
Los Angeles Detective

A detective crosses over to the United States and becomes an LAPD detective. After overcoming the initial confusion, he has repeatedly solved strange cases and gained international fame. He is known as the most legendary detective in history...

DaoistGxgstU · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter 11 Obligations

  Luke asked again, "How many Tasers do you still have in your store?"

  "There are really only two left, the other one was sold in January."

  "I want his identity. Information."

  "Okay. But I hope this will end here and not affect my business."

  Luke said, "I'm not interested in a little shrimp like you, but if you dare to lie to me, I promise you an early retirement."

  "I don't need to lie about this kind of thing, I'm just a businessman, nothing is more important to me than my business." After the boss finished speaking, he pointed to the stool outside the counter, "Please sit down for a while, I'll go Check the gun purchase records."

  Luke didn't dare to let his guard down at a gun store, he glanced around, keeping a state of vigilance at all times.

  "Sir, I found it." The

  boss came over and put a document on the counter, "This is all the information I got on the customer who purchased the modified Taser."

  Name, Tony Weir

  mobile number, 626 863 9845

  Date of purchase, 2022

  There is also a copy of the driver's license under the information is January 13, 2019.

  The photocopy of the driver's license is a bit blurry.

  Luke pointed to the camera in the corner of the roof, "Call up the surveillance video."

  "Sir, the surveillance video can only be saved for a month. It's already March, and the surveillance video has been overwritten, so I can't get it out."

  "Hand over the hard drive that saves the surveillance video, we'll take it back to the police station."

  "OK." The boss was a little reluctant, but he did as Luke ordered.

  David on the side was not idle. After getting the customer's name and driver's license, he directly contacted the civilian staff Matthew to verify the information.

  Soon, Matthew sent back the details of the client Tony.

  "Sir, the hard drive you want." The boss removed the hard drive and handed it to Luke.

  David took a mobile phone and clicked on the clear photo of the customer Tony, "Is he the one who bought the modified Taser?"

  The man in the photo is a white man who looks to be in his forties and has a mustache.

  The boss looked at it carefully, "Uh... it's a bit like."

  David said, "Hey, don't play tricks with me, look clearly, I want an accurate answer."

The boss looked embarrassed, "There are many customers in the store every day, It's impossible for me to remember everyone's appearance, and more than a month has passed, I really can't remember."

  David was a little dissatisfied and wanted to say something more.

  Luke was worried about what happened last time, shook the hard drive in his hand, and said "David, we still have this, the machine is more reliable than the human."

  David glanced at the boss up and down, "You better not lie..."

  Watching the two of them leave the store, the boss breathed a sigh of relief and cursed in a low voice, "Fuck! Two @#¥%..."

  ... in the

  black Dodge Challenger.

  David smiled, "pretending not to be a law officer, this is what you call using your brain. It's old-fashioned. That's what my grandfather used when he was a policeman."

  Luke laughed, "Human history is a constant repetition, There is no so-called new and old, the key is how to use it and who will use it."

  "Are you planning to change your career to study philosophy?"

  "Yeah, you found out, please call me Professor Luke in the future."

  "Come on, enough bullshitting. Let's focus on investigating the case." David rolled his eyes, "I got Tony's address from Matthew, should we go and meet him, maybe this guy is the suspect in the 'Taser robbery'. "


  Luke's stomach made a sound, "I suggest we go to dinner first."

  "Are you serious?"

  "Of course, I don't want to go to work on an empty stomach." Stomach pain was relieved lightly.

  He will never make the same mistake again.

  The two went to a Mexican restaurant and Luke asked for a beef burrito and a chicken burrito, along side a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

  The burritos are made of cornmeal. The yellow and orange ones look very appetizing. They are wrapped in shredded purple cabbage, shredded carrots, shredded lettuce, grilled chicken or beef, and squeezed with salad dressing or sweet and spicy sauce. The bite is full of Happiness.

  It's a bit like the domestic flatbread rolls, but the meat here is more, and the feeling of fullness is stronger.

  Very satisfied.

  After lunch, Luke was a little sleepy and sat in the passenger cab.

  David was speechless and was forced to to drive.

  "If I were the captain, I would fire your ass out to make an example."

  Luke didn't lift his eyelids, "That's exactly what I wanted to say."

  David started the car, "Based on your work attitude, you probably won't have a chance to be promoted to the captain position in your lifetime."

  "David, this world is not fair, you can't succeed with hard work alone, talent is a necessity."

  "Don't use the preaching tone of the silver-haired old man, you are not much older than me."

  "You are right, I will rely on you to cover for me when you become captainin the future. But for now I'll take a nape, call me when we get there, btw drive slowly and steadily." Luke put down the car seat.

  David shook his head and drove to Tony's address.

  Luke squinted for ten minutes, feeling that the car was getting more and more bumpy, sat up and looked out the window, the scenery on the street had changed greatly.

  The streets are dirty and old, the sidewalks are filled with colorful tents, the homeless are everywhere, and the proportion of blacks and Mexicans has increased significantly.

  Luke asked, "It doesn't look like the suspect is doing well."

  "If he was doing fine, he wouldn't go around robbing people. There are a lot of drug addicts gathered around here, maybe this guy is one as well." David sighed, his brows furrowed.

  "You know what's going on around here."

  "I'd rather not know." David turned on his right turn signal and pulled the car to the side of the road. "Here."

  Luke checked the gun, he was using a Glock, The pistol has a magazine capacity of 17 rounds. It is light in weight, feels good in hand, and has no external insurance. It can be fired as soon as possible in an emergency.

  David took out the SUB-2000 carbine with a disdainful look, "Hey boy, it's time for you to change to a big guy."

  Luke patted his inner thigh and smiled, "I already have one."

  David was speechless.

  The two came to a dilapidated wooden house, pushed open the damaged wooden fence, and the yard was overgrown with weeds and random piles of debris.

  David made a gesture for Luke to go to the back door and stare.

  With guns in both hands, Luke walked from the side of the house to the back door, looking through the glass and seeing no trace of anyone in the house.

  At this moment, David's knock on the door came from the front yard, "Dong dong..."

  There was no response.

  "Dong dong..." There

  was another hurried knock on the door.

  David yelled, "Hey Tony, open the door, I know you're home."

  There was still no response from the room.

  Luke could hear it clearly in the back, if anyone was in the room he would have definitely heard it.

  The wooden house has only one floor and is not large in size. When observing the situation inside through the window, no abnormality was found.

  The suspect was either not at home or was hiding somewhere in the house.

  Luke returned to the front yard, "David, the suspect has probably escaped."

  David was silent for a moment and made a mute gesture, "I think I heard movement in the house... yeah, like a cry for help."

  Luke had a bad premonition, "What the hell are you doing? "

  "I heard a cry for help in the house. As police officers, we have the obligation and right to go in and check." David's voice just fell, and he kicked the door open, "Bang!"
