
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Dinner with sisters?

As I kept waiting, I started TV, and cartoons started going on.

With time passing, I keep laughing at what is happening. While doing it, my phone started ringing. Hearing it, I answered and said, "Yes."

"Little brother, how it goes."

Hearing Joanna's words, I said, "Oh, I was accepted. Soon I will go with all the papers."

"Great to hear."

Hearing her words, I nodded and added, "Yes."

"Oh, what will you say about having dinner with your sisters?"

"Oh, we can. Just tell me where and when," I said.

"Got it. I will call you," Joanna said, and she hung out. Seeing it, I unmuted the TV and continued watching.

While doing it, Paula called me. Seeing it, I smiled, and after quick words that I am going down, I took all and walked downstairs.

After coming there, I looked at where she was. Seeing her parking not far away, I walked to the car, and when I sat, I asked, "Do you have it all?"


Hearing her words, I nodded, and as Paula smiled, we started driving to the university. As we kept coming closer, I could not see any parking space. Seeing it, I looked at Paula and asked, "So where will we park?"

"Oh, I have a parking place."

Hearing her, I nodded and smiled, and not long after, she parked. Seeing it, I nodded, and when we came out, I looked at Paula and said, "So we will meet."

"Oh, we will see."

Hearing her words, I nodded, and as she smiled, we strolled to the gates. While looking around, I said, "So, I will go apply."

"Ok. Going to do the same," she said.

Hearing her words, I nodded and as I smiled, and not long after kept looking where I could do this.

While seeing where I smiled, I started my walk there. While doing it, I called the professor.

"Yes, Jack."

"Hello. I am applying for my studies today," I started saying.

"For math, you don't need to. Just come after you're done there and sign one paper," the professor said.

"Ok," I said, and when he hung out, I smiled and continued my walk. When I finally came to the building where all was happening, I stayed in the queue and started waiting.

No idea how long, but after finally, my time had come, I passed all papers.

After doing it, I nodded and strolled out.

While looking around, I smiled and started walking to where the professor was. As I kept doing it, I came close to the building.

Seeing the queue there, I looked around and called back to the professor.

When I had done this, he had not answered. Seeing it, I wanted to call Fred, but while seeing him walking in, I said, "Fred."

"Oh, Jack. Come here."

Hearing his words, I nodded, and after shaking his hand, we walked slowly in.

While I was there, I looked around and many people were waiting in line. I kept walking after him.

When we came into the room where the professor is, and probably someone from my year, I looked at them. Seeing me, the professor said, "Oh, Jack. Here, sign it, and you join."

Hearing his words, I nodded, and after I read it all.

I signed.

When I had done this, he smiled and said, "Finally. You will not run away from me."

"Oh, come on," I said, and when the professor smiled, I could see that person was done giving papers.

Seeing it, I nodded and started walking out. While finally out, I looked at the person, and he asked, "So do math too."


"Oh, I am curious who the best student is. Who ended with the best score?" he said.

"Oh. I am curious too," I said. It might be me. I just do not want to say it loud.

Hearing me, the guy nodded and started walking away. Seeing it, I smiled and walked to the gates.

While doing it, I called Paula. When she answered, she asked, "All done."

"Yes. Going to the gates."

"Ok. I will drive there," she said. Hearing her, I said, "ok," and hung out. When I had done this, I smiled and started my walk there.

After coming to the gates, I walked on another side, and not long after, Paula drove to me. Seeing her, I smiled and sat inside.

While being there, I asked, "So done all."

"Yes. You have plans for today."

Hearing her question, I said, "Joanna wants to have a family meeting."

"Oh," Paula said. Hearing her words, I said, "We can spend some time together until I need to go."

"I can't. Mommy told me that after ending all. I need to come back home."

"Ok," I said, and when Paula nodded, we started driving back. After she stopped close to my place, she kissed me and said, "So I will call you later."

"Ok," I said shortly. Hearing my words, Paula nodded, and when I came out, I walked back to my place.

While there, I left all my stuff on the side, and while looking around, I smiled and started my walk to the PC.

I started to feel like checking what I own. While knowing it, I started the PC, and after logging into my account, I started checking everything.

While doing it, I have not sold anything but bought a few shares from two companies. When I had done this all I smiled and moved to checking rest.

While doing it, time passed. As dinnertime comes, I make a quick one, and while eating, I keep not reading about what I will be studying. While doing it, I keep making notes about what I need to learn.

While doing it, all I know is what I need to do.

While knowing it, I ordered a few books. When I had done this, I kept reading what I could online. As I kept doing it, time passed. When Joanna texted me where and at what hour?

I sent her an emoji, and after doing it, I came back with an alarm.

At one point, it started ringing.

Hearing it, I changed, and after coming slowly downstairs, I came into JJ's car. While being there, he said, "So somewhere?"

I only nodded and told him where. Hearing it, he nodded, and we started our drive there.