
Lord of Darkness Boyfriend Scenarios

An evil, sadistic, chaotic demon. He's one of the Over Lord's in Hell. But why is he such a gentleman or... gentle demon towards you? Can you love this chaotic demon?

MidnightMoon8888 · Movies
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27 Chs

When You Meet Mr. X (The Other Demon Lord)

You Wake Up...



Needing to use the restroom, you roll over to the edge of the bed and sit up. It took you a few seconds to realize Darkness isn't in the bed with you, but you don't pay too much attention to that since he sometimes wakes up earlier than you to do what needs to be done in the castle.



One Hour Later...



Still no signs of Darkness, maybe he's a little more busy than usual. But you're sure he'll come to say good morning to you. He never forgets to say that at least, even when he's really busy. After finishing breakfast alone, you head to the back of the castle and enter the rose garden outside behind the castle walls.

The aroma of fresh blood roses filled your lungs the second you opened the doors. You never get tired of the roses' scent. So fresh, even some sweet and some deep. You can even pick a dozen of them and put them in your bath and you'll be smelling like roses for a couple of days. As you walk towards the center of the garden, you see a tall, handsome demon wearing a blood red suit with black dress shoes. About seven feet tall, sharp black horns resembling a goat, bleeding red eyes. He looks human but the color of his skin is a dead dark gray.

With a calm smile on his face, he picks one of the roses and smells it. He does look familiar, but you can't put your finger on where you've seen him. He then catches you staring at him as he turns to you.


???:Oh, I apologize. I just love these roses. It's difficult to maintain flowers such as these. I've been thinking about having a garden similar to this.

Y/n: Umm, yeah.

???: Oh where are my manners? I am one of the Lords that was invited to the Blood Moon Ball. And I must say, you were very stunning that night. Though, even without the dress and the entire scene, you still keep that beauty with you.


He takes a few steps towards you and continues to speak. So far, he seems friendly. Maybe he was in a meeting with Darkness.


Mr. X: You can call me Mr. X, my dear. That's what you humans call me back in your realm. May I ask for your name?

Y/n: It's Y/n, it's nice to meet you Mr. X.

Mr. X: A beautiful name you have, dear. You know, it's funny how Darkness sold all of his human slaves to me and a few other Lords in Hell for your sake. I would have done the same as well if you were mine.

Y/n: Human slaves?

Mr. X: Oh? He never told you?


You shake your head in response to his question. You didn't know Darkness even had slaves.


Mr. X: Well... to put it very lightly. Whenever a human from your realm makes a deal with one of us Lords, we give them what they want in exchange for their souls. Every Lord in Hell has certain... specialties that some humans request for. One example, a couple of Lords can guarantee ultimate power, others extreme wealth and so on. Darkness can give humans both power and the chance to get revenge. Once the deal is made, and once the humans take their final breath, they are forced to serve us for all eternity while becoming horrifying beings based on their greatest sin.

Y/n: Uhh...

Mr. X: I know this must be a lot to take in. But these are the basics that the Lords in Hell have. Some have hundreds of slaves Others have thousands, and a few have millions of human slaves. Either way, it was them that made the deal with us. They did summon us for a reason or two.


Darkness had human slaves?... How many did he had?... Did he really sold all of them for your sake?... So you wouldn't fear him?...


Y/n: Well I...

Mr. X: I know this information isn't a pleasant topic. Well, this is Hell after all. But more importantly, even I can guarantee you that Lord Darkness cares so much for you.

Y/n: I know that but...


You then a loud thud coming from the castle, and turning around you see Darkness standing up from kneeling off the stone grounds. He jumped from one of the towers to get down here as quick as he can before realizing his sword and running towards you.


Mr. X: Too bad our little chat has to end so soon Y/n. But do not worry, I'll be back.


The second Darkness comes to swing his sword at him. The demon quickly fades into smoke, disappearing from the scene. Darkness is beyond angry that he was here and Hell knows what he was going to do if he hadn't shown up.

Putting his sword away, he quickly sweeps you off your feet and jumps back to one of the towers. But this tower is your bedroom's balcony. You're still a bit in shock that that just happened, but also shocked that Darkness had human slaves serving them. Maybe you could understand why he didn't want to have them anymore since you're human.

After reaching the balcony, he takes a second to look down at you to see if he touched you in any way. If that's the case, he'll do more than just kill him.


Darkness: Did he touch you?

Y/n: N-No...


Darkness can tell straight away that something's wrong. That bastard must have told you something about Darkness that you shouldn't have known. He just hopes that whatever it is, you can forgive him.


Y/n: How come... you never mentioned you had human slaves?


He lets out a sigh of relief since that topic is not such a bad one, compared to other topics he was worried about you knowing. The brutal acts that he's done or the truly evil side of him that he never wants you to see. But this topic is something he talks about. He gently puts you down but gets down to a knee to reach down to your level.


Darkness: Because I feared that if you were to see them, then you would leave me. (Sighs) And before you first arrived here I sold them all to other Demon Lords in Hell so that you wouldn't be frighten of them.

Y/n: That demon, Mr. X, told me that they were the first ones to summon you and make a deal with you in exchange for their souls. Is this true?

Darkness: Yes. I had hundreds of slaves serving me until I met you. Mr. X... is what you humans call him. He's known in your realm towards famous humans. As he can grant them fortune and fame.

Y/n: Celebrities make deals with him?

Darkness: How else do they come so far from so little? While some have talents, others take the shortcut. That's where he and other Lords come to play. I am sorry that you had to found out this way but I worried that if you knew about the slaves of your kind I've kept here... then perhaps you would see me as cruel and not want to be with me.


Taking a couple of steps closer, you place your hands to rest against his cheeks.


Y/n: You were worried that I would leave for that? That I would find you extremely brutal and stuff but... it's okay. Even if you still had them, I would never leave you.

Darkness: But they were humans.

Y/n: Were, is the keyword. And yeah, it's kinda scary knowing this, but I know that they were the ones to do it to themselves in the first place. And having human slaves is a common thing for Demon Lords to have right?

Darkness: Yes, but-

Y/n: (Smile) Then it's okay. You didn't do anything wrong. Besides, I love you too much and would never allow something small as that to tear us apart.


As though a weight was lifted off his shoulders, he expresses his relief by pulling you close to embrace you. With your arms around his neck, you share the same power with your embrace. He's glad that you don't fear or hate him for having human slaves. He's happy to know that he has an understanding girlfriend by his side.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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