
New Life

Doctor, she just moved her finger, Oliver Edward rushed out of the hospital room, where he sat beside his sister who has been in coma for one year.

Memories of a beautiful girl, with a brown long hair, hazel eyes, pointed nose, a timid daughter of a rich man, currently sixteen appeared on her mind. Her name Samantha Edward, picture memories of all her life came up in her mind but the strongest voice was of that light telling her to go live a fulfill life.

This girl went hiking with her friends when she was pushed from the mountain top. She died, or let's say her soul was accepted in the afterlife and now my roaming soul has entered her body. Revenge I will perform to the fullest, love will be a hard commodity.

No matter the body, am grateful at a second chance at life, no more losing Sight. The sound coming from the door made brought Vivian back to where she was.

Slowly and steadily, she opened her eyes to see Oliver her brother walk in with a man on white coat- the doctor.

" How are you feeling miss Samantha, am doctor John" enquired the doctor, while checking my vitals sign, checking my heart beat.

Now, she must try and be like Samantha, but she is no longer sixteen, she lived and died at twenty.

Opening my mouth but no sound is coming out, I turn to look at him, but the pain from my neck is excruciating. Vivian/Sam groan inwardly.

"it's okay not to talk immediately, you have been in coma for a year" the doctor said while Oliver was smiling and nodding his head to affirm what the doctor said.

Rest and eat just liquid food for the time being, you will recover fully, say in a month's time. Doctor John said, while smiling at me.

Do take care of yourself, turning his glance at Oliver, come to my office when you are done talking with her. And please don't stress her out.

With that he turn and left while Oliver immediately took my hand from under the cover and started kissing it.

" Am sorry for letting you go alone on that trip he started, if I had known that there would be a bad whether, I would have insisted you postpone the hiking trip".

Snorting in my mind, which accident is he talking about, let's hope that Emily is so far away in America because if she comes to London for even a day, hmmmm I smiled.

Let me see the doctor dear sister, I will be back. Oliver kissed my forehead and smiling, he walked out of my room.

Am wondering why Dad and Mom have not been called, I have been awake for sometimes now, will just ask Oli when he is back.

With that, fatigue took over my new body, and I drifted into the dream world.

Samantha Edward:

Age: 16

Hair: brown

eyes: blue

languages: English, French, Spanish

Hobbies: building and destorying computers

Greatest achievement: hacking the FBI was fun at ten

Most Precious Moment: Family trip to the white House, which was cut short because of emergency call from the office, both mum and dad left.

Most embarrassing moment: went for holidays at grandfather Edwards place, fell down from the horse and hit my butt while Oliver and James (my crush) laughed at me.

Birth position: second child to Mr and Mrs Queens Edward.

Parents: Mr and Mrs Queens Edward

Family background:

Grandfather Edward: owns the underground of London, a farm which is a cover, and textile industry.

Status: Always trying to show us love from a distance, reasons: so if they can't get me, they won't Target you.

Mr Queens: CEO of Fair & Beautiful, a textile company he owns, which is a subsidiary of grandpa's industry.

Status: Always not at home, cares for his children, the more reason we have the best cars, maids, bodyguards and we hid everything from him. including the fact that Sam is in the hospital.

Mrs Queens: Singer and actress. owns a beauty plaza where the la creme of the city visits.

Status: Never around at home, too beautiful to breastfeed her own children, cares from a distance.

Best friends: Emily George and Evan George

Favorite color: blue.

As all this flashes in my head, I screamed and woke up.

Oliver jumping from his seat towards me: " what's wrong baby?" he asked looking worried

Call Daddy and Mummy, tell them am in the hospital. I said with a frown on my face.

he looked surprised and started shaking his head and he said:

"But Sam, I never told them you were in the hospital".

"it's time you tell them.

They are our parents, let them take the responsibility."

Look at you Oliver, you look old like you have not had a life for the last one year. I said it with pains in my eyes, in my previous life, I never had a sibling now that I have, I will protect him with everything I have.

it's okay, just tell them I need their love and care I stated strongly, and am not compromising. with that, I drifted off to sleep.

while dialling the number, Oliver wondered when Sam changed. okay I accept she has always craved for the love from our parents, but she never acted out.

The phone ringing with no one picking up. on the eighth ring, someone picks up

Hello, this is Mr Queens office, how may I help you?

please tell Mr Queens that Samantha Queens Edward is in the hospital in London. I am Oliver Edward. thank you.

without waiting for a response from the other end, he dropped the call and sent the hospital address.

Sighing and wondering how he will manage his parent, he decided to send a similar text to Grandpa Edward.

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