
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Let's have a walk

As we keep driving, I keep an eye on Paula.

Seeing her being fully focused on driving, I finally asked, "So how long?"

"Oh, hour. Maybe less."

Hearing her words, I nodded, and as I smiled, I kept waiting for us to come. While doing it, at one point, I could see her driving from the main route.

As I could see the smaller one, I kept thinking about when we would come to our destination.

While driving for around twenty minutes, she once again drove into another one.

Here for a few minutes, we come from the normal route to the ground. No asphalt.

Seeing it is good that we do not drive in low cars. Which she could choose but haven't.

As we kept driving, at one point, Paula passed the keys to me.

Seeing it, I nodded, and when she stopped, I walked out. When I opened the gates, she drove in.

Seeing that, JJ drove a little further.

Seeing it, I nodded. Therefore, they have a place to stay not far away.

Knowing it, I closed the gates, and after seeing home here, I shook my head. It has only one floor. Probably one hundred twenty square meters.

Thinking about this, I strolled to the garage as Paula drove in.

Seeing it, I smiled, and when she unlocked the alarm, I came inside. Seeing it, she smiled and said, "So now, Jack."

"Oh, start all. I will be moving all in."

"Ok," she said. Hearing my words, Paula nodded and walked inside. Seeing it, I smiled and started moving all in. While doing it, I smiled and finally did it all.

Seeing Paula looking at me, she smiled, and we unpacked everything. When we had done this, I nodded, and as she smiled, she said, "So now. Time to change."

"Oh, something on your mind?" I asked. Hearing my words, she smiled and said, "Oh, I forgot. We do not have a pool here. Still, I will change into something good."

"Ok," I said, and when she took her bag, she walked to the bedroom. Seeing it, I smiled and started checking what was there.

While doing it, for some time, I had done it at one point.

After seeing Paula coming to me, she hugged me and said, "So what will you say about watching something?"

"Ok," I said, and when she nodded, I smiled, and when we sat on the couch, I looked at her, and we started watching the series once again.

While we kept doing it, we took a break at one point. While seeing what hour is now, Paula smiled and said, "As we skipped lunch. We will make dinner now."

"Oh, so let's cook."

Hearing my words, she nodded, and as I smiled, we crept to the kitchen. While there, I smiled, and we started cooking.

It took us some time. When we had done this all, I smiled, and after ending it, I looked at Paula. Seeing her smiling, she kissed me after we had done this all. After moving slowly back to the couch, I smiled, and we started eating while watching the series once again.

While we kept doing it, we ate and continued with the series.

Being like that is so nice.

While this all kept happening at one point, we stopped. As Paula looked at me, she said, "Let's have a walk."

I only nodded. Seeing my look, Paula smiled, and when I looked at her, we came out.

While looking at Paula, I smiled, and we started walking around.

I like what we have here. While we keep doing it, for who knows how long. I keep an eye on Paula.

As she keeps holding my hands, I keep smiling and doing it all. When we finally got back, she looked at me, and while kissing me, I smiled, and we walked to check how the bed was there.

When we had done all there, we moved to have a shower, and after ending it all, we strolled back to the couch. While looking at Paula, she smiled, and as I looked at her, she said, "So we can watch once again."

"Ok," I said. When Paula nodded, I smiled, and we started watching. While doing it, suppertime had come. While looking at her, I smiled, and we made it.

After eating, I looked at Paula. Seeing her smile, I kissed her shortly, and when she lay on my lap, I smiled, and we continued watching.

As we keep doing it for who knows how long we had done at one point. When I smiled, Paula said, "So change, and we can go to sleep."

"Yes," I said. Hearing my words, Paula nodded, and after I kissed her, she smiled, and we crept to the bedroom. While there, I used the bathroom, and when Paula did the same.

I smiled, and when she hugged me, and when we lay not long after we fell asleep.

A few days later.


After waking up, I looked at Paula sleeping on my side.

Seeing her face, I smiled when I looked at her. I shook my head. I agreed with her to stay here for more days.

As we will come back today, we will know if we are accepted by the university or not.

While thinking about this while observing her sleeping face, I smiled, and at one point, I moved up.

When I used the bathroom, I walked to make breakfast.

When I kept doing it, with what had left here, I did this all and walked to Paula. Seeing her waking up, she smiled and said, "Oh, you woke up."

"Yes. Let's eat."

Hearing me, she nodded, and after she sat, we started eating. After ending it, I smiled, and we moved slowly to cleaning it all. When we had done this all, I smiled, and as I looked at Paula, she smiled, and we started taking it all into the car.

When we had done this, I looked at her, and when we crept to the car, we started our drive back.

While doing it, I could see that Ann was driving while JJ was sitting on the side. Seeing it, I smiled, and we continued our drive back home.

It took us longer than I expected. As traffic comes with accidents.

I could check on the phone if I am accepted, but I wanted to wait to be back home and do it there. While thinking about this, finally after an hour in traffic, we could drive how it should be.

When we finally came back to the city, I looked at Paula. Seeing my look, she smiled, and after parking close to my place, she said, "So, let's go in."

"Ok," I said, and after we strolled, I smiled, and while looking at her, I smiled, and when we came in, I made tea.

With it, I looked at Paula, she smiled, and with drinks, we started our laptops, and when I looked at her, we started checking.

Seeing that I was accepted, I smiled and looked at Paula.

Seeing her smile, I asked, "So you too?"

"Yes," she said, while smiling, and after kissing me, she said, "So now. I will go for my papers and come for you. After this, we will all pass."

"Ok," I said. Hearing my words, Paula nodded, and as I smiled, she walked out. Seeing it, I took my bag, and after putting on clothes to wash, I started waiting for her to come back. As I am prepared, waiting has become.