
The mystery deepens

Kyle had no sooner walked in the door when his senses screamed danger. On reflex, he ducked feeling something swing over his head. Spinning around to see the attacker, he came face to face with the innkeeper.

Katie was by no means your average woman. Kyle stood taller than average men and she was shy of an inch of being as tall as him. Her frame often reminded him of a bear.

She used to be famed as one too. Called The Dancing Bear back when she was an active adventurer. Now she was married and settled here to this wayside tavern and inn.

Kyle stared at her in shock as he couldn't fathom why she attacked him. It didn't take long to find out why as she continued to glare daggers while swiping the child from his arms.

"What did you do?! How could you harm such a defenseless child? You should be ashamed!" Her voice continued to rise to a high-pitched growl before storming away taking the child with.

He never got a chance to defend himself as he watched her disappear up the stairs. Looking around, he could only gape in shock as he found the few other occupants instantly siding with the bearly woman.

Turning back, he hurried after Katie. He wasn't sure what room she had taken the child in so it took a bit of effort to locate them. After all, this was an inn and he couldn't just barge into each room till he found them. Instead, he had listened for signs of occupants at each one then knock asking for Katie.

The third time the charm, after calling for Katie he heard her flat out tell him to stay out. Which left him standing outside of the door telling if not almost begging Katie to understand that he hadn't been the one to hurt the kid. After a while of no reply, he could only stand there and wait. Well, he could have gone back to his ale. The idea didn't sit well with him though.

He had been leaning against the adjacent wall long enough that he was getting cramps in his legs. He debating taking a walk. Those thoughts were pushed away as he heard Katie open the door. She had a bundle of cloth under one arm and a bowl of filthy water.

He tried to peer around her as she glanced back in the room. He didn't get a chance before the door shut quietly. Turning to Katie, he opened his mouth to try once more to defend himself.

She simply shook her head and motioned for him to follow.

After she took care of what she was carrying, they both sat down at a table. Her son, who Kyle failed to remember his name, brought both of them a fresh mug of ale. His own curiosity burning in his eyes but he didn't risk asking as one of the other customers called out for a drink. The number of people in the tavern was triple what it was earlier.

Katie sighed, "I apologize for jumping to conclusions. I just saw you grab your blade before you moved away from the door. I... I know you didn't do it though."

Kyle could understand where she was coming from so all he did was sit there and wait for her to continue.

"I found some shards of clear glass among her clothes and in some of the cuts. I don't know what happened but all the wounds are none life-threatening. The best I can suspect is that she is suffering from mana exhaustion." Katie took a swig of her ale.

"We both know children are just as capable of spell work as adults. And although unheard of, we can't say the portal wasn't her own work." She added.

Kyle nodded in agreement. There wasn't much to say. In this world, there were still secrets, marvels, and mystery. Magic was prevalent. As was brute power. That's not to mention divine miracles, but they were something more of legends now.

There were priests out there but during this age, most of the godly ways seemed more traditions than actual acts of the gods. As none had witnessed their might for many generations, there were rumors that they were gone.

Kyle sighed as he pondered to possible reasons the girl had for her actions. He would simply have to wait for her to wake up.

"How old do you think she is?" Kyle felt the need to ask.

Katie only shrugged as she watched the other people in the bar. "I'm not an expert on these things. I would estimate around six to eight years old."

"My thoughts would dip more towards the earlier if she is completely human. Her size is small."

"Indeed it is, but she does not lack nutrients. She seems on the weaker side. Noble perhaps...She did have an amulet on, but no other signs of wealth. I didn't recognize anything significant about the amulet, a protection charm, or something bound to her as I couldn't take it off of her. Couldn't even touch it directly. And before you ask, Yes. I tried to remove it without direct contact. Didn't work. Hurt in fact." Katie's eyes swept down to her drink before taking another long swig.

Kyle's eyes stared upwards, curiosity welling inside of him about this newcomer.


Lily slowly opened her eyes, trying to focus on what was around her. The bright white all around made it hard for her to understand what was happening. Swirling colors danced around the edges of her vision but as she shifted her eyes to look closer, they leaped away leaving only white behind, remaining at the edges taunting her.

Squinting her eyes, she tried to make sense of what was happening and where she was. Suddenly she recalled what happened right before she blacked out. Scared, she looked down to see what damage was done as she recalled the pain. All she could see though was glowing light where her body should have been. Panicking she spun in place searching for any sign of her body. She took notice of the weightless feeling. The lack of sensations that should have been there telling her where each part of her was. Instead, it was only the feeling of floating.

Lily felt her emotions swell as panic took over even more. What happened? Where was she? She couldn't understand any of this. She wanted to cry. She tried to scream for her mother, her father, anyone that might be able to help her. In her mind, she felt like she cried out. She didn't hear...It was that moment she felt herself swell with hope. The panic subsiding as she heard a sound. Singing, it was a soft voice, one she didn't notice till now. It was beautiful like she was listening to the soft melody played by a full orchestra.