
Longevity Clan Starts with the Patriarch's Marriage

After transmigrating into a fantasy world and struggling for over a hundred years, the mediocre Han Li had given up. After descending the mountain to take a wife, he discovered he had opened the fantasy world in the wrong way. He could rise to power just by lying flat, so why bother with arduous cultivation and endless fighting? Years later, the Eternal Clan began its quiet rise, its tendrils spreading across myriad realms, manipulating the Great Saints and Immortal Mansions from behind. One day, Han Li, sitting high in the Nine Heavens, watched over his countless descendants, narrating his glorious history. An Immortal Emperor crossed realms intending to obliterate the Han Family, but was flicked to death by Han Li with a snap of his fingers. Suddenly, all realms trembled at the revelation that Patriarch Han was so powerful! [Eternal Flow + Family Flow + Survival Flow]

Ride the wind while it's weak · Eastern
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405 Chs

Chapter 181 Divine Rank Cultivation Technique Martial Skill! Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Imperial Martial Dao Primordial Spirit! Tongxuan Realm Combat Ability?_11

Translator: 549690339


Divine Yuan Realm Second Heaven!

Divine Yuan Realm Third Heaven!

Divine Yuan Realm Fourth Heaven!

Finally, Han Li's cultivation settled at the Fifth Heaven of the Divine Yuan Realm, which was close to his estimation.

Breaking through four minor realms in succession, Han Li's physical body, Divine Spirit, Divine Sense, five senses, and other aspects all experienced a substantial increase, surging forward and entering a new stage.

"Did it consume 1600 years of cultivation?"

After glancing at the cultivation consumed by the increase in realm, Han Li sighed, now having only 559 years of cultivation left.

However, to advance from the Fifth Heaven of the Divine Yuan Realm to the Sixth Heaven, 700 years of cultivation were required, and his remaining cultivation was insufficient.

"Well, let it be, let it be, for the time being."