
Longevity Clan Starts with the Patriarch's Marriage

After transmigrating into a fantasy world and struggling for over a hundred years, the mediocre Han Li had given up. After descending the mountain to take a wife, he discovered he had opened the fantasy world in the wrong way. He could rise to power just by lying flat, so why bother with arduous cultivation and endless fighting? Years later, the Eternal Clan began its quiet rise, its tendrils spreading across myriad realms, manipulating the Great Saints and Immortal Mansions from behind. One day, Han Li, sitting high in the Nine Heavens, watched over his countless descendants, narrating his glorious history. An Immortal Emperor crossed realms intending to obliterate the Han Family, but was flicked to death by Han Li with a snap of his fingers. Suddenly, all realms trembled at the revelation that Patriarch Han was so powerful! [Eternal Flow + Family Flow + Survival Flow]

Ride the wind while it's weak · Eastern
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412 Chs

Chapter 95: Do Not Waste a Dime_1

Translator: 549690339

This incident was too significant to be concealed, and the Daqian Empire didn't even wish to hide it; instead, they widely propagated it.

All parties understood that by doing this, the Daqian Empire was showing off its strength, signaling that it was a tough bone to chew. Anyone who clashed head-on with the Daqian Empire would end up with both sides suffering, to the advantage of a third party.

The Daqian Empire showcased its sharp edge, instantly suppressing the movements of various major forces, nearly dissipating the storm that was on the verge of erupting.

But everyone knew that the storm hadn't dissipated; it had only shifted from the open to the shadows. On the surface, all seemed calm, but underneath, the undercurrents surged violently, gradually brewing and growing, until their eventual outbreak would be even more fierce.

Qingyun Manor, ERhai.