
Lookism :Heavenly restrictions

In a world governed by looks, Jin dies tragically only to awaken in the Lookism World with divine strings attached. Tasked by celestial forces, Jin must navigate a society where beauty equals power. With newfound allies and unearthed truths, he challenges the oppressive hierarchy, fighting for equality. Yet, sinister forces lurk, threatening his mission and life. "Heavenly Constraints" is a thrilling journey of rebellion against beauty standards, where Jin's quest for justice ignites a revolution. Will he conquer the odds or succumb to the allure of superficiality?

Aswin_SS_4458 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Let me pay him a visit


"F***ing god, how much time is it gonna taaaakeeeee?" I screamed in my mind. I just couldn't carry my excitement anymore. It was like a huge wave crashing over me, making it impossible to think about anything else.

I even couldn't sleep as I just didn't feel tired. I can go without sleep up to 78 hours, and with just 3 hours of sleep, I'm back on. But thinking of all this, my mind suddenly went blank.

"F***ing god, how much time is it gonna taaaakeeeee?" I screamed in my mind. I just couldn't carry my excitement anymore. It was like a huge wave crashing over me, making it impossible to think about anything else.

I even couldn't sleep as I just didn't feel tired. I can go without sleep up to 78 hours, and with just 3 hours of sleep, I'm back on. But thinking of all this, my mind suddenly went blank.

And then I came face to face with him again.


He was there, standing right in the middle of a big white hall, decorated like ancient Olympus.

"What's up my ni-"

"I'm not him," he interrupted sharply.

"What do you mean you are not him?" I looked him up and down, but he looked the same to me.

"Listen here, dumb f***, you died in your previous world and I brought you here to continue the story, not to end it," he snapped.

"What do you mean, end it? I'm just chillin'," I gulped, sensing his anger. I knew he was a guy who could Thanos-snap me at any moment.

"CHILLINNN? The speed you're progressing, you're gonna kill Charles by the next 60 chapters and become the new asshole in the story," he said, his voice rising with frustration.

"Okay man, just relax, okay? What do you mean, chapters?" I asked, trying to calm him down as he clicked his tongue and went silent for a moment.

"Listen, I believe you know about the butterfly effect," he said finally.


"Because of you, the effect is getting stronger and stronger by the day, and anomalies are appearing all over the world, and it is a real pain in the ahh to deal with it" he explained.

"But I was careful not to involve myself in anything related to the PTJ universe, and the Tom Lee thing was a mistake," I defended myself.

" *Sigh~...*Just imagine, what if your great-great-great-great-great-grandfather busted a nut earlier than he was supposed to? Entire generations would be nonexistent, and new ones would be created and they will create more new ones. This causes the world to destabilize and collapse, leading to the END," he said, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

"So did some one..... bust a nut out of order"

"You have two options

 First one is easy for both you and me, just simply remove you from reality," he said, his voice filled with a chilling finality.

"Haha... so second one it is," I replied nervously, my heart pounding in my chest.

"You will forget the manhwa chapters after the current arc. In your reality, you would have only read until the Autumn camp chapter, and you have 10 seconds to decide," he stated firmly.

"But give me something for it," I pleaded, feeling a surge of desperation. "Like what, Hanma stuff and magic is a no-no. You're already overpowered. Gun has Ultra Instinct, Goo has Weapon Mastery, Johan has Copy, Daniel has both Copy and Plot Armor—"

"You are literally Toji, the bare flesh of the one who is free, the one who left it all behind," he interrupted, his tone solemn.

"Then why do you think I trained like my ass was on fire all these years? I want to be strong to save my family. Look, man... I know I'm really pushing it, but Lookism hasn't ended yet, and PTJ is not just Lookism. There are tons of other psychos there.

I know what you want is entertainment, and you're treating me like some toy, so at least give me something I can use ... A genuine request, please," I pleaded, hoping for some leniency.

"Fine, what is it?" he relented.

"Wolverine," I blurted out without hesitation.

"You mean the mutant from the X-Men universe. Wolverine has a remarkable regenerative healing factor that allows him to recover from virtually any injury at an accelerated rate, including regrowing lost limbs," he explained as he became ready to send me back, more like kick me out through a portal.

"Just not that incredible healing factor or those sharp claws. I just want those adamantium bones in my body. You see....My bones still break if someone shoots me with submachine guns or hits me with a bullet train, and no matter how strong I am, a broken rib to the liver and an injured spine—" I explained hastily just as he was gonna say no.

"Let's do a coin flip: Deal if it's heads, and if it's tails, Jin Fushiguro will no longer exist in PTJ," he proposed.

"Okay," I agreed. I had made a lot of enemies, I mean a LOT lot, so it's better to simply not exist than get trapped in their hands.

Suddenly, a big coin flipped in the air, rotating at a very high speed. It landed on the floor, and before I could see anything, everything went blank again.