
Loser lover (Beomgyu fanfic)

"I will steal you from him. That's a promise." "Promises are made to be broken." "This time it won't." "But you're going to die." "Better than live without you." ~ Can a good man take a bad man's possession and get away with it unscathed? Is she worth the bloodbath? A/N: Just another AU fanfic for Beomgyu because my mind is giving me a headache I had to write them down in a book. Hope you’ll like it. Everything mentioned in this book are all fictions except for Beomgyu or TXT’s descriptions but in no way related to their real lives.

Beargyu313 · Others
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11 Chs

Honesty is such a lonely word


I apologize for updating slow lately. I'm a bit exhausted with all the things going on I always end up distracted so I can't concentrate till I finish the chapter. Thank you for your patience.

August 13th


11:12 am

Beomgyu's pov

"And who the hell are you?"

I got tensed and spit something that popped in my head without thinking it through.

"I'm her cousin."

He raised a brow and if Alicia hasn't broken his full of suspicious gaze by speaking up then I'm definitely screwed.

"Yeah he's a distant relative who needs training so I brought him here."

"What's the point?" The lean guy dressed in dark grey formal suits frowned at her. "The agency is five hours away from here."

"Well I plan to bring him home along with me." She casually said and walked towards the hotel like she didn't just drop a bomb in front of us.

"What?!" He suddenly yelled and followed her, stripping down the flowery environment surrounding them. "Why do we have to babysit someone else when we've got important things to discuss on our way home?"

I had to chase them to keep up with the lie I made yet soon regretted because I ended up directly under this dude's radar.

"I came here alone so I'll go home alone." She hissed and shook his hand off, however, the grip looks tight enough that it could cause bruises on her skin.

I had no other choice but to pull my phone out and record him.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He growled at me. I stood my ground and look at him straight in the eyes.

"What do you think?" I glared and pointed the camera towards his frowning face. "I'm gonna expose your barbaric behavior to the world if you don't take your hand off of her."

His eyes instantly widened and he immediately freed her.

"Annoying brat…" he mumbled as he clenched his jaws.

Unfortunately he remembered her phone because of my stunt and I started panicking deep inside.

"Why haven't you answered my calls?"

Her foot hung in the air for a second.

"I lost my phone last night." She simply replied and continued walking towards the parking lot reserved for hotel employees at the back.

"You seemed to be chill about it. Aren't you supposed to be glued to that thing?"

"Yeah but I've grown tired of it. I learned that even people can't make anyone stick no matter ahow much effort has been made so it's better to let it go."

I can clearly see the shock on his smooth and pale face. He probably thinks she's implying on divorcing him although I quite doubt she will, considering the fact that she was so jealous of the third party just last night.

He stopped following so I saw the opportunity to walk side by side with her.

"Are you alright?" I asked worriedly.


Her eyes are determined to not let a single tear fall off since many of their men are still all over the vicinity.

She eventually found the chance as soon as she received the carkeys from the valet standing by the double glass door to get into her own luxury car and I can't do anything without making that obvious.

I'm curious to know if this happens frequently and she had no one to confess to because she had to keep that strong presence around her circle of friends.

I waited till she managed to step on the gas and hurried to leave the area.

"We should probably switch places." I offered since her blurry eyes could get us in trouble later on.

She remained silent and kept driving for awhile. I was anxious the whole time till she slowed down by the foot of the highway, then unfastened her seatbelt.

"If you can drive then by all means be my guest." She handed the car keys of her white E-Class sedan to me and suddenly crawled over the tunnel console to occupy the back seat.

My breath hitched at her butt cheek almost hitting my nose. I cleared my throat afterwards and raised my long legs over the troublesome compartment just to sit on the driver's side.

It was a struggle yet thanks to that, the side mirror pulled my attention and I caught a glimpse of a luxury black suv parked a few meters away.

I initially thought it was her husband's men whom were following us, however, when three men began pouring out of the car carrying small guns they were trying to hide behind their fake leather jackets, I knew I had to ditch the highway and take the two lane road ahead instead.

"Sorry!" I quickly apologized when Alicia grunted at the back after hitting her head against the glass window due to my urgent swerving. I had to do it to keep them at bay using the trailer truck behind us.

"W-what happened?" She fastened her seatbelt and checked the road behind.

"Unforeseen problem that we can still get rid off." I tried to say that calmly even though the chance of pulling it through to the nearest police station is around fifty-fifty.

Once we get stuck in traffic it's gonna be over and seeing the clock is about to strike twelve only means one thing.

We're definitely screwed.