
3. Wyn, Doc, Dolls

Wynonna froze, her body coming to a complete halt on the threshold of Waverly’s bedroom for a moment as Waverly’s whisper reached her ears. Glancing back over her shoulder, she saw Waverly once more lost in whatever it was going on in her mind as she looked out of the window.

Shaking her head in concern, her breath leaving as a sigh, Wynonna closed the bedroom door behind her with a quiet click. If not for the fact that it wouldn’t contain her no matter what she tried, Wynonna was tempted to lock the door on Waverly and nail it shut.

The best she could do though was trust, Waverly… and make sure the rest of the pack was looking out for her. As well as keeping their eyes peeled for any new wolf roaming around.

“Shit! Shit! Shit!” Grinding her teeth, Wynonna made her way down the old wooden stairs, her booted feet thudding hollowly against each tread and every floorboard.

The dining chair creaked in subtle protest as Doc leaned his weight back against it. Knowing the state of his mate just by her walk, Doc prepared for whatever storm was heading his way by pouring several fingers worth of whiskey into a glass and pushing it forward across the table in silent offering as she stormed into the kitchen with a glower furrowing her beautiful face.

“How is Miss Waverly?”

Wynonna threw herself down in a chair opposite Doc at the kitchen table and flopped forwards to prop her chin on her folded arms. Huffing softly in thanks, she reached out and turned the glass, watching the harsh kitchen light dancing in the amber whiskey for a moment before she downed it in one long swallow.

“Waverly is… Waverly,” she grunted. “Which right now seems to include being more than a little interested in that red Alpha we had a run in with.”

“Hmm,” Doc stroked a finger over his moustache. He had been thinking about their red visitor. With the climate how it was in Purgatory their reaction had not been too over the top but, he had the feeling that Wynonna’s problem with the stranger had been more to do with Waverly than the other Alpha. “well, while I am sure you want to hear this, your little sister is not so little anymore, Wynonna. She is a grown woman with a grown woman’s needs.”

“She’s my kid sister Doc. Technically she’s not allowed to grow up. Especially not after that piss-poor excuse for a boy-man she was with before. We should just lock her ass up!”


“From Champ to this? Obviously, she should be locked up.” Wynonna huffed again and flopped facefirst to the table again at the look that was part sympathy and part incredulous, that Doc was throwing her. “Why did she have to go and pick a stranger to get all possessive over?” she whined pitifully.

“Possessive?” Young Waverly had been strangely touchy with the stranger with how she had broken all normal rules governing pack and society rules with how she had scent marked the Alpha how she had but he wondered what she had done since then that had Wynonna all riled up?

“Oh yeah,” Wynonna snorted. “I just left her upstairs, gazing out of her window all lovelorn and angsty as shit, muttering about red being ‘hers’.” Huffing again, Wynonna snatched up the bottle of whiskey and decided to forgo the niceties of a glass in favour of swigging a mouthful straight from it. “What the hell was she thinking, Doc? Omega’s don’t claim Alpha’s!”

“Alphas also do not do what we all did, Wynonna,” he pointed out gently but firmly. “Waverly is an Earp more than she is an Omega though. That tends to add a little to the mix.”

“You trying to say we’re bossy, Doc? Help me out here, Xavier,” she pleaded as he entered the kitchen, carrying with him an air of peace and calm that was a balm to her stormy emotions.

“Wynonna, as Doc as already pointed out, instead of doing the Alpha thing and picking just one of us or finding an Omega or someone else just to avoid the whole ‘pesky soulmate thing’,” she huffed at the reminder of how she had complained and bitched about that feeling it was more of a curse than a blessing. “You picked not one but two Alphas to mate to. You picked us. Bossy doesn’t even come close to describing you Earp’s.”

Raising her chin she glared fondly at Xavier as he sat down next to Doc and tilted the older man’s chin for a deeply passionate kiss that was all teeth and tongue and had her squirming eagerly in her chair as they both moaned into it and each other.

That was most definitely not playing fair!

They both knew she loved to see them together just as much as she loved being between them in bed.

“Bad!” gorgeous and sexy as fuck, but bad. “I’m supposed to be working out what to do with Waverly not watching you two fuck!” She could see their smiles but apart from that acknowledgement that she had spoken or was even there they ignored her and kept kissing until Xavier trailed his mouth down Doc’s throat and bit into him just enough to make him, and Wynonna, shudder in response before they pulled away from each other.

“Duh-“ swallowing heavily, her body throbbing with every languid beat of her heart, Wynonna tried again to reel her tongue back into her mouth and actually get something intelligent out past the ‘FUCK ME NOW!’ that was screaming through her head. “Do either of you guys know of a pack that red might have come from?”

“Hmm,” leaning back in his chair, not so subtly steading his legs to assuage the throbbing between them, Xavier reluctantly turned his mind around to the task at hand. There were much better things he would rather be doing but, he knew Wynonna, she wasn’t one to be distracted for long. So rather than fight the inevitable, he thought about the huge red wolf, bringing to mind every detail he could remember of her and their brief meeting.

“There was a pack of reds down south once… Georgia I think it was. Very old and very powerful to the point they were considered close to royalty by some, gods by others, devils by most. And they were very capable of hiding their scent.”

“I remember hearing about them too,” Doc added. “They were very aggressive, especially the Alphas. I believe their last Alpha was particularly brutal?”

“Yeah, Bulshar I think his name was. In the end though, the other packs in the area rose up and they got wiped out over twenty years ago. I mean, seriously wiped out. It was the pack equivalent of genocide. Everyone loyal to them was butchered. Even the children of the Alpha’s met the same fate. They were so desperate to make sure they couldn’t breed again that many humans in the area with red hair were slaughtered just in case they were related.”

“Jesus, not a good place to be a ginger then. Do you think, red could be one of them?”

“She would have been a baby when that happened and no one for hundreds of miles would have helped a pup with her colouring. It is more likely that she has just left her pack to wander for a while.”

“Red was able to hide her scent from us though, that is one fucking seriously powerful Alpha to be wandering around alone. Well, actually, Waverly could smell her so if you find anyone smelling of vanilla dipped doughnuts and coffee…”

“Isn’t that Miss Waverly’s favourite—?”

“Yes!” Wynonna bit out angrily, cutting Doc off. Doughnuts were supposed to be her thing… but at least it explained why all the vanilla ones kept vanishing.

“Okay.” Doc tried to hide his smile but apparently, not even the bushyness of his moustache helped if Wynonna’s glower and deep sigh was any indication. “I know you worry about your sister, Wynonna. We all do. She is a big girl though, one that has apparently—”

“Don’t say it!”

“Picked a bond mate,” Xavier finished for the other man.

“I don’t think any of us expected to be in the relationship we are Wynonna. As soon as I met you and Doc though, I couldn’t see anything other than us all together.” He reached across the table and took Wynonna’s hand as he felt Doc’s cover his. “I am glad you picked us both.”

“We will protect Waverly with our lives, you know that, but you need to let her find the same happiness as we have. Now,” Doc husked, “unless there is anything else that needs our attention, our run earlier. And our kiss,” running a hand along thick strength of Xavier’s thigh, he easily found the thick length of his cock trapped within his pants and gave it a squeeze that ripped a moan from his mouth and had a dark wet stain spreading through the fabric. “It has left me sorely in need of some attention.”

Rising from his chair, Doc growled in satisfaction at the heated looks in his lovers’ eyes as they saw the bulge in his jeans. “Now, if you would care to join me?”