
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Talk about school or other things

Jack POV

I keep strolling around. No idea where I can go.

What came to me was a mall.

Maybe I would go there, but I do not know what I can buy.

With this on my head, I keep walking around. Perhaps I will come to a place where I can spend some time.

As I kept walking, someone bumped into me. Seeing the guy, he looked at me and said, "Sorry."

"No problem," I said, and I looked around.

From nowhere, I could see the mall.

As I have nothing to do, I can go there. Potentially there I will spend time before going for my training.

Good, that it is not this RICH one. Another way I will never come inside.

While knowing, I walked inside and walked to the bookshop. The only place for me. Where I can spend time, without caring about anything.

Now I have money. So I might buy some books. With this on my mind, I started looking around.

Nothing for school.

Dislike reading any new books.

Just books are not great. A few times when I had it, for school, I read. Mostly I learn.

No time for fun. Seeing that nothing interesting is here for me. I shook my head.

After doing it, I came out. I could see that lunchtime had come.

With Jonny, will meet in probably two hours so I can buy some lunch here. Slowly, I started being hungry and thirsty.

I have remaining water but still something else I could buy.

I looked around.

No restaurant. Which interested me?

I just did not feel one. Once I went there, it ended badly for me.

With this decision, I looked around, and when I found some fast food with sandwiches.

A few times, I heard good words about them. Therefore, I can taste it.

Once Joanna talked about this. So if she likes it, maybe I will too.

I walked inside and ordered one. Good, that I could create my own. Therefore, I made it how I like it to be.

I could see that it was a pricey one. I will still take it. Just to know if I will like it. If Joanna wants to have one, I am around.

Alternatively. Someone else.

Knowing it, I waited for it, and when I received it, I sat and started eating.

I keep looking outside. Perhaps I would add some more sauces.

Another way is good.

Possibly Paula. I will see you here. It became a good one.

This is almost impossible, but today once again, I spent some time with her.

For me, it is enough.

Knowing it, I finished eating and walked around to spend time there.

After spending time here, I met with Jonny.

Good, I had his number, so I texted him where I was.

I will need to go back to school for a long time. From here, he can take me easier.

From what I checked, I am close to the base where I have my training.

After sitting inside, and quick greetings, the drive had become.

After coming, I changed and met with JJ. all my training has become. Like yesterday, I trained for landing. This is so annoying.

My back once again hurt after ending it all. Feeling it, I shook my head, and I came back home.

After opening the doors, Megan, Joanna, and Sophia hugged me imminently.

I could not say a word. They know when I will come, so they wait for me. Feeling it, I smiled, and when finally they realised me, I could feel a slight pain.

Seeing it, I sat.

As Sophia ordered some dinner.

She could not wait for me to make it, so she ordered it. Knowing it, I monitor them. They keep talking and talking.

No alcohol today. Good to know this. Joanna is in a much better state than yesterday.

They keep talking about some companies. Mostly I do not know, but a few names I know. Once grandpa talked with me about them.

He keeps questioning what I would do about them.

Knowing it, I shook my head, and food had come. Which stopped the little sisters from talking? They started going with more known names.

Maybe I should check them. Just to know what they are talking about.

If I know something from their talk, I might help grandpa.

I know he is interested in stocks. I helped him a few times.

I truly do not know if I helped him or not.

I know that the last time was a year ago.

I told him what I would do.

Now no idea, as during Christmas, anything from him about this. So perhaps he did with this.

Alternatively, just lose, and do not want to talk about this at all.

As I keep thinking about this, Megan's voice comes, "oh, Jack."

"Yes," I said, looking at her. She keeps smiling like always. Only a few times she had a different one. I cannot tell her what, but she was annoyed.

"You go to dreamland," she said.

"Oh, I thought about something."

"School once again. You truly need to find a girl. Even we weren't so focused on school like you," Joanna said while pointing at Megan and Sophia.

"I need to. Where I will find a job if I do not study hard," I said.

"You know where you want to go?" Megan asked.

"Yes. This is a secret. Therefore, I will not tell you. Now when food will come?" I asked.

"Is in front of you," Sophia said. Hearing her, I looked down.

No idea why. I asked a such stupid question.

I know that food will come. I just do not want them to talk about school or other things.

I smiled, and said, "oh well. We can eat. No drinking. I don't want to clean once again."

When my words came out Megan, and Joanna looked at Sophia. When she smiled, I said, "So we know who has done this. Now let us eat. Do not drink. I hope we are clear."

"ok," they said, and we moved to do this.

I like what we have here. I do not know where Sophia took it, but it is tasty.

Knowing it, I had done and walked to rest.

Tomorrow I will not have any meetings, so I can enjoy being at home.

I do not have any plans to go out. Paula has not talked about tomorrow. Maybe Emily comes or just she has some plans.

I lie in bed and spend some time there. After getting up, I started learning.

Just a quick reminder, as dinner for me, was too much. I am full now. Therefore, I cannot fully focus on everything.

After studying for some time, I lay in bed, and my Saturday ended.

Sunday I spend learning and reading on the net. A few times Joanna wanted me to go, but I had no place where. So somehow, I was here without going out.

Finally, Monday had come.

Knowing it, I looked around and crawled from the bed.

I could hear quiet signs in the kitchen. Joanna never sings, so I walked there. I wanted to check who is signing.

Seeing Eve, she said, "oh, Jack. You woke up."

"Yes. Why are you here?" I asked.

"Oh, I come here to cook."

Hearing her words, I nodded.

I could see that something had happened, but as she did not want to say a word, I said, "I will come here soon to help you."

"Oh do your routine. I will kick Jo out of bed," Eve said.

Hearing her words, I nodded, and when I brushed my teeth, I could hear cursing Joanna. Hearing it, I shook my head.

Once again, she is going.

Maybe once she can stop with this.

She is like an engine. When it starts, go all out.

Knowing it, I shook my head, and when I did, I changed and walked out. As I looked at Joanna, and Eve looked at each other, I said, "So what do we have to eat?"

"Oh, all should be ready soon. So sit Jack. Jo comes with me," Eve said.

Hearing her words, Joanna nodded, and when they walked to the kitchen, I sat, and I could see food coming.

Seeing it, I smiled, and we started eating breakfast. When I had done all this, I said, "I will go now to school."

"Oh Jack," Joanna said, and when I looked at her, I said, "you have some problems here. Therefore, I will go. See you later."


Hearing her words, I walked for my backpack, and not long after, I walked out.

I still have some time to not be late. Therefore, I do not need to run to the bus stop.

Only a fast walk.

Seeing that soon the bus would come to the end, I made a quick run. Good, I checked my phone.

Seeing it coming, I sat inside, and my ride to school began.