
Los Angeles Detective

A detective crosses over to the United States and becomes an LAPD detective. After overcoming the initial confusion, he has repeatedly solved strange cases and gained international fame. He is known as the most legendary detective in history...

DaoistGxgstU · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter 19 Business

  Daisy looked nervous, "Do you think his accomplices will still look for me?"

  "I'm not sure, those are just my speculations." Luke's voice fell, and the waiter held a wooden plate, bought the order's over, Luke's is a lamb chop set, and Daisy's is a steak set.

  There are three lamb chops on the plate, fried eggs, pasta, broccoli, snow peas, cherry tomatoes.

  Luke originally liked eating meat, and he was able to adapt to the diet here after crossing the border. If you don't like meat, it's best not to come abroad.

  Luke took a bite of the lamb chop, which was juicy and delicious.

  Daisy took a bite of beef and put down her knife and fork. "What should I do?"

  Luke took a sip of water and went along. "If my guess is correct, you should have something they want, something so important they risk jail for it."

  Daisy said helplessly, "I really don't know what they are looking for?"

  "Could it be related to a lawsuit or a client you are handling?"

  "I do have a few cases, but they are all normal cases, it stands to reason that this kind of thing will not happen."

  "Tell me about the cases you are handling now."

  "Oh..." Daisy was a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I signed a non-disclosure agreement with the clients, according to the regulations I can't disclose any information about the case neither the client's details. I'm really sorry."

  Lawyers are obliged to keep secrets for their clients, which is fine from a professional point of view, but Luke is still uncomfortable. You ask for my advice, but still you hide information from me.

  Institutionally, there is no problem, but emotionally he felt uncomfortable.

  Luke suddenly felt a lack of interest. He helped because he had a good impression of Daisy.

I thought about human relationships, and you think about regulations.

  "I understand... However, it is difficult for me to make any further analysis based on the existing clues alone. It is recommended that you report to the police."

  "Aren't you the police? Can't you help me continue the investigation?"

  "I want to help you too, but right now it's just lost of monitoring dur to power outage, and you haven't lost any valuables in your office. It's hard to prove that someone has entered your office. This kind of situation is usually handled by the patrol police." Not only lawyers have regulations, but police also have them."

  "The suspect Tim has pleaded guilty, the chain of evidence is strong, and the robbery is theoretically past the investigative stage. Unless there is a new clue, such as someone breaking into your office, and it has to be proved to be related to the robbery, we can restart the investigation, otherwise I have no right to continue the investigation."

  Daisy bit her sexy red lips, a little nervous, "What if the suspect's accomplice keeps coming after me?"

  "You don't need to be too nervous, what you just said is just speculation, without factual basis, you just need to pay more attention, and call 911 if anything happens."

  After dinner, Luke went back to the police station, it was not his business, especially the reinvestigation of the case.

  Luke was never used to those who were unwilling to cooperate with the police.


  One o'clock in the afternoon.

  Robbery and Murder Division, Conference Room.

  Susan sat in the main seat, glanced at the detectives on both sides of the table, and asked, "David, Luke, is there any progress with the informant?"

  David lowered his head, not intending to respond.

  Luke replied, "We met the informant Harry. He didn't find Tony's whereabouts, but we learned from him that Tony has a friend named William. Afterwards we went to find the so called William."

  "According to him, the two have known each other for more than ten years, Tony, our suspect Rarely mentions his family in Nevada, and occasionally only talks about his wife and children when he was drunk, the problem is that his official information does not show that he was married..."

  Marcus said with his thick black lips, "Marriage does not mean much for the people at the bottom of society. You have to register to get a certificate, and they don't care about the official shit. Tony may have had a woman whom he was in love with, and the two had a child, but because of Tony's poor lifestyle or for any other reason, the woman left him. This kind of thing is too common. "

  "Marcus, I know you know better about the ghetto, but don't interrupte me when I'm talking, OK?"

  Marcus shrugged.

  Luke continued, "According to William, every year a man in good financial conditions visits Tony. This man drives a BMW X5. The two should have known each other for many years, but the exact type of relationship is still unclear. There also one more point, according to William, Tony seems to be very disgusted with the police."

  Marcus interrupted again,"Yeah, this is a common problem for criminals."

  Luke was a little upset, "Do you want to continue?"

  Marcus made a gesture of please.

  "Before, I found a bag suspected to be white powder at Tony's house. Tony should still be a drug addict, and from what I learned from William, it seams that Tony's economic conditions are not bad, so I suspect that he may have other sources of income. That's all."

  Susan said, "Deputy, what do you think?"

  Vincent thought for a while, "For a person who is not financially rich, D-products are a big expense, if Tony has no other economic channels, then this could be the motive we are looking for.

  If Marcus's assumption is correct, Tony has a woman and a child he loves, but later on left him for some reason. As a result, Tony may have some mental issues.

  From the way of committing the crime, it can be seen that the goal of the suspect is not just a simple robbery, but also has a kind of revenge. If our speculations are true, then the physical characteristics of the victims are likely to be similar to the woman Tony loves deeply, both with long blond hair. This is also his second motive for committing the crime."

The deputy took a sip of coffee and continued, "Another point is Tony has not been in contact with his family in his hometown for so many years, beside his characteristics of hating the police, it shows that he He may have committed a crime in his hometown.

  I suggest going to his hometown to investigate. If he has not committed a crime in his hometown, he will probably escape there to hide and If he had indeed committed a crime in his hometown, we may be able to find some other clues there."

  Although the deputy is older and has less action than young people, he has alot of experience in handling cases, his opinion coincides with Luke's point of view.

  Although Susan had a dispute with the deputy, she still recognized his ability to handle cases, she ordered, "Marcus, Jenny, you two are responsible for investigating the situation of Tony's wife and children. Raymond, you are responsible for investigating the rich man's clues. David, Luke, you guys go to Nevada to investigate the clues of Tony's hometown."

  It is very hard to travel long distances to investigate cases in different places. Luke is very experienced in this. "Captain, can you change the mission?"

  Susan said blankly, "What do you think?"


  After the meeting, Luke found Susan.

  "Captain, I want to talk to you about the robbery last Thursday."

  "Come in."

The two entered the office and sat down.

  Susan picked up a teacup and took a sip of black tea, "You don't want to go to Nevada, so you wanna negotiate terms with me through this case."

  "That's not it. Yesterday I met the victim Daisy, and from her I learned new informations about her case." Luke briefly recounted his conversation with Daisy.

  Susan asked back, "Do you think the monitoring power outage is related to the robbery?"

  "I'm not sure, it's just a guess. If you think it's necessary, I can go and investigate."

  Susan nodded, "Then I'll change to someone else to go to Nevada for the investigation."

  Luke laughed, "I have no opinion."