftly turned around and made a sudden halt to the ground. 

Daniella and Clara who had held their breaths, breathed out once she was safely on the ground. 

Though it was an impressive trick, Davids was still in fear that Hugo might come up with a different style and beat her up.  She waited patiently as he worked on his board. 

Sterling on the boards, he stepped on the side of the wheel, the board turned upside down and he further raised it in the air and jumped following it, everyone was amazed by what he was doing. Davids knew that this was going sideways, she felt like she was going to shit herself there and thought about running. 

Where will she run to? The rings are protected, Clara and Daniella are inside a cage they can't leave unless it's opened. 

She looked towards Damien who looked back at him with blank eyes. Turning his gaze at the two beautiful women, she saw nothing, they were in despair, fear running on their faces.

She decided to try and give it a second try if the judges will agree which she knew was in vain.

She watched as Hugo turned the board in the air and stepped on it waiting to come back down. The cameras were filming this scene like a huge movie script that was going to earn them an Oscar award.

Their filming was interrupted by a sudden thud to the ground as Hugo had failed to do a body turn properly and fell on the ground as the skateboard hit his manhood. 

"Ouch!" Screamed everybody in the scene. 

"Yesss!" Shouted Clara and Daniella but the judges were the ones to decide who the winner was. 

Damien moved forwards, the medics rushed towards Hugo but he pushed them away as he held his manhood while groaning.

"The winner is...."




Thank you for reading❤❤❤❤

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I will share some videos to give you a glimpse of the skating tricks that were done during the match in my Instagram account.

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