
Lord of the Flies in MCU

When a specimen, of a long forgotten and ancient past, appears out of nowhere how will our favorite marvelous heroes react? And how will our favorite hunter take upmost advantage of them?

Elden_Beast · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 15

'But, it doesn't make sense … that kind of swinging produces a force that should be ripping his arms off.'

{Then maybe he is not human.}

'... Maybe, let me check.'

Quicky taking a look behind his mask using my vision of almost omniscience, I couldn't help but reach the conclusion that:

'He's definitely human, and looks like a guy named Peter Parker, at least that's what Facebook is telling me.'

{So … genetically enhanced then?}

'Most likely.'

But before I could just, go back home and mind my own business, the girl suddenly and shamefully replied.

"I, I can't go home like this!"

"What do you mean you can't? Your legs look just fine."

"No, I mean … I'm almost naked …"

'... Ah, I'm a moron.'

{Hey, you don't get to self-deprecate yourself like that, only I can do that, you simpleton.}

'... Huh, I don't know whether to feel appreciated or insulted, you are starting to get pretty good at whatever this way of communicating is.'

{Thanks, I've been practicing.}

But before I could respond or think further, the enhanced kid made his appearance, and by appearance I mean throwing a sticky, almost web like white substance which he uses to swing straight at my face, which I caught with one of my bestial hands.

"Lizz- I mean, Miss! Are you ok!" He said and landed in between me and the girl, almost as if he was trying to protect her from something … Oh.

"I know that it's cool being fashionably late and all, but in this particular line of profession it really isn't."

"Uhm, sorry, I haven't finished Lovecraft's call of Cthulhu yet, are you his younger brother or something?"

"I don't know, maybe a really distant cousin … and you, why are you shooting sticky webs at my face?"

"Well, you kind of looked like you wanted to eat her face."

"Hey, now that's just xenophobic … I'm already full you know? The would-be rapist had lots of healthy and nutritious fats, after all."

"Wait ... what rapist?"

"The one you would have missed."

"Uhm, can one of you just-" said the girl, trying to interrupt the discussion, but ultimately failing.

"Ok, now I'm confused, are you a good-monster or a bad-monster?"

"I'm a mostly neutral monster, and you? What's your name? … no wait! Let me guess … String-kid?"

"Hey! I'm not a kid, ok! … it's, uhm, spider-man."

"Now that's just a lie, I know for a fact that you're a kid … I mean, your voice says it all."

"Hey! I'm freezing over here, so stop your babble and one of you take me home already!" yelled the girl, tired of being ignored.

"Oh, sorry miss, right away … just, where is your home specifically?"

"Just a couple of blooks that way."

"Right, uhm look, sorry for-" said the spider-kid, turning from the girl and trying to apologize to the creature, only to find nothing there.

"... now that's just ripping batman of."


It's a beautiful feeling, waking up in a comfy and large bed, especially when you have what you treasure safe and protected in your … arms?

"... Victor?"

'No … please don't tell me that it was just a dream.'

Almost instantly, Wanda got out of bed and looked around the room, only to fight nothing.

'Wait, the shower is on?'

With slow and steady steps, she creeped closer to the bathroom door and opened it, only to find a confused and naked predator staring at an array of shampoo bottles.

"Oh, good morning Wanda! You're just the person I was looking for, can you please tell me what all of this written nonsense means? ... Like really, what even is the aroma of twilight?"

With a small smile and a bit of mischief in her eyes, Wanda replied:

"I could, but I just can't see that far from here, so I'd have to come in with you as well."

"Oh, feel free … I mean, you know that you haven't showered since Ultron, right?"

{Ah, now that's a prime example of, as the saying goes, a bad choice of words. I'm personally inkling towards disastrous.}

'Why would my- … *sigh* … I'm fucked.'

"Wait! I didn't mean it like that, uhm, you're not dirty or anything..."


"Just your hair is a bit glossy, but that's all!"

'... God damn you flaw.'

"Just shut up." Said Wanda, as she started to take her clothes of and slowly sink in the big triangular bathtub.

"Turn around and come closer to me, I can't wash your "perfect" hair otherwise." she said, picking a purple lavender shampoo from the myriad of bottles.

I did as commanded, mainly because of her sassy tone, and she stared to slowly wash my head, for a little while.

"Why did you get out of bed without telling me?" she suddenly asked, putting one of her forearms across my belly and her other hand on my chest, pressing my back against her chest and surprisingly, slightly toned abs.

'... That came out of nowhere.'

{if you truly believe that, you have next to zero emotional intelligence.}

"I didn't want to wake you up."

"Well, you should have."

"... Why? Even a blind man could see just how tired you were last night."

"I … I just don't like to be left alone" she said, in an almost whisper and hugging my form ever so slightly tighter.

"Oh, then I'll wait for you to wake up from now on." said the hunter in his childish and lovable voice.

'Even if I will leave you alone at night to feed, sometimes.' thought the hunter, in his not so childish, but more grave and serious voice.

At those words, the witch gently spun Victor around and said in a tender tone with a seductive smile splattered on her wet and happy face.

"Good boy."

And deeply kissed his unsuspecting mouth, her eyes baring the slightest hue of a scarlet and destructive red.

Only three things need to be said

power stones




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