
Personal Artifacts, Earring of Alzuhod

Friday morning.

Julius leaned on an outdoor chair in his garden. Sara stood beside him and poured tea in his cup from time to time.

He had his eyes closed. Later in the afternoon, he will attend the party organized by Viscount Glaint, and considering that he will meet Audrey, Julius had already decided. He will create a fake persona that he can use every single time!

But since he was going to do it, he'll do something big!

Previously, he thought of using his 'trial of omnipotence' to create a fake persona, but why not create an artifact that solely belongs to him that has the Characteristics of Visionary Pathway up to the level of Kings of Angels?

That will solve all of his problems right now, but he had a feeling that it won't be that easy. Anyways, he can only try it, nothing will change if he doesn't do anything.

Julius communicated with his goldfinger, and instantly entered that wonderful state again! An unimaginable excitement blossomed in his heart, as he marveled at how majestic this feeling was. He was sure that he will never get used to it.

Without further ado, he perfected the memories he had from his predecessor, making sure that it will not affect him in any negative way. In a sense, he separated the two, with his memories as Yan Zhong being the root, while his predecessor's being a node.

Since it was fairly easy, it was almost instantaneous, only 3 seconds have passed.

Via his Beyonder Characteristics, and his 'current level' as a Great Old One or even higher, he traced the nearest Visionary Pathway Characteristics near him using the Law of Beyonder Characteristics Convergence in which that everything originated from the Original Creator, making every pathway connected in a sense.

Julius clicked his tongue inwardly, 'This is taking too long!'

In Backlund, an elder with completely white hair sat comfortably, while flipping a book. He carried a warm and elegant feeling, but Julius obvious begged to differ.

He knew this elder. One of higher-echelon of the Psychology Alchemists, he is the current holder of Pride title in the organization. The demigod at Sequence 4: Manipulator from Visionary Pathway that manages Psychology Alchemists in Backlund, Hvin Rambis!

Julius' gaze landed on his body, and with the Characteristics in him, he extracted all information regarding the Visionary Pathway. But too much time had already been consumed just from that! There would not be enough time for him to replicate every ability of this pathway.

Leaving him with no choice, his senses returned back to his own body, most precisely on the golden earring in his pocket!

He ignored every other ability, but instead focused on the abilities of a Sequence 4: Manipulator. He did not add any Characteristics on the earring, but instead forcefully added the abilities without any corresponding Characteristics.

Slowly the earrings in his pocket began to shine in mysterious glow. An aura that a Sealed Artifact could never emit, was released from the earring before it quickly calmed down.

With the remaining time, he added a new rule that solely belongs to him. A rule that states every artifact he choose to 'own' becomes a Personal Artifact. His Personal Artifact can only be used by him and if others tried to use it, they won't be able to sense anything unless they are at the level of true god! But its not without its downsides either, the artifact has to be completely free from any sort of corruption, and if it has any trace, it cannot be added as a Personal Artifact. Also, if he equips an artifact that is not his Personal Artifact, he cannot use the Personal Artifacts in his body.

Sensing these restrictions, Julius' eyes twitched.

Although these restrictions are quite daunting to know, Julius knew that it was not that bad. He will absolutely not use Sealed Artifacts unless there's no choice but to do it. Who knew what might happen if he fails to calm down a Sealed Artifact without any support from his 'trial of omnipotence'? He'll die!

This world is too dangerous for him, a stronger ant pretending to be a bigshot.

Julius shook his head and pulled out the earring from his pocket.

A mysterious glow surrounded the earring, and Sara who was near him acted as if she couldn't see the mysterious glow in the earring. That is because this earring is now one of his Personal Artifacts! As well as the Cane of Deceit!

"Ah. How luxurious..." Julius smiled as he sipped on his cup of tea.

He has two artifacts equivalent to Grade 0, his Cane of Deceit, and Grade 1, his earring.

Julius might not have replicated every ability of Visionary Pathway under Sequence 0, he still managed to extract every information about these abilities. He can easily upgrade its strength tommorow with his daily 'trial of omnipotence'.

'I should give this earring a name...' He thought for a bit before recalling a name that no one should say unless necessary. Of couse, he can say it because of the benefits his goldfinger gave him. 'This earring is now called the Earring of Alzuhod.'

Alzuhod was once a King of Angels under the Dragon of Imagination Ankewelt, a true Sequence 0: Visionary in the Third Epoch. Alzuhod was called the Dragon of Nightmare back then, but he had longed perished, and his Characteristics has been turned into the Sealed Artifact 0-08, Quill of Alzuhod!

The Earring of Alzuhod might only possess the special abilities of a Sequence 4: Manipulator, but Julius plans to upgrade it soon, either tomorrow or the day after. He needs to be fully equipped, and make sure that even if he encounters a high sequence beyonder without his daily 'trial of omnipotence', he can at least run away from them safely.

Julius slowly signalled Sara to approach him whom quickly asked, "Master, what are your orders?"

When Sara bowed, Julius involuntarily glanced at the 'little bit' exposed part of Sara's chest, he was stunned and hurriedly pretended to be calm. "S-Sara, do you have any experience in ear piercing?"

Sara nodded, "Yes, Master. It's fairly easy to do." She looked at Julius with curiosity. Could it be that her Master wants to get his ears pierced?

"H-Hmm... is that so?" Julius was still a little bit panicked, he had no choice but to communicate with the Earring of Alzuhod to ease his emotions.

Julius' gaze abruptly turned calm, as he continued, "Sara, can you help me pierce my left ear?"

Looking at Sara who was hesitating a little, he added, "I trust you."

Sara took a deep breath and nodded seriously, "Master, trust me it won't hurt. I will first get the piercer in my room. Please wait."

It did not take a long time for Sara to come back, but this time not just her, but Swain and Sera followed too. It seems that she had 'gossiped' already about his plan to pierce his left ear.

Julius smiled helplessly, as he said, "Are you three that interested in seeing this?"

Swain simply smiled, while Sera nodded frantically. She looked like a little fan looking at her idol.

As Sara sanitized the piercer, Swain carried a chair and placed it beside Julius. Sera stared at Julius with twinkles in her eyes. Julius did not care anymore, he simply leaned on his chair and waited.

Surprisingly, it only tingled a little bit, and was faster than he expected.

Sara placed a mirror in front of Julius and asked him whether she did a great work. Julius nodded and smiled gratefully, "Thank you as always Sara."

Sara and the other two retreated a little with smiles on their faces. They saw Julius slowly stand up, placing a gold earring in his left ear. When he finished, Sara and others was surprised to feel that Julius' temperament seemed to undergo a mysterious change, but they can't put their fingers into it.

They are right, because at this moment, Julius had already created a Virtual Persona based on his predecessor's memories. He switched to this Virtual Persona, while his real one hid behind it. He's not worried about the party anymore. Audrey will not notice anything amiss, if in the first place nothing was wrong.

"Please prepare the carriage, Swain. Sara, you can rest. You've been accompanying me all this morning." Julius then looked at Sera, "Sera, prepare my clothes. I'm going to attend Viscount Glaint's party. Prepare the same clothes as usual."


In his manor, only Swain and the twins accompanied him, but there are actually still other servants that does not live within the manor. When only Swain calls them, does they arrive.

Julius' sat on his own carriage and nodded at Swain. He wore a white suit with black lapel paired with his serpent patterned necktie, a long black pants, and his Earrings of Alzuhod. With the Cane of Deceit in his right hand, his temperament was elevated to a highest level yet!

He had already removed the 'Deceit' he cast on the three.

Swain closed the door of the carriage, as Julius felt it began to move. It was specially comfortable, in which Julius appreciated. As someone who was used with cars, this was good.

Julius' eyes looked calm like a deep sea. His predecessor was always calm, and rarely showed emotion, unless he was with Swain and the twins. There was a hint of indifference in Julius' eyes while he gazed at the changing scenery outside.

He looked like this but was actually excited deep inside. After all, he can finally meet one of his favorite character in the story, Audrey Hall! He is curious whether she's really as beautiful as described in the novel. The most dazzling gem of Backlund!

Julius can't wait!

After a long time has passed, he sensed the carriage stopping. The driver quickly left his seat to open the door respectfully.

Julius nodded and said, "Good job. You can pick me up after the party ends." The driver bowed and drove away.

Julius' arrival captured the attention of other young nobles who were invited, specially ladies. They looked at him curiously from afar, but no one approached. Julius' is known as being cold to anyone.

Julius looked as if he didn't care. He slowly walked into Viscount Glaint's manor and saw the gracious decoration inside because the door was opened. And in the door was Viscount Glaint who looked at him with excitement.

Julius smiled, but stopped a little when he saw a lady appearing. She stood beside Viscount Glaint and looked at him with admiration. Her emerald-green eyes shone beautifully. She has a long blonde hair, and her facial features was exquisitely beautiful. Her elegance and bearing was clear and pure. She wore a long white gown.

Julius' greeted the two who welcomed him, "Thank you for your invitation, Viscount Glaint. Here is a gift I prepared for you." It was a gift Swain prepared as a sign of courtesy.

Glaint smiled excitedly, "You finally accepted my invitation, Count Avane."

"My apologies. There was a lot of work to do back then." Julius bowed a little, before looking at Audrey who shone like a bright star amidst everyone.

"It is an honor to meet the Backlund's most dazzling gem." Julius bowed and kissed her hand.

Audrey smiled and curtsied, "It is my honor."

Glaint then spoke and looked at the approaching butler, "Please follow my butler to the ball, Count Avane. I will have to greet the arriving visitors. Please pardon me."

Julius sensed Glaint's impatience to talk to him, but he still held it back down. His Earring of Alzuhod, despite only possessing the special abilities of a Manipulator, granted him an exceptional awareness of others' expression and mannerisms. Julius was a little impressed of Glaint.

"Count Avane, allow me to accompany you." Audrey smiled.

Julius nodded and restored to his usual indifference state. He walked side-by-side with Audrey, and every visitor who saw them was stunned. They looked good together.

Julius did not show any signs of happiness, but was rather indifferent. Audrey was a little surprised by this as she secretly watched Julius' every move. It's not that she's arrogant, but no man had ever been this unfazed before her beauty.

'As expected of an experienced Beyonder...' Audrey thought to herself, 'How high is Count Avane's sequence is, I wonder?'

Julius who can sense her thoughts, smiled inwardly. He did not care, but instead tried to enjoy himself. Too bad that everyone who looked at him only thought of how unimpressed he was about this party. 'As expected of Count Avane who's known to be cold!'

Julius smiled helplessly in his mind. He didn't want to be cold to them, but he can't. It will be too drastic if he became warm and proactive. He can only choose to silently stand in a corner.

Cheer Julius up and help him not become lonely!

ePythagorascreators' thoughts