
82. Chapter 82

Closing her book with a sigh, Waverly rolled over on to her stomach amongst the mountain of throw cushions on the couch. She gazed longingly across the room at her Alpha… who was looking far too delicious for Waverly to be able to focus on her book no matter how good it was. She was also looking far too busy.

Sitting at her desk across the room, Nicole was flicking through files, a cute, studious frown creasing her brow as she read and, shunning technology, as usual, jotted down notes on a yellow, legal notepad as she came across anything interesting.

Waverly ached to go over and smooth away the frown. And if she had just been busy with all the police work that had fallen upon her shoulders, she would have. Nicole was busy trying to work out the message Nedley had left with Chrissy before he had gone down for more surgery to repair his hand though.

All the breadcrumb like clues were driving them crazy but, Nicole had gone all reasonable when Wynonna had voiced her frustration and pointed out that knowing flat out where the ring was, would have put a target right on the Sheriff’s daughter.

They had waited, hoping to get more off him when he got back from surgery but he had reacted badly to an unknown allergy to Thiopental when they had gone to put him under. Luckily they had managed to stabilise him but he was back in Intensive Care until they were sure he was okay and the drug was out of his system.

Gathering up a huge armful of cushions, Waverly marched quietly across the room and dropped them close to Nicole. Throwing herself down amongst their softness she pressed closer and lay her head against the solid strength of Nicole’s thigh.

Placing her pen down, Nicole leaned back in her seat and smiled down in bemusement as Waverly rubbed against her thigh like she was settling in for the night. The soft lights in the living room bounced across her hair, creating a halo of soft brunette around her beautiful face. “Whatcha doin’, Baby?” she asked softly as she reached for her. Waverly's closeness making any space suddenly unacceptable.

“I was missing you,” Waverly purred. Elegant fingers combed soothingly through her hair and teased across her cheek and jaw. Rubbing her cheek against Nicole’s thigh, Waverly ran a hand up and down her leg, tracing the familiar lines of her muscles beneath the fabric of her jeans and the softness of her skin as her fingers found their way under the jeans.

“I could have just joined you on the couch, silly.” Glancing over, Nicole did a double take when she saw that even though Waverly was sitting on a veritable mountain on cushions the couch was still overflowing. It was late, a glance at her watch showing just how late but… well, Nicole was pretty damn sure they hadn’t been there when she had sat down at her desk.

“Know what you’re doing is important so I thought I would just sit closer while you work.”

Leaning down, Nicole pressed a soft kiss to the top of Waverly’s head. “Waves?”


“Quick question… where, in the name of IKEA’s soft furnishing department, did all the cushions come from?”

“I might have popped in and bought a few before we went to see the Sheriff.”

“No wonder Wynonna looked how she did. I thought she was still pissed at Xavier but she was probably straining herself not to laugh in case the Jeep exploded with stuffing,” she chuckled softly.

Waverly looked at the couch. “Too many?” Yeah, there was quite a few there but they were soft to lay on and Calamity obviously felt the same as she was curled up on a pile looking like a pampered queen.

“Naw, Baby,” Nicole chuckled. “If you want cushions we’ll decorate the whole house with them. I don’t mind.”

“Okay, that’s good, ‘cause… erm… there’s a few more upstairs too.”

Going by Waverly’s impish smile, Nicole just knew that their bed was overflowing too. “Cushions are good,” she assured her. “Just so you know though… If they get in the way of me getting to your body, they will end up on the floor, ‘kay?”

Purring in satisfaction, Waverly snuggled closer to Nicole, rubbing her scent into her Alpha and basking in the warm scent of vanilla rising up from her body. Her purr changed to a grunt of annoyance as she spotted a gap on the couch. “I should have got more cushions,” she grouched.

“Did they have any more in the store? We could get some tomorrow.”

The thought of her Alpha wanting to cushion shop with her had Waverly wiggling a little but… disappointment settled into her. “Well… no. I did kind of get all the ones they had in stock. Angie said the next delivery would be in a week. Look at that gap though, Nic!” she whined.

Nicole just smiled softly at Waverly’s thoroughly offended tone. If her Omega found the gap in the cushions so offensive… “Okay, Babe. I know how to fix that for you.”

Lifting her head, Waverly gazed up at Nicole hopefully. “How…”

Nicole scooped Waverly and all her cushions up off the floor and carried her over to the couch. Easily supporting Waverly’s weight, she quickly arranged the cushion on the couch, making sure to cover any ‘gaps’ before laying herself and Waverly down amongst them. Laying on her back she slid Waverly slightly to the side so she was supported between the back of the couch and her side. “There, is that better?”

“But, Nic, your work?” Waverly protested not even half-heartedly as she tucked her leg securely between Nicole’s, tightened her arms around her trim waist, and melted into the cradle of Nicole’s body so her Alpha couldn’t move anyway.

“It can wait. My mind and eyes are crossing looking at that and I would much rather be right here with you in your cushion nest.” Nicole breathed in the soft scent of Waverly’s hair as she pressed a kiss to the top of her head. It really was the best place in the world to be.

“Any chance I can talk you up to my ‘on the bed’ pillow nest?” Waverly asked hopefully.

“Mmmm, I’m always up for some persuasion,” she smiled as Waverly giggled at her suggestive eyebrow wiggle. “In a while though. Just lay against me for a bit? With all the running around we’ve been doing I sometimes feel like we just don’t have time for just us. And Calamity, our not so little guardian,” she grunted as the ginger cat stalked her way along her body with heavy steps and curled up against them both with a throaty purr.

Nicole closed her eyes, relaxing into the feel of Waverly’s body pressed against hers. She ran the tips of her fingers down across Waverly’s arm and side until her fingers found a home just under the edge of her sinfully tight black leggings.

Shifting her head, Waverly pressed a string of kisses along the underside of Nicole’s jaw. Her Alpha smiled and pulled her closer. Waverly could feel how content she was just to hold and be held but beneath the pleasure of that, she could feel her mind churning over and over like a muffled scream echoing back at her.

“Any luck of working out what Nedley meant by the key being with his wife?”

“Not yet,” Nicole admitted. She didn’t want to burden Waverly but at the same time, it felt good just to get that much off her chest.

“Talk to me. Maybe we can see something together.”

‘Together’. The word made Nicole smile. “Well, the first assumption would be…”

“That whatever the key is, it’s buried with her.”

“On the surface a good hiding place but who wants to have to dig up a loved one just to reclaim a key? Eventually, it’s got to be used, right?”

“Really doesn’t seem to be his style and even if it was… rust would be a danger, wouldn’t it?”

“Probably. I did wonder if Chrissy got it wrong and he hadn’t said his wife…”

“She seemed very sure of that though.”

“Yeah. Just in case though I… I went through the records to see what happened to my mama’s body. There were hardly any names in the files but I found mention of a cremation in his personal records around that time so it’s not buried with her. Hit a bit of a brick wall now. Doesn’t help that it could be anywhere… anywhere in the station, his home, his favourite stool in Shorty’s…”

“You would think if it’s a key he would have hidden it somewhere where he could lay his hands on it quickly else, what’s the point?”

“Maybe Bob was hiding it too.”

“The fishcam? Nic, that would be only one step up from hiding something in his mug… Wait, did you check his mug?”

“It got smashed all to hell along with everything else. The biggest piece I found of it was no bigger than my thumbnail.”

“Aww, he loved that mug too!”

“I’ve got the rest of his personal belongings in the closet ready for when he gets out of hospital… I’ll go through them tomorrow before work, see if there’s anything I missed. And hopefully there will be good news from Chrissy tomorrow and we can speak to him.”

“Speaking of good news and keeping your hands on me where they belong…”

“We were talking about that?” Nicole teased at the playful look in Waverly’s hazel eyes.

“If we weren’t, we should be,” Waverly grinned. “Have you given any more thought to getting those boys the detective recommended in to help out?”

“I was kind of putting it off until Nedley could decide... Just doesn’t feel like my place to be making a decision like that while he’s stuck in the hospital.”

“Nicole, Baby. You can’t run around being the whole of the Sheriff’s Department and tackle everything else to do with Bulshar and his ring. You’re strong and good but I can tell it’s wearing you out.” Waverly had a whole counter argument complete with slideshow, bullet points and lap dance ready for if Nicole put up a fight but her Alpha just nodded.

“You’re right.”

The wind taken out of her sails, Waverly sagged only slightly like a deflated balloon before rallying and grinning. The lap dance could wait for another day. “That went easier than I thought,” she admitted.

“What can I say? I kind of like keeping my hands on you too.” Gently pushing Calamity off them, Nicole hooked the back of Waverly’s thigh and guided her over until she was laying on her. Soft lips met hers in a hungry, searching kiss. Waverly’s moans filling her mouth and vibrating into her soul as their tongues met and danced and their hands and bodies moved together.

Curving her hands around, Nicole caressed the sweet curve of Waverly’s ass, fingers pressing the sweet spot right where ass and leg came together. She could feel the need building within Waverly, knew what she needed, what she desired. Waverly’s breath moaned into her mouth as she squeezed and pressed rhythmically. The motion rocked their bodies together, spreading and pressing Waverly’s aching core. Shifting her hands, Nicole cupped her tight through the fabric of her leggings and rocked her hand back and forth into the wetness she could feel soaking through them.

Waverly’s threw back her head in pleasure, her body arching into a beautiful curve of sculptured muscles wracked with pleasure.

Fingers digging into Nicole’s shoulders, Waverly hung on for dear life at the suddenness of her climb from aroused to OH MY FUCKING GOD that Nicole’s knowing fingers had thrown her into. Oh my god! Those fingers! That hand! The heat of it cupping her dripping pussy. The way it pressed deep, making her feel full without anything being in her. The way her long fingers nudged against her clit, sliding up either side of it, stroking and pinching. And then there was her thumb, rubbing and pressing against the tightly puckered hole of her ass. Making her ache.

It twisted and coiled, hotter and brighter, sending her vision white as pleasure burned up her spine and shot down to her toes. She was so close, poised right on the edge but scared to fly alone.

Surging up, Nicole pressed herself tightly against Waverly’s arched body. Wrapping an arm around her waist, she pulled her body closer, giving her the contact she needed whilst being careful not to jostle her away from the edge.

The need curled within her, pulsing from Waverly straight into her. Nicole threw it back, letting Waverly see herself through her eyes. How beautiful she was, how brightly she shone, how much she was loved and desire. Nicole gave her everything.

Nails clawed at Nicole’s back, painting lines of fiery pleasure against her skin even through the fabric as she moved her cupping hand faster, pressing deeper and harder. The heated moans and sighs of pleasure that spilt from Waverly’s mouth and into her ears sent shockwaves of desire through her.

Lips caressing the line of Waverly’s throat, Nicole latched on to the mark there. She suckled gently, lathing the area with her tongue in time with Waverly’s panting moans. Feeling her love right there, her body stretched to breaking point. Nicole cupped her sex tighter, squeezing just right as she growled in her ear… “Come for me.”

Waverly’s body felt heavy and weightless at the same time. Opening her eyes she giggled when at least part of the reason for the weightlessness became apparent as Nicole was carrying her up the stairs. The other reason for the weightlessness was also down to the woman carrying her so tenderly so it was all good.

Running trembling fingers along Nicole’s jaw, Waverly somehow managed to raise her head enough to lick across her pulse. A soft smile curved across Nicole’s face. “Did I pass out?”


“Look at you, all proud of yourself.” Waverly poked Nicole’s chest with a shaky finger as her soft smile morphed into a brilliant dimpled smile.

“Damn right, Waves. I made you come so hard you passed out and we never even took our clothes off. Which is something I intend on putting right just as soon as possible,” she promised, nudging Waverly’s nose with her own as she pushed the bedroom door open.

“Okay, wow!” Nicole stared at the bed in amazement… well, she assumed there was a bed under all the cushions anyway. “That’s some serious nest building right there, Waves!” She knew that after being in heat most Omega’s entered a nest building stage whether they actually got pregnant or not, it was just what they did. Being around an Omega at such a time was something Nicole had never experience but she was pretty sure that Waverly had found a whole new level of nesting. “Erm, do you normally nest this much after your heat?”

“No… not really,” Waverly admitted as she gazed longingly up at Nicole. “But then I’ve never been with anyone when I’ve been in heat and even if I had, I’ve never felt even a fraction of what I feel for you for anyone else. I just wish…” she bit back her words and buried her face against her Alpha hoping that Nicole hadn’t heard her.

“What do you wish Baby?” gently laying her upon her bed slash nest, Nicole gently hooked Waverly’s chin and kissed her softly. “You know you can tell me anything.”

Opening her eyes, Waverly lost herself for a moment within the loving soft brown of Nicole’s. “I just kind of wish that all this,” she waved a hand around to indicate the pillows, “wasn’t just because of some weird werewolf instinct. Just seems so cruel to go through all the nesting when there isn’t even going to be a baby.”

“I know, Baby.” And whilst Nicole knew she wouldn’t get to feel it as keenly as Waverly, she already knew it was going to hurt when Waverly finally put the cushion nests away. “Instinct sucks,” she sighed. “If it helps though, maybe we can think of it as practice for later? How does that sound?”

Waverly never wanted to see pain in Nicole’s eyes. Right then though, the sight of it flooding those beautiful eyes, and the shimmer of un-spilt tears clinging to her lashes for a baby they weren’t even expecting. It just made Waverly love her Alpha even more to know that she wanted a baby, their baby, as much as she did.

“That sounds perfect to me,” Waverly smiled gently. Tugging on the front of Nicole’s shirt, she pulled her closer until their smiling mouths brushed. She felt the change in Nicole’s breathing at that lightest of touches. Ragged and heavy it matched her own as did the weight of hunger in her brown eyes. “Hey… seeing as we’re practising… how about we practice the getting me pregnant part again?” she purred suggestively.