
Julius' reminder, Glaint's request

After Glaint finished welcoming the visitors, the party officially began. Hymns and tunes resounded across the hall, with men inviting women to a dance.

Julius noticed that a lot of men tried to invite Audrey, but she refused. Her reason was so obvious that he didn't even need to use his earring to know.

As a newly advanced Sequence 9: Spectator of the Visionary Pathway, she was 'acting' and trying to advance as soon as possible to the next sequence. Since Klein had probably told her and Alger already about the acting method, their digestions are bound to be fast.

Actually, Julius wanted to invite Audrey to a dance, but quickly decided against it. He doesn't want to appear too interested. If he gets too close to Audrey, it might be detrimental to her progress not just as a special figure but also as a Beyonder.

Julius doesn't want the future 'he knew' to vanish because of his actions. He's not yet strong enough to assure that he can keep himself safe if the world's general trend changed. Still, that doesn't mean he will cower.

He will slowly accumulate strength and go with a bang!

His goldfinger is so strong that it defies the odds. He might not be strong enough now, but in more than a month, who knows how strong he would have become.

Julius swirled the wine in his glass and took a sip. He quietly watched everyone enjoy the party like a Spectator. He looked like an outsider that did not belong to this place.

Julius unknowingly frowned as he quickly cut off that 'feeling' from affecting his mind. It seems that the powers in his earring offsetted his mindset a little.

He sensed someone approaching and turned his gaze. There was Audrey who smiled at him before she stood beside him calmly.

"Is there anything you need, Ms. Hall?" Julius asked slowly.

Audrey stood elegantly, while she whispered, "Count Avane, could you tell me things about Beyonders?"

She looked at him with curiosity that cannot be hidden. Julius' eyes twitched as he slowly answered, "Ms. Hall, although you have already become one, you must always be careful."

Julius saw Audrey froze, as a hint of panic flashed in her eyes.

"Don't worry. I have no motives to expose you." Julius sipped on his glass, then he continued, "The world of beyonders definitely has its own charm, specially to people like you who have just advanced. But always remember that this world is not beautiful. Its tainted with madness and corruption that if you are not careful, you might even lose your life. So I advice that you do not talk about Beyonders with other Beyonders you cannot trust."

Audrey looked at him with a serious gaze, as if she was taking note of his words.

Julius said, "Thankfully, I'm a good person. But what if you encounter a person that wants to use you to get close with the Hall family? What will you do?" He then said seriously, "You're still too weak. Please don't be overconfident."

"Only with enough strength can you be rest assured of your own safety and those around you..." Julius looked to be in deep thought. He then smiled, "This is just an advice from one of the people who wouldn't want Backlund's most dazzling gem to be involved in danger."

Audrey looked at him silently before she opened her mouth, "Count Avane, you're different from the rumors..."

Julius ignored her words, and continued to sip on his glass.

Audrey curtsied, "Thank you for your kind reminder, Count Avane. I will remember it by heart."

Actually, Julius did this because of the 'hidden dangers in Backlund' that he sensed when he first used his 'trial of omnipotence'. A Beyonder of middle sequence was pretending as an ordinary butler in the Hall family. It wouldn't be so problematic if only this Beyonder was not a member of Rose School of Thought.

This chess piece was never used in the story, but Julius still had to make sure that nothing happens to the Hall family. They were one of the reasons why the situation in Backlund stabilized faster when the Great Smog occured. And it will definitely more so in the future.

Also he had to take care of his predecessor's ex-fiance, right?

That's right. His predecessor's parents and Audrey's parents once agreed on this, but since both his predecessor and Audrey did not agree, any sort of relationship did not bloom. Their engagement was cancelled.

Though, it was primarily because of his predecessor who did not want a lady, who had yet to experienced her coming of age, to be tied down to him. His predecessor was really kind.

"If you need help, you can come to me." Julius said calmly. He thought for a while before finally deciding to interfere with Audrey's matter. It shouldn't have too much impact, right?

He's too lazy to think too much. What's done is done. He'll just face everything head on.

Audrey's involvement in the early stages of the story is minimal anyways. There shouldn't be any irregularities happening with just him contacting her and making friends.

Audrey stared at Julius all this time. She can't help but become curious of Julius.

From the start, she already has a good impression of him since this was the man who downright disagreed with their engagement just because he thought she was too young to decide at that time. If it were other men, they will instead try to please her, and make sure the engagement goes strong.

Julius noticed her thoughts and coughed, "Ms. Hall, there are people watching. Please conduct yourself properly. They might misunderstand."

Audrey woke up from her stupor as she hurriedly looked around. She saw people looking at the two of them, whisphering stuff about what might be happening here. She quickly calmed down and restored the elegance belonging to the Hall family's princess.

She looked calm as if nothing happened, but Julius noticed her red ears. He smiled helplessly inwardly, 'This lady won't fall for him, right?'

He stopped thinking too much, and signaled the nearest waiter to refill his glass with wine. This wine tasted pretty good. Julius was impressed.

After a while, Glaint finally appeared, "Audrey, you're here after all." Then he turned his gaze at Julius, "Count Avane, how was the party so far? Did you enjoy it?"

Julius nodded and asked, "Viscount, what is this wine?" He swirled the wine in his glass with a look of interest.

Glaint looked happy, "This is Noir from the winery I invested in a few months ago. If Count Avane would like, I will be happy to send you a batch of this wine."

Julius did not refuse, "Thank you, Viscount. I will definitely return this favor. If there's anything you want to ask, you can ask me."

Glaint clenched his fists a little, then glanced at Audrey. He hesitated before finally gathering up the courage, "Actually, I want to ask about Beyonders... I wonder if that would be alright, Count."

Julius sipped a little then nodded, "Viscount, if you can prepare a room..."

Glaint looked excited as he signalled at the nearest butler and whispered a few words to him. He then looked at Julius cautiously, "Count Avane, can we include Audrey in our discussion?"

Julius looked at Glaint and knew that he liked Audrey. He nodded but then he reminded, "I will only answer questions equivalent to what I owe you. Is that alright?"

Glaint looked surprised that Julius was actually so blunt. He looked admiringly at Julius and said, "Yes, that's more than enough! I now understand that the rumors about Count is false."

The servant returned and whispered to Glaint's ear. Then Glaint smiled at him and Audrey, "The room has been prepared. Please follow me."

Julius ignored his words and followed him to the room. He still acted indifferently as usual. No changes in emotions can be noticed in his eyes and mannerisms. Audrey watched him all this time and guessed that it must be one of Julius' Beyonder powers.


"So what do you want to ask, Viscount?" Julius looked at Glaint who sat across him.

Surprisingly, Audrey sat beside Julius instead of Glaint! Glaint did not notice anything amiss, but Julius did. It was so clear. It seems that her impression of him has been renewed for the better.

Anyways, Julius looked at Glaint who looked rather excited.

Glaint thought for a while before asking, "How do I become a Beyonder, Count Avane?"

Julius calmly answered, "By brewing a potion in respect of the pathway you want to tread. You will need the corresponding potion formula and the materials."

Glaint hesitated for a little before asking, "Count, do you have any formula with you that you can sell to me?"

Julius looked at Glaint for a little while before he placed down his glass on the table. He said, "I do have a few Sequence 9 formulas with me. I will explain their abilities to you."

What Julius decided to reveal were the formulas of Spectator, Apothecary, Lawyer, and Apprentice. No matter what, he was still a fan of Lord of the Mysteries novel that from time to time spent his time in the wiki to read for his curiosity.

He knew their formulas and was willing to sell them to Glaint. Instead of letting them contact the wild Beyonders in gatherings, he might as well sell it to Glaint. It's normal for a Sequence 6 to know a few Sequence 9 formulas.

Julius slowly explained the abilities that one can get from drinking the potion of this specific Sequence 9 formula. Audrey listened silently, and wanted to enrich her knowledge about other Sequence 9 abilities from other pathways.

Glaint who had been listening seriously, had his eyes lit up when he heard the abilities of an Apothecary. Julius wasn't surprised because he knew that Glaint would choose this.

"I choose the Apothecary, Count! How much is the formula?" Glaint looked excited. Finally, he could see the hope of becoming a Beyonder!

Julius answered, "300 gold pounds."

Glaint noticed that Julius had discounted the price. He did not say anything but silently took it to his heart. He felt grateful, as he said, "I will transfer the money to your account."

Julius nodded and asked, "Do you want me to dictate as is, or provide a parchment for you?" He looked at Audrey who was listening.

Glaint did not hesitate and said, "Please dictate as is. I will take note."

Audrey glanced at Glaint and noticed his 'kindness'. Julius looked at the two and noticed the complicated relationship between them. Too bad it wasn't mutual, Glaint!

Julius can only lament inwardly for him.

Julius slowly said the formula from the main materials, to the auxiliary. He reminded Glaint to keep everything precise so nothing goes wrong while he brewed the potion.

After this discussion, Julius decided to leave, Glaint and Audrey sent him off. The two looked at Julius who boarded his carriage and began to drive away.

Glaint looked at Audrey and said, "Count Avane is really kind. The rumors is nowhere near the truth. Someone must have deliberately spread it out." He looked ticked off.

Audrey nodded and agreed with him. No one knew what she was thinking.

Idk when I will upload again. Just dropping it after I finished writing it bro.

ePythagorascreators' thoughts