

A black limousine stopped at St John's hospital and a man in his eighties, wearing a zegna grey wool and silk two piece suit, with a chopard 201 carat wristwatch stepped out and headed to the reception. Men dressed in black suit follow behind him, while one was securing the hospital premises.

Excuse me beautiful lady, Sir Edward said while giving his generous smile to the nurse at the reception,

good afternoon sir, how may I be of help?

"Am here to see my granddaughter, Samantha Edward"

Ohh, the lady just recovered, she is in female ward 906. It is on the fifth floor.

Thanks, he said while the bodyguards turned and headed to the elevator.

Inside the hospital's elevator, he pressed 5 and waited until he heard the ding sound.

Dad, can you please stop shouting and just come see your only daughter, Oliver spoke into the phone, trying to control the anger he felt.

" I will be there say tomorrow afternoon, for the meantime, just put her on the phone" Mr Queens said, feeling quite fraustrated at not being able to change his son's mind.

Agreed it has been awhile they saw each other, but he can't change the fact that he has to prove himself to Sir Edward and his children have to pay the price.

Ding, the elevator came to a stop and Sir Edward and his guards walked towards Sam's room. Opening the door, he saw his grandson expression, not looking quite good.

Oliver quickly come and give this old man a hug.

Oliver walked towards him and hugged him.

sir Edward lifted his two hands and pinched Oliver's cheeks, making them to turn red.

Ahhhhh, Grandpa that hurts. Oliver said while rubbing his two hands on both cheeks to see if he can reduce the hurt.

Hahhahahahahhahahahahahhaha, Sam laughing hastily from the bed, made the two of them to turn and look at her.

I didn't know you are awake, Oliver voiced walking towards her.

Sir Edward walked towards her bedside.

"Hello princess, sorry for coming this late, that block head brother of yours just sent me a message saying you are hospitalized".

With that, he turned to a seat beside the bed and took it. Taking her hands, he asked

How are you feeling princess?

Alive. Grandpa. The doctor said I have been in coma for one year

The astonishing look on Sir Edward's face was lit.

The ashen expression made his face look quite scary and he turned to look at Oli, start explaining he stated.

Oliver moved two steps backward, because the killing aura coming from his grandfather was unbearable, shifting his gaze to the ground, he said

she she had an accident last year,

Go on

"she went hiking with friends and fell from the top of the mountain".

"I flew her on an hospital plane to London"

And I didn't know what to do, I couldn't tell you cause we have always been by ourselves, dad and mum has not returned home. when they call, I tell them she is not around and they were not worried he said while tears where threatening to come out from his eyes.

A moment of silence was attend in the room, while Sir Edward opened his arms and Oliver get in and started sobbing while Sam was rubbing his back.

Am sorry for all the troubled I caused you, Sam said within sobs.

shhhh, it's okay now. Sir Edward whispered to them both while holding Sam's hand.

The noise coming from outside their room was heard, it broke the magical reunion.

Let me through, she is my daughter. a dreamy voice was heard outside when Sam raised her eyebrow at Oli who shrugged his shoulder and walked to the door.

On opening, a sophisticated woman looking like she was just dropped from Forbes magazine where the column for the richest women in the world was shown.

Mummmm Oliver called and his face was visibly showing shock.

Oli baby, she throw her hands at him and hugged him, giving him her million dollars smile.

Mum, it's okay. there is no camera here. while gently removing himself from the hug.

Mrs Queens moved into the room as if she didn't hear anything from her son

"Good afternoon Sir Edward" she greeted, while heading straight to where Sam was.

Sammy my love, she extended her hands to touch her neck.

" Am sorry for not coming earlier, hope that it was not serious" , using her well manicured nails to touch her while Oliver was just looking at her with disgust.

No mum, you are just one year late because I have been hospitalized for a year.

The smile on Mrs Queens face froze.

Sorry today's update is coming this late, was very busy.

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