
Unknown place

A new day began and, as usual, I decided to set aside some time for reading. I headed to the library and spent an hour immersing myself in every book that caught my interest, but to my frustration, I didn't manage to read them all.

When my reading time was over, I headed to the area that had caught my attention the previous day when I arrived at the mansion. It was an open field that I thought was the ideal place to train. I decided to start my training as soon as possible in order to enjoy the rest of the day.

I performed a series of exercises and decided to put into practice some fighting styles I had learned from my brother. I thought it would be more fruitful to focus on the techniques that had presented me with difficulty.

Even in an open field, the sun did not prove to be a nuisance, as some trees provided a pleasant shade. My training went smoothly until lunchtime.

Feeling sweaty, I decided to take a shower before the meal. The mansion's bathroom turned out to be something of a surprise. Having spent all my life in a simple house in the countryside, I could not hide my surprise at the luxury present.

The mansion's bathroom was spacious enough to quietly accommodate more than ten people. There were a total of three main bathrooms, arranged side by side. The first was the men's bathroom, followed by the mixed bathroom and finally the women's bathroom. Each of these compartments was equipped with a huge hot tub, perfect for use during the winter.

After my shower, I changed my clothes and headed out to the garden. I had already gotten used to this place, considering it a relaxing place.

As soon as I reached the garden, I noticed the presence of three people.... I soon recognized Noir, sitting next to Azrael. Finally, I realized that the two were always together. I hadn't stopped to think about it before, but Alice had never mentioned having a sister, so could it be that Noir was a child adopted by Azrael?

As I watched the three people, I had a moment of strangeness. The temperature suddenly changed, and for a moment, I could see my own breathing. I thought about leaving the place, when....

"You shouldn't watch people while you stay hidden."

I turned around quickly and was stunned by what I saw before my eyes. Azrael was standing right in front of me. My eyes moved quickly, trying to find an explanation for how he could have moved so quickly from one point to another, but I would have noticed. I only looked away when I heard Azrael's voice, the time for this movement had been too short.

"How?", I asked perplexed.

"Who knows?" Azrael replied with a puzzled look.

Just then, Noir approached. She looked worried, and as she approached, she started watching Azrael with an annoyed expression.

"Are you mad!? Your body won't stand it," Noir exclaimed, transmitting her fury to Azrael, who tried to calm her down by stroking her head. "I'm sorry, I didn't think that could cause trouble..."

"It's not that, Az! You're without your clothes, the damage your body might suffer is... is..."

Tears began to involuntarily fall from Noir's eyes.


Azrael held Noir and carried her with him. "Come on, you can join the conversation." He started walking while seeming to whisper something to Noir.

We made our way to the spot where they were initially standing.

After we sat down, I was finally able to observe the person they were talking to. Noir, now calm, sat on Azrael's right side, while I sat on his right.

The person in front of me was a woman with long snow-white hair and pale skin. Her blue eyes watched me intensely. Her almost divine beauty enchanted my eyes; even though she was young, she appeared to be much stronger than I could have imagined. She wore a yellow-orange overcoat with silver details and a small pendant attached to it, where a rune was carved in gold.

His icy eyes kept watching me and for a moment I felt my whole body freeze. It felt like a thousand swords piercing my chest. Even though she was close, she seemed distant, while my body trembled with fear.

"Your killing intent is leaking out..."

"Oh? Am I supposed to act normally? You invited this person for a private conversation..." I said something, but was interrupted by Azrael.

"I am responsible for Eriel's training, but I believe that I should not teach someone who cannot bear his presence."

"Naara is very Az... You know," Noir commented.

Azrael smiled.

"They are your words, not mine."

With each passing second, the temperature became unbearable, even though the sun was shining in the sky. Azrael seemed to think the same, but even with the cold and his light clothes, he didn't seem to be affected. While I struggled to look normal, Azrael did not even shiver. The cold did not affect him.

"That reminds me..."

Naara looked in my direction, and then at Azrael. It seemed she wanted to confirm that she could speak in my presence, but after a nod from Azrael, she continued.

"I hear the Alliance has been on the move a lot lately."

I noticed a slight change in Azrael's expression.

"That is a matter for you to deal with. I thought I made that clear."

The Alliance was a terrorist group known throughout the universe for their atrocities. They were famous for their attempts to overthrow the gods from their posts. After the defeat of their first leader, the group, made up of different races, disappeared. It was speculated that after losing their main leader, the group fell apart, but that was not the whole truth.

The leaders of each faction recently discovered that the Alliance was growing stronger and reappeared twenty years ago.

"Sure, but are your orders directed to the other two? I can't handle all the work myself."

"Naim is not with you?"

Naara's eyes filled with fury upon hearing the name uttered by Azrael.

"Naim, really? He's just another one. You should know better than to entrust serious matters to the hands of incompetents."

"Do you remember that, like you, Naim was handpicked by me?"

Naara shrugged.

"That's not what I meant... We work best with you leading. Leaving the affairs of the kingdom in Naim's hands while you remain on this planet.... If you were with us, we could decimate the Alliance and restore order."

Azrael let out a weak sigh, his expression heavy with worry.

"Could you calm down? The temperature is terrible, even with Sonne's abilities, I can feel its piercing cold."

The icy sensation gradually dissipated as Azrael's words calmed Naara. It was then that I realized that the change in temperature had been caused by her. I thought I was too cold, but I couldn't imagine that Naara herself was capable of generating this phenomenon.

"Do you remember the day we met?"

"Like it was yesterday. Your courage and determination impressed me from the first moment."

"I did not doubt your power and helped you with your revenge. Could you have a little faith in me, as I had in you? Together, we are capable of great deeds."

Naara lowered her head and was silent for a moment, pondering Azrael's words.

Azrael looked at me, a mysterious glint in his eyes, as an evil smile formed on his face.

"Come, fair lady, I need your help to accomplish something great."

A shiver ran down my spine when he referred to me as 'fair lady'. It was a curious nickname, but I felt a strange connection to it, as if there was a hidden meaning behind those words.

"Beautiful lady?" asked Naara, confused by the way Azrael called her.

"I need some of your madness, your boldness and courage that defies convention. That is what will move us forward beyond the limitations imposed."

Azrael stood up and started walking towards an open area, a clearing surrounded by majestic trees.

We followed him to the spot, where an intense energy seemed to pulse in the air. The atmosphere was charged with something extraordinary.

"I promised Ethan I would train you, but I have no intention of doing it in a conventional way."

Intrigued, I felt my heart race with anticipation of what was to come.

"However, if you can withstand Naara's murderous thirst, if you can channel that dark energy for good, then I will train you. And if all goes as I hope, you will become someone who no longer needs my protection, someone capable of facing the challenges that lie ahead."

"What are you talking about? This human doesn't...," Naara began, but was interrupted by Azrael.

"I know she is human, Naara. But she has something special inside her, something that has not been fully awakened yet. Believe me, she can become a powerful force for our side."

Naara tilted her head, trying to comprehend the situation. There was a swirl of emotions in her gaze, a mixture of distrust, curiosity and a hint of hope.

"If she can bear it, it means my pact has come to an end. After the training, I will return home."

"And if she can't?"

"Who knows?"

Naara stood before me, her eyes fixed on my expression, eagerly awaiting my confirmation.

"All right, I accept the challenge," I replied firmly.

I don't know if it's arrogance or just confidence, but I didn't like the way Azrael acted. I want to show him what I'm capable of and let him know that he shouldn't underestimate me.

"Very well!"

Azrael smiled again, his right hand resting lightly on my shoulder.

"Just don't try to gouge her eyes out."

Naara stood motionless in front of me, her piercing eyes watching my every move. She emanated an intense aura, a presence that was capable of making my entire body tremble.

I decided to mentally prepare myself for what was to come. I had no idea what awaited me at that moment, but I could sense that Naara was no ordinary person. Her mere presence was enough to envelop the room in a charged atmosphere.

I took a deep breath, trying to control my nervousness, and then Azrael's voice echoed in the air.


At his words, Naara released her bloodlust. A wave of energy ran through my entire body, making me shudder. Her aura enveloped the place, and my instinct warned me of the impending danger, as if begging me to get away from there as soon as possible.

I ignored the warning signals my body was sending me and fixed my eyes on Naara, determined to meet the challenge head on

It was at that moment that Naara's aura intensified even more. I could not contain my own actions and ended up falling to my knees on the floor, surrendered by the immense pressure I felt.

A feeling of crushing weight took hold of my body, and when I brought my hand to my nose, I realized that it was bleeding. The pressure I was enduring was overwhelming, and my energy seemed to drain by the second.

"Az, she's going to die! Naara is too powerful!" Noir exclaimed, desperate, as blood dripped onto the floor.

However, Azrael didn't seem worried.

"Not yet," he replied calmly.

Naara flashed a satisfied smile, revealing a glimpse of her sadistic expression. She seemed to be reveling in my distress, and her power continued to grow, enveloping my body in her murderous aura.

The sensation coursing through my body was like a thousand swords piercing my flesh over and over again. I knew it was still not enough to impress her, but I could not make my body respond to my commands.

I fought with all my might to stay conscious. I used the last reserve of energy I had left to stand before Naara. I knew I had not yet witnessed her full power. If she unleashed even more, I would not be able to endure. The damage I was taking just from being the target of her bloodlust was intense.

My breathing was getting heavier and heavier, and at several points I felt my consciousness dissipating, but I couldn't just give up now.

"That was enough!" Azrael ordered.

Naara ceased her aura, and immediately the weight on my back disappeared. It was as if a mind-blowing pain had suddenly been stopped. Even after the end of her aura, it took a few seconds for my body to respond again.

"That was extremely dangerous!" Noir expressed his dissatisfaction at Azrael's actions.

"Dangerous? I was holding back. Nothing could happen," Naara replied, not sounding worried.

Naara, who was a bit excited about the situation, did not understand Noir's words.

"On the other hand..." Naara moved close enough to put her hand on my shoulder and, with a satisfied smile, she continued, "You did well.... I liked you."

I watched Naara for a moment and had the feeling that she was growing before my eyes, assuming an even more imposing presence.

Naara, who was watching me from an elevated position, commented:

"Looks like you overdid it, Az."

That's when I realized that I was once again lying on the ground. My body felt too heavy, and my vision began to blur, accompanied by considerable pain in my head.

As my consciousness began to fade, I struggled with all my might to stay awake, but alas, it was not enough.

As I regained consciousness, I was faced with an unfamiliar place.

It was an open field, filled with flowers that stretched as far as the eye could see. However, what caught my attention the most was the towering tree that rose towards the sky before my eyes.

It was a dazzling sight.

The tree emanated an intense amount of mana, and I felt that just approaching it could cause damage due to the immense pressure it exuded. After gazing at the majestic tree, almost hypnotized, I felt something icy on my back, freezing my whole body and making me shiver. It was a similar sensation to the one I felt emanating from Naara, but on a completely different level.

I slowly turned around and came across a pair of large green eyes watching me. I directed my gaze to the imposing creature in front of me, and its wings covered in white scales moved, revealing its full form.

Rising before me, the immense being, or rather the White Dragon, seemed to be surprised.

"You shouldn't be here," its voice resounded throughout the place, and for a moment, I thought it resembled my own voice.

The green eyes that stared at me seemed indignant at my presence in that place, and that's when his huge hand reached up to touch my forehead.

"It's not time yet," his voice resounded.

I felt my consciousness dissipate as I continued to observe the majestic creature before me.

Before my consciousness faded completely, I could glimpse a faint smile forming on his face....