
Losing The Night

"Don't take a step closer" she said almost yelling her eyes widen as he was moving his legs trying to move close to her "not even a step closer" she added as she raise her voice at him but he didn't seem to listen he was actually trying to move close to her "one more step and I will kill myself right here in your arms" she added which make him freeze on the spot "I wish you a safe trip your highness" she bow politely and leaves Tina is fifteen years old when she met Charles the crown prince whom she fell in love with unknowingly to her that he was the crown prince of the most powerful country they got separated the day she realize that they were words apart.

Ademide_Adeoye · Teen
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25 Chs


"Time for your piano practice Tina" julienne said as Tina shook her head and stand up she slid into white long slik and let down her hair and walk into the garden the garden was wide and open, sloping gently down to a cosmic-blue river. A copse grove of cypress

pines flanks us on one side, with a thicket grove of peaceful beeches standing guard on

the other flower trees run through the centre of the garden, casting a lake of claw shadows onto the grass. In autumn, the fiery brilliance of their leaves is a sight scorching oranges, burning browns and molten-reds Then they drift to the ground as silently and carelessly a white piano was place under the flower tree Tina yawns and stretch herself.

"Hey sis I got a call from my teacher I guess you have to practice alone" julienne said "okay" Tina reply dejected she turn and sit with her piano julienne blink at her twice and leave she was about playing the keyboard when her phone vibrated it was a message from Charles "am at the street come and meet me" she read it and smile she was about typing when he sent another moody sticker meaning that he was so bored and he is missing her a lot 'she can't leave the house now her piano is outside "hey come and meet me at home" she texted him with a missing sticker she put her phone on the table after she had sent him the address she took a deep breath and her finger gracefully tap on the piano the melody that echoed on it was incredibly soothing the instrumental introduction was heart touching symbolizing her love story as it was not too slow but heart touching she started singing the introduction slowly as her voice was sweet and cool like an angel it was her favorite song she sing to her mom anytime she is missing her dad "There's a calm surrender

To the rush of day

When the heat of a rolling wind

Can be turned away

An enchanted moment

And it sees me through

It's enough for this restless warrior Just to be with you And can you feel the love tonight?" she play the instrument as her sweet voice follow few minutes passed Charles was already in the garden he follow the echo as soon as he reach the destination where the sweet melody was coming from he saw his beloved wearing a white slik and her hair was dancing along with the gracious breeze as the music follow to him everything has faded away the only thing left and the only one he could see is Tina he stood behind her watching her secretly not wanting to distract her that moment he didn't know what he was feeling his feelings was different from what he felt from the first time they met his heart race faster watching her, her voice was like invisible hand of angel creasing the deepest corner of his heart, she has capture his attention and the world ceased to exist all he could see and hear was her.

He clear his throat few minutes after she ended the music making his presence known to her Tina smile as she turn flipping her hair with a smile as she look at him Charles heart skip a bit as he look at her the way she flip her hair makes her look more attractive and enticing "Charles" he heard her call him and he snap out of his thought "you came" she said excitedly as she cup his cheek in her palm he smile as he hold her waist and drag her closer to him "you are playing piano earlier" he said not averting her gaze from her eyes "huh" was all she said "geez you want to learn how to play?" She smile as she pull away from his embrace and drag him to the piano sit Charles sitted obidently as he tap on the piano Tina stood behind and bend standing close to his ears as Charles could feel her warm breath on his skin him as he hold his hand guiding his hand through the piano as she sing the song along with it Charles was glancing at her as if she was the only one that existed his eyes was not on the piano but Tina "There's a calm surrender To the rush of day

When the heat of a rolling wind

Can be turned away

An enchanted moment

And it sees me through

It's enough for this restless warrior Just to be with you

And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer That we got this far" she sing as she guide him through the keys on the piano Charles eyes was focus on her smile and her pink lips "I love you" he said causing Tina to halt as they stare into each other eyes.