
Losing The Night

"Don't take a step closer" she said almost yelling her eyes widen as he was moving his legs trying to move close to her "not even a step closer" she added as she raise her voice at him but he didn't seem to listen he was actually trying to move close to her "one more step and I will kill myself right here in your arms" she added which make him freeze on the spot "I wish you a safe trip your highness" she bow politely and leaves Tina is fifteen years old when she met Charles the crown prince whom she fell in love with unknowingly to her that he was the crown prince of the most powerful country they got separated the day she realize that they were words apart.

Ademide_Adeoye · Teen
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25 Chs


Klara was laying on her bed late at night annoy at what Charles told her she was thinking of a way she could get rid of that lady he is in love with she must make Charles love her she pick up her phone and stare at Charles picture 'kon Kon kon' there was a knock on her door "are you already asleep my child" it was her dad "no" she stand up and open the door "dad" she said as prime minister John enters "sorry to disturb you Klara" he sit on the chair and Klara sit on the bed "I got a mission for you" he said "what's it dad" Klara ask John inhale "I want you to lay with Charles tonight" Klara eyes widen and narrow her gaze at her dad "wha.... What.... Why how I am not even allow to touch me so how" John smirk and bring out a spray "this is dive me mad spray once you spray this in his room then it done"

"Dad have you forgotten am sixteen and he is sixteen also dad I don't want to" she said "the king want to step down for Charles so you need to have a heir as soon as possible Klara and you are mature enough to have a child don't be afraid this is the only way you can have him for yourself"

'you can have him for yourself'

'you can have him for yourself'

'you can have him for yourself'

These words keep replaying in Klara head right this is not pulling them apart it will them together she clench her fist and look at her dad "am ready" she said in a serious expression 'yes she is more ready to do anything to have Charles' "good" John chuckles loudly as Klara collect the spray and go into the bathroom.


Grand castle

In Crown prince Charles room he sat down admiring the ring on his finger recalling Tina smile he just took his bath so he was not wearing any cloth but his favorite black boxer short he ran his finger through his hair and close his eyes he heard a knock coming from the door he grunt out with frustration 'no one dare disturb him this late at night' he stand up and open the door "Hi" Charles greeted with a smile and wave "what are you doing here" he ask Klara lick her lips seductively she clutch unto her arm sleeve she was wearing a yellow half naked night wear Charles stare at her with amusement "what are you doing here" he ask emotional Klara use her index finger to cover his lips "why are you asking what your financée is doing here in this sexy dress" she lick her lips causing Charles to snap out "get_ out of here" he grit his teeth with annoyance Klara smile wickedly and bring out the spray "well if that won't work on you this will work" she spray the drug on him Charles snif as his vision became blurry Klara open the door and drag him inside she dispose the rest of the spray and close the door.

Charles smirk seeing Tina image in Klara face he smirk and pull her closer to him he kiss her and move to nape Klara could feel Charles body harden and she was satisfy with it she knew the drug will weaken his body so she took over and push him on the bed Klara climb on him and started to touch him intimately Charles who was in the land dream was missing Tina so much that he thought that he thought Tina has conjured with him the person he saw on the bed with him was Tina her hands touching his body intimately as he surrender and let the wonderful dream continue when the 'Tina' lean to kiss him he kiss her back he had been missing Tina a lot her voice and her warmth he had miss everything he kiss the disguise Klara back letting himself fall into the abyss of pleasure and he call out her name 'Tina! Tina!!' he call out causing Klara to halt and stare at him with curiosity 'wait what her name is Tina why is he calling Tina when am on top of him' she said to herself but she didn't mind she continue knowing her mission is very important tonight we'll after this he will be for her and her alone she will finally be able to get rid of Tina Charles just got back from Tina he knew that he and Tina has never been intimated before then he struggle for his dominance Tina is at home she never never be in his room he said to himself he was seeing Tina but it something his beloved definitely won't do she is a shy girl and can't stand being naked around me Tina vision took the lead and Charles struggle to make sense out of his mind he recall Klara spray something into his face and he has become unconscious since then Klara sat on top of him as Tina face started to morph in his face this lady isn't Tina he snapped out of his dreamlike state and he immediately push her away "GET OUT OF HERE" he yell at her as Klara widen her eyes.