
The Angel

The sound soothed her mind, calmed her emotions, and cleared her thoughts. Just by listening to the voice, she felt her mind had sharpened. She could almost feel that this form she was in wasn't one she should be afraid of. It was still her, even if she couldn't see a solid body. Deep in her heart she also knew that where she was, she was safe.

Hearing a voice meant there was someone else there. Someone who might be able to help and it meant she wasn't alone. Turning towards the sound, she tried to walk towards it, but nothing happened. She could feel herself frowning at this, but instead of giving up, she tried to will herself to move towards the sound. It was almost like the times she had done while playing with her toys. She would sit there and think really hard that she wanted her dolls to move, but nothing would happen.

Something did happen this time. She could feel herself drifting closer. The voice slowly getting louder. Her vision focused in the direction she was moving, trying to see the source. Strangely enough, as if she was rounding a corner in this empty space of white, a figure appeared. Black hair that drank in the light around her, pooled on the ground around the rock that the woman sat on. Her skin smooth as marble but olive in color. Her features were sharp but her body held the curves of a greek goddess. Contrary to her hair, it felt as if all the light in the room was coming from the being in front of her.

Floating motionless Lily couldn't even conjure up the will to think. It was as if she was trapped in a trance as she listened. The song seemed to last an eternity, but when it was over, Lily couldn't help but feel it came to an end too soon. She wanted to hear more. Inwardly she begged for the music to come back.

As if the woman heard her pleas, a smile spread across her face as she opened her eyes to look at the floating light before her. "Child, I appreciate that you like my song, but there are other things we need to discuss. Perhaps another time I will sing for you or maybe we can sing together."

Lily's attention was not focused on what the woman said as she was too caught up in looking into the woman's eyes. They were dancing colors of purple. As she felt it was a dark purple, she would find other areas where the color was bright. Each section striving and contraditing each other till the only thing Lily could be certain of was that they were purple. She could feel herself getting lost in there depths. Her mind tumbling further in the array of purples. Till she suddenly felt herself jerk bac as a snap resounded in the area. Hurriedly her attention focused on the woman's hand. A heat rose from her as she realized she must have missed something that was said.

The woman didn't scold her nor seemed offended. Instead she only smiled as she pulled a pair of dark glasses out and put them on. "My fault. I forgot about that. Now, as I was saying...Do you remember who you are?"

Lily nodded before thinking that she might not be able to tell as she didn't have a body. "Y-yes." Her voice was timid. Yet once again she thought about the fact that her voice didn't seem to work, but before she could respond in a different manner or even think of a different way to reply, the woman continued as if she heard her clearly.

"Good. Liliana...I want you to understand that you are one of my chosen." The woman's voice remained steady and clear. Her demeanor showing patience as she waited for Lily to understand what she had said.

Lily didn't understand though, she was confused. Chosen? Chosen what? How did this woman know her name? A name that even in the entirety of her life, she rarely used or heard. Who was this woman? Questions swirled around her head as she began to realize things she should have thought about earlier.

With the continued patience, the woman began to slowly answer the questions that popped up, though not in the same order. "I am called The Angel. No, I am not an angel that serves the god you think of. As I, myself, am a god. I won't go into details about the being you know of as God. That...is complicated and I don't want to discuss it. I have a name just as you do, but for now, I feel you are not ready to know it. If everything works out, I will tell you. As a god, I have access to knowledge that allows me to know in-depth information about individuals. You specifically, I know more, as you are a descendant of one of my chosen..." The goddess paused for a moment as if she was pondering to proper word to use. "My champions."

"Though their relation to you is far from your current state. I have chosen you to become one of my new champions and do tasks about the mortal realm. Not only will this strengthen you, but allow you to experience things you never would get to in your previous world."

Lily listened to all she said. When the goddess, as she called herself, mentioned being a descendant, she couldn't help but wonder which side she was referring to. She knew nothing about her family past her mother and father. She knew not about aunts, uncles, or grandparents really. As her father's parents were deceased, so he didn't speak much about them. And her mother refused to speak anything about her parents. Asking about them was a taboo subject. She knew not their names nor if they were alive or dead.

Without more information, there was no use pondering on that topic. Moving forward with her focus, she could only get caught up in the words, 'previous world'. Did that mean she was going to a new world? What about her family? What about her life? Lily had never been one to dream of a different life or different world. She was happy where she was.

"I just want to go home!"

The Angel only smiled and shook her head, "Child, I promise you... If you succeed, should you still wish to go home, I will show you the way."

"And if I fail?" Lily really only wanted to go home. She didn't want to be a champion or chosen. But she could feel that even through the calm demeanor of this goddess, there was no changing her mind.

"We will pray you don't, for escaping him, the challenge would be much harder."

Thank you to all those that have read this far into what I've done. I plan to keep at it. Thoughts from the readers are welcome.

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