
Losing The Night

"Don't take a step closer" she said almost yelling her eyes widen as he was moving his legs trying to move close to her "not even a step closer" she added as she raise her voice at him but he didn't seem to listen he was actually trying to move close to her "one more step and I will kill myself right here in your arms" she added which make him freeze on the spot "I wish you a safe trip your highness" she bow politely and leaves Tina is fifteen years old when she met Charles the crown prince whom she fell in love with unknowingly to her that he was the crown prince of the most powerful country they got separated the day she realize that they were words apart.

Ademide_Adeoye · Teen
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25 Chs


Charles was practicing his archery skills he steadied his arms on the focus his aim on his target arrow was an old school the king want him to learn how to shoot gun but he choose archery instead the bow he was holding was lighter and it strung was tight it has a golden color with sliver shinning sparkle he was about to release the spot when Tina smile flash in his head he lose focus and miss his target the guard and maid were actually surprise because the prince as never miss a target Charles heave a long sigh 'Tina what are you doing to me' he said to himself and focus on his target again as emotion started boiling in him Klara vision appears in his mind and what she did to him his grip tighten on the bow and he land the shot meet his target Duke his personal male maid approach him with a white envelope "your highness his Majesty send this to you" he said Charles hand drop as he give his bow to his maid and open the envelope be inhale as he look through the envelope his expression change as he squeeze the envelope he dash off the place and enter the meeting hall without knocking the minister stare at him with such an awe he look completely different today his annoyance is really different from the ones they had seen before king thrump raise his brows as he watch Charles approach with dark aura "with is with the dark eyes prince" the prime minister ask Charles raise the content in the envelope and throw it at the king the minister eyes widen "so rude of you pri... " One of the minister said as he king cut him off "he is my son I will handle him" the king said "what gave you the audacity to plan my marriage without my consent" he yell and grit his teeth with annoyance "then you should also explain to me who Tina is" he king said "so that's why you plan my marriage huh" he said and calm down the prime minister and the king look at each other and smile triumphantly they knew they could use Tina as a bait to make Charles agree to the marriage "well she is new mistress Klara has already gone there to fetch her for me he smirk and lean back to rest Charles widen his eyes as his heart beat faster that he could hear it "what do you want" he ask as the king and prime minister smile triumphantly "get marry to Klara" the king said Charles close his eyes resisting his tears he saw the image of Tina smiling at him she is a girl with bright vision she has always wanted a free life I just can't put an end to her simple life all because of my selfish desire to have her for myself he said to himself and look at the king "if you retrieve the troop you send then I will get marry to Klara" he said and the king sigh in relieve "that's already done" Charles leave the meeting room and stay outside the cloud became rowdy as the rain gather together ready to pour he saw James from afar he look at him as he inch closer what the king said replay in his head as he remain motionless he felt a warm embrace around his body and he open his eyes to see who it is, it was James his best friend hugging him so tight he fell warm water tick down his chest his eyes widen with shock 'james is crying for him why is he crying for him' James pull away and wipe his tears "I know it hurt but this is your last chance Charles go and explain everything to her now" he said as warm tears roll down his cheek he has never cry all his life not even when he lose his mother but now he was crying crying he let out his tongue and taste his tears of course tears are warm and salty now is he going to make Tina shed this salty tears? No! "I know how it feel look I already prepare a car for you my sister driver is taking you there I will help you sneak out" he drag him and they both leave.