
Questions and Thoughts

Julius faintly heard rustling, as he rolled on the bed. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the bright light coming from outside the windows.

Swain, his butler, just finished opening the curtains. His butler looked at him with an amiable smile in his face, "Master, good morning. Your breakfast has been prepared. Would you like to have Sara assist you in changing your clothes?"

Huh? Did I hear wrong? Julius blinked his eyes, staring at Swain with a blank look.

Swain smiled as usual, his tone joking, "I'm joking Master. Don't take it too seriously."

Julius' eyes twitched. Was his predecessor really this close with Swain and the two twins?

"P-please don't joke around, Swain. You almost gave me heart attack." Julius smiled helplessly, as he slowly got up from the bed. Swain approached him and handed over a set of clothes. "I will wait for you outside your room, Master."

Julius looked at Swain's retreating back. He was really glad that he 'deceived' these three, or else, they might have instantly noticed his drastic changes.

Swain looked like a middle-aged man. He wore an attire of a butler, looking very professional and serious of his job tending to Julius' matters. His hair was a natural color of grey, and he looked pretty well built. It seemed that he trained under knighthood when he was young under the orders of Julius' late parents.

'They took care of Swain very well...' Julius thought to himself as he changed his clothes in front of a mirror. He wore a white long-sleeved, and a long black pants.

Based on his predecessor's memories, Julius liked to wear a white suit with black lapel paired with his custom-made necktie with serpent patterns. It was the suit his predecessor's mother liked. Ever since they passed away, Julius always wore this suit whenever he went out.

Julius looked at himself in the mirror and was stunned. 'Damn, really handsome... My predecessor sure inherited excellent genes!'

He smiled and grabbed the pocket watch in the table before he went out of his room. Followed by Swain, they both reached the dining room where two excellent young ladies were waiting.

"Good morning, Master!" Sara and Sera bowed with a cheerful smiles. "We've prepared your breakfast. Please sit down."

Julius tried to act as calm as possible, but his gaze can't help but linger over the twins. They both had pure silver hair. Their faces looked exceptionally beautiful. Their maid outfit, instead of reducing their beauty, actually magnified it by a lot!

He had his predecessor's memories, but seeing the real thing is an entirely different experience. 'Sara and Sera are already this beautiful... What about others, such as Audrey?'

A shiver went up his spine. He can't believe it, but it seems the beauty standards of this universe is a little bit ridiculous. Julius took a deep breath before he sat down on the main seat.

As he ate his breakfast, Sara and Sera meticulously took care of him, it was the first time that Julius felt this satisfied while eating. He gave the twins a thumbs-up in his mind.

Julius wiped his mouth. Looking at the twins who are quickly cleaning the table, he looked at Swain who stood near behind him. "Swain, do I have any important matters today?"

Swain bowed, "There are none, Master. However, I do want to remind you that Viscount Glaint invited you to his party tomorrow, Friday. Would you like me to arrange you some pasttimes?"

"No need. I will stay at the manor. However, besides from me... who are the nobles that were invited in the party?" Julius casually asked.

"Only Ms. Audrey from Hall family has been invited." Swain calmly answered. He continued, "It seems that this gathering is only for young people, Master."

Eh? Then why am I invited? Julius was surprised. He was already 21 years old after all. Coincidentally, his predecessor has the same birthday as him and age. Julius knew it was no coincidence, but was too lazy to think about it.

Looking at Swain who did not find anything wrong with him being invited, Julius searched his memories then found the reason. Viscount Glaint is trying his luck whether he can get any information from the Beyonders from him!

However, it seems that he did not specifically know how strong Julius is either, if he knew he wouldn't be invited in a such a little party. In this world, a Sequence 6 Beyonders is fairly powerful in terms of status. At least, Julius was sure that Sequence 6 is already good enough to be a co-leader in an elite squad of the Orthodox Churches.

Based on his memories, Viscount Glaint had already tried to invite him numerous times, but his predecessor always came up with excuses to avoid meeting Viscount Glaint. As for why he finally agreed this time, his predecessor probably felt guilty.

'Sigh, why did you have to agree, predecessor... I'm not good at this kind of stuff.' Julius thought, then he continued, 'Audrey should have become a Spectator at this point, but since this is my first meeting with her after she became a Beyonder, she won't notice the difference. If things come to worst, he just have to 'deceive' her. But wait, that won't work either... Once she gets pulled up in the Sefirah Castle, she will remember.'

Julius complained inwardly, and now understood why the Visionary Pathway is so hated by Beyonders of this world. Their abilities are too troublesome if you're not prepared. If it comes to it, he will just have to use his goldfinger to completely integrate his predecessor's mannerism, memories, personality, to himself, creating a fake persona he could easily use.

Then he could remove the 'Deceit' he cast on the three of them. After all, despite being a single spell, it might influence them in some way and pull them into the world of Beyonders. That is something Julius will never want to happen.

"Swain, I will go in the library." Julius stood up and looked at Swain, "Just bring me my lunch to the study room, perhaps dinner as well, but we'll see."

Swain took note and bowed, "As you will, Master." He then saw Julius went up the stairs, going straight to the library. Julius rarely went to the study room, so Swain was a little surprised.


Sitting on the chair and supporting his chin with both of his palms on the table, he pondered and pulled out the watch from his pocket.

Julius opened it and looked at the time. It was still 8:00 in the morning. There was still a long day ahead of him. And he can certainly use this time to think about a lot of things.

First, why is he not corrupted despite knowing so much?

He attributed it to his goldfinger, Order and Chaos. Perhaps, it was because of the weird energy inside his body that provided power to his goldfinger so it can be used. He didn't know what its called, but what he knew was it refilled everyday.

As he had already used his goldfinger today to deal with Panatiya, he can sense that this energy is steadily reflenishing. He was reincarnated after 12 midnight, Thursday. The date of when his predecessor fully succumbed to corruption.

Back to the topic, he's probably safe from corruption because of his goldfinger. There was no other explanation. It can't be that a true god used their power to protect him, right? No, that's impossible, even "They" can't resist the corruption coming from the Outer Gods.

For now, there was no definite answer aside from it being caused by his goldfinger. When there are chances later, Julius definitely had to check it himself using his 'trial of omnipotence'.

Second, there are still a lot of things he didn't know about his ability. He called it 'trial of omnipotence' because it directly elevated him to a level probably equal to that of a Great Old One or even the Oldest One! He didn't know how high exactly, but his guess must not be far off.

The sole reason why he can't affect true gods and above is probably because of the energy inside his body that provides power for his goldfinger. The energy inside his body must not be enough to perform a reality manipulation equal to that of a true god. For now, he decided to call that energy as 'quantum energy'. Also in a sense, his Beyonder Sequence directly impacted how powerful his goldfinger is, so advancing his sequence is definitely the main priority.

Third, how high can he blow using this 'trial of omnipotence'? Julius wants to experiment whether he can use it to directly gather all Characteristics required to reach high sequence. But even if he did, he still needs to deal with his digestion, he was still pretty far from half digestion. He can probably use his 'trial of omnipotence' to directly skip acting and digestion too.

Fourth, when is he going to join the Tarot Club and recite Klein's honorific name? Julius actually feels against it as it might be detrimental to the Tarot Club's development if he joins now. As far as he remembers, Klein can only pull two people aside from himself. Klein needs to reach Sequence 8 first before he can join. He decided to wait a whole month before doing it.

Lastly, how was he reincarnated? Isn't this universe supposed to be a book? How can he reincarnate inside a book? Is everything even real? Such questions popped inside his mind, but Julius had no answer to these. He was still too weak. Even if there are answers, it must be related to Original Creator anyways, a level too far from him right now.

Julius knew that there are still a lot of things he had not yet thought about, but instead focused on the four topics first. He decided that he needed to reach conclusion within himself regarding these before tomorrow, so he can fully focus in dealing with everything around him.

When he entered the 'trial of omnipotence' a few hours ago, he noticed a lot of latent dangers in Backlund that were not mentioned in the story. He had to deal with them all, only then can he rest assured that at least, Backlund is pretty safe.

I probably forgot other key points that Julius has to consider as a newly arrived transmigrator, not sure. Please comment it down if ever, I will add it up on the next chapter.

ePythagorascreators' thoughts