
First date

The trip was long, but I managed to reach the destination without any problems.

In the city where I will spend a year, my professor's house was the destination. Of course, I couldn't refuse the 'opportunity'. When it comes to my brother, he will not allow a refusal.

My goal is to train for a year, with the best member of the Human Faction. Training with a family friend would not be bad, if I knew of the existence of the friend in question, he is an individual I have not heard of.

My brother has commented that this person is a long-time friend, but I have not said his name once in my seventeen years. Distrust of the friend is plausible, but I have decided to trust.

If I cannot trust my own brother, who can I trust?

The trip was tiring. Even though I considered giving up at the beginning. I didn't see myself being able to return home and face my brother after giving up. Everything is valid as long as I can master my nascent ability.

Humans or any other race, usually learn their nascent ability in childhood, of course, training is necessary, with this training it is possible to awaken the ability.

As fate would have it, I have not yet managed to awaken my ability. I trained for a few years, but could not manifest it.

One of the reasons my brother insists on training with his friend. He is the best at mastering his nascent ability in the whole world, learning from him could allow me to awaken.

I didn't imagine it would be possible, I have been training for years, if there was a small percentage of success, I could try...

As I got off the plane, I quickly found the person in charge who would take me to my new home.

A man in a suit was in the arrivals area. As I approached, I noticed that this was my ride. He was holding a sign with my name on it, making it easy to recognize him.

The trip to my new home was smooth. I could enjoy the city scenery, an unusual view for someone who lived next to a forest.

We stopped in front of a large gate, and something caught our attention, the wall was just over ten meters high, it hid the view of the entire interior of the area. It is not possible to observe the place, a private area that could not be accessed without identification.

After checking my ID, the person responsible for opening the gate allowed me to enter. We followed a road to the house.

Even from a distance I could see the huge mansion, just over four stories high. Several trees along the way and a reserved area that could be used for training in the near future.

After reaching the door, the driver instructed me to enter. He explained that my belongings would be in my room and commented on the people responsible for receiving me.

Following his instructions, I walked towards the entrance. About to open the large wooden door, the door moved, opened by one of the local maids who showed me the way.

I walked through the entrance of the house and noticed several employees lined up to show me the way. I noticed just over twenty people on the right and left side of the room. All in uniform. I felt a few glances in my direction while others didn't even bother to look.

When I got close to the stairs leading to the second floor, three people who looked important were waiting.

I stopped in front of the three and the first person to greet me was a girl who looked older than me, maybe twenty. With logos, black hair, and her green eyes, her presence seemed majestic, reminiscent of a nobleman of ancient times. She wore maid's clothes, a little shorter than the others. On her robes, golden details and a small pendant on her chest. The pendant contained a strange rune and the design of a dragon protecting something.

I felt familiar with the symbol, something present in my memories. I remember seeing something similar in the past, but I couldn't figure out where exactly.

"Welcome! I am Beherit young master Az's private maid."

I noticed a second girl smiling after Beherit's introduction.

She had long red hair that reminded me of twilight. The girl appeared to be just over fifteen years old and unlike the first girl to perform, she wore a simple red dress with some floral details embroidered on the waist.

"Beherit, you should not introduce yourself before young Miss Alice."

The sharp-eyed butler commented as he scolded Beherit.

"Oh? I thought-"

"All right Malphas."

The red haired child cast a smile in my direction and held up the end of her dress for a brief bow.

"I am Alice, the second daughter of the family. I will be under your care."


The little girl then sighed.

"I am sorry. My brother is not present at the moment. He would like to receive you, but setbacks have arisen."

"Don't worry about it."

I figured I could meet my new teacher, but I'm not particularly curious to rush our meeting.

"How about showing me around the mansion? You must be curious, right?"

Normally I might make another suggestion, I like to stay in my room since it's more peaceful than socializing with people, but to tell you the truth, I was quite curious about the place.

"I'm looking forward to it."

My most interesting activity today would be packing my suitcase. Getting to know the mansion is immeasurably better.

"Very well! Beherit, could you bring some tea and something to eat in the garden afterwards?"

"Roger that!"

We went towards the second floor, a corridor with several doors, each door seemed to have a name and at the end of the corridor, to the right, was a door with my name on it. Alice then opened the door and I was surprised to see the room.

The room seemed three times larger than the room I had in the other house. The bed was large and the whole room was arranged to be as neat as possible. I thought I would have to change something when I arrived, but that didn't seem to be the case.

"Your brother came to the mansion and explained how your room should look... Did it turn out to your liking?"

"Yes, It looks perfect."

There are not many pieces of furniture, even though it is big, my room is minimalist and that makes me comfortable. With a TV near the window, I won't have to leave for a while if I wish. It also had a computer that I could use for studying. The ideal senario for studies and a quiet place to confine myself.

"I'm glad. Actually, it was easy since Ethan commented that making the room as minimalist as possible would make you more comfortable."

I felt grateful. If it was a room with a lot of objects, I would be a little uncomfortable.

I should thank my brother later.

"Well..., you will have plenty of time to get to know your room later. Shall we go to the next floor?"


After showing the room area, we went to the third floor where there was a large library. It is much larger than the library in my old city, so I was surprised. I didn't think there could be such a large private library.

"This is my brother's study area. He likes to read about the history of the planet and always learn something new, so he gathered several books here."

"I didn't think there could be so many books..."

Alice hid her smile after hearing my words.

_Maybe she found it engaging?

"Feel free to use the library whenever you want. In the mansion you can go wherever you wish... I must just remind you that some books are in other languages."

"Got it..."

Needless to say, the third floor was the entire library. I couldn't stop wondering: how many books there were in the place.

"Good, Shall we continue?"

The next floor is a recreation area with various games and toys. I noticed a movie theater and a playground for children. A complete leisure area and even a bar existed on this floor. According to Alice, this is the most important play area in the house.

She explained to me that when she was younger, my brother would come here to play.

I couldn't help but be perplexed that I didn't remember about this, but decided to let it go for the time being.

Having finished exploring the fourth floor, Alice took me to an area on the roof where there were some chairs and tables. This area is used for resting or sunbathing.

We went back to the main room and then to the kitchen, where I was introduced to several maids and butlers. I was introduced to every corner of the mansion and then we went to the garden located behind the mansion, an area with many flowers and trees everywhere.

Alice decided to stay near the pool. We went to a reserved area with some chairs and a table with a nice shade.

I was invited to sit there and the breeze was refreshing. Combining everything with the sweet smell of the flowers, I couldn't help but think that this spot had become my favorite in the mansion.

Beherit brought some sweets and tea. I continued talking to Alice, she seemed excited that her older brother was training someone. She told me that her brother had no desire to teach, but he made an exception when he heard Ethan's request.

As I drank the liquid, I noticed someone approaching.

She was a girl about my age. Her blonde hair and black eyes were striking, and just her sharp gaze was enough not to forget her face. She had a noble way of acting and didn't get any closer than necessary, waiting for Alice to come to where she was.

"You've finally arrived...," Alice spoke in a mumbling.

Alice rose from her seat.

"I have some business to attend to. Would you mind waiting a bit?"

"Sure, take your time. I have no plans to leave for a while..."

I am really fine in this place, for that reason I can appreciate the calmness I feel in the place. The tea was really good and the same could be said for the sweets, so I will be busy for a while.

Alice left the place.

A little more than ten minutes passed, but Alice didn't come back. The candy was gone, and I was just enjoying the soft breeze of the wind on my face.

It won't be so bad to live here.

In fact, this whole place seemed to be for fun and entertainment. Easy to notice this because of the third floor, the play area, near the pool where I could rest and enjoy the view of the flower field, even the library is a nice place.

I noticed each flower of different types. Roses, a few different species of orchids, tulips and Hydrangeas. Those were the categories of flowers that I knew well. There were also some flowers that I didn't know about in the garden.

The person responsible for these flowers was really careful, as they were beautiful and some species needed a different treatment, something that needs hard work and knowledge.

Lost in thought, I noticed a shadow in my field of vision.

A small girl in gothic Lolita clothes. Her dress had red embroidery and she was wearing transparent pantyhose that matched her light shoes. In her hands a black glove made of almost transparent fabric. Her black hair reached her waist, while her appearance was that of a child just over six years old.

In her arms she was carrying several packages of candy and some bags. With difficulties in carrying everything, she ended up dropping one of the candy packages and was trying to pick it up as carefully as possible so that the other candies in her arms wouldn't fall.

I approached the little girl and picked up the package on the floor.

"Do you want me to help you carry this?"


The girl did not notice my presence and was surprised for a moment. Her Violet eyes focused on my presence, while her confused expression left her with an even more childish tone.

The doubt on her face almost made me smile, but I managed to contain my expression.

"... Could you help me?"

Her soft, quiet voice was like a melody made to soothe the listeners.


I demostrated a friendly smile and took some candy in his arms.

We headed towards the greenhouse, I kept my distance considerably thinking not to lose sight of her. The little girl seemed calm by my presence and in a few moments I noticed her looking in my direction.

After entering the greenhouse, I noticed that the temperature in the place was slightly different from the environment outside.

The girl led me to an area in the back of the greenhouse. I quickly noticed a tree that provided shade for the flowers that did not need sunlight.

"I'm back."

I looked in the same direction as the girl, and that's when my eyes met a boy. He had his head down. He seemed to be asleep before we arrived. The little girl's voice woke him up.

The boy looked in my direction and for a moment our eyes met.

As I looked directly into his eyes, a strange feeling went through my whole body. I felt that this was the most important person in my whole life, even though I didn't know who it was.

This was our first meeting.

I stood there frozen on the spot trying to understand what was happening and refusing to believe my own thoughts. I had never met this boy, and yet he seemed familiar.

All I wanted to do at that moment was to run and hug him as tight as possible.

I felt Noir touch my arm and soon I was back to normal.

All the feeling I had moments ago disappeared and for a moment I felt as if everything I felt was just a delirium. Rather, I wanted to believe it was a delirium.