
Lore Olympus fan-fic

madilynn_H · Others
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1 Chs

The pregnancy

Persphone picked up the pregnancy test, hands trembling too scared to look. She covered her eyes with the inside of her elbow. After a minute, she decides to look finally she uncovers her eyes. She looks down, she sees it's positive. She dropped it and it fell on the floor with a thud. "Oh no! This can't be happening right now, what if he is mad and doesn't want it?" She thought. She finally found the courage to pick the pregnancy test and put it in the trash and buried it in toilet paper. Then the thought hits her," What if he doesn't love me anymore!?"


"Put those papers on my desk and write me a note that says what time the meeting for tomorrow is." Hades says with a grin on his face. "Okay" his secretary says in a trembling voice. "I am going to head out" Hades says to Hacate.