
15. Running and more

Waverly felt like she could have run forever with Nicole at her side and she never wanted any of it to end… the run or their time together. The sight of Nicole’s house coming into view though had nervous anticipation running through her, each step a step closer to what she wanted. Her pulse raced, her blood thickening until she could feel every beat of her heart thudding through her being.

Her steps slowed, fear running through her that once they were inside, Nicole would reject her again. A soft whimper reached her ears and Waverly realised it was her own as Nicole turned and looked at her quizzically.

As attentive and in tune with her needs as she had been their whole run, Nicole’s face slid across hers, spreading their scent, and that of the winter sky and frosted woods into her. A bushy tail slapped teasingly across her nose, eliciting a huff that turned into a whimpered moan as Nicole gave a gentle, possessive, nip to her hindquarters that made her feel weak and even more needy from desire and the implication of Nicole’s actions. Surely she wouldn’t make her feel like this and then pull away?

But she kept moving, calming and exciting in equal measure. And by the time Nicole was face to face with her, Waverly felt like a quivering mess from the heady scent rising between them of their scent and arousal. The gentle nips her Alpha had bestowed upon her back, sides and especially the ones to the back of her neck that made her hips twitch with the need to submit to her Alpha.

Nicole’s eyes were dark and hungry but each touch and every move had been so restrained and gentle. Even the tilt of her head towards her house was a question, not a demand, letting Waverly know that Nicole wasn’t like other Alpha’s, she wouldn’t force her to bend and just take what she wanted. And she was wanted, Waverly could see it writ across every tense line of Nicole’s quivering body and see it in her eyes, but consent was Waverly’s to give and there was no pressure on her to do anything she wasn’t ready for or didn’t want to do.

Pressing her body to Nicole’s side, Waverly gave the tip of a silky soft ear a tug with her teeth and led the way to the door. As they stepped inside, Waverly changed and put a hand on Nicole’s furred shoulder. “Don’t change just yet,” she begged gently. Nicole’s solid brown eyes looked at her questioningly but she made a soft noise of assent and walked beside her as she led the way to the bedroom.

“I hope this doesn’t seem too strange… you’re just so beautiful and… I wanted to feel you with these hands before you change back.” Kneeling down, Waverly ran her hands over her Alpha’s body as it towered over her still. She delighted in the feel of her as she tunnelled her fingers deep into her thick coat, feeling the warmth and solid muscle beneath. Leaning into her, Waverly rubbed her face against Nicole’s neck and shoulder as she wrapped her arms around her.

As she changed, Nicole wrapped her arms around Waverly’s waist and rose to her feet, lifting the smaller woman with her. Her breath caught on a moan as Waverly’s strong legs wrapped around her waist and hazel eyes twinkled down into hers knowingly as she felt the slick heat of her arousal against her skin.

“Waverly, are you sure?”

“Yes, very.”

The words had desire slamming through Nicole but she held herself in check. Even though it was Waverly that had been tormenting and trying to seduce her, Nicole was almost afraid that if she relaxed it even for a moment that she might scare her Omega.

Delicate hands cupped her face, a curtain of fragrant hair tumbling around them as Waverly let her lips pause a hairs breath away from her own. Nicole could have reached for them, closed the gap with her own, but she let Waverly dictate the pace even though it killed her and left her whimpering to be denied the softness of her Omega’s lips even for a second.

They had kissed before but there was a weight and newness to it as Waverly skimmed their lips together in a kiss as soft as a butterfly’s wing that had Nicole’s lashes fluttering shut. Emboldened by Nicole’s response and the fluttering of her hands, Waverly deepened their kiss, wringing soft moans from the redhead as she swiped her tongue across her lips as she tested the limits of her Alpha’s control with hungrier and deeper kisses.

“Nicole, my Alpha, please?”

The eyes that met Waverly’s as she pulled back at the heated growl shook loose by her plea, were nearly black pools of hunger. Nicole’s body shifted between her thighs, making Waverly whimper as her long legs ate up the distance to the bed. Her strength as she lowered them both to the mattress was breath-taking and beautiful.

The weight of Nicole’s body settling between her thighs, her teeth nipping gently upon sensitive flesh, had Waverly setting her nails into Nicole’s back and shoulders. She was everywhere, setting Waverly’s body spiralling out of control as she wrung gasps and moans from deep within her with a lick, a bite, a caress of fingers.

Long and agile, those fingers alone were a torment to Waverly’s senses as the sought out and danced lines of fire across sensitive nerves Waverly never knew existed. She felt swollen and alive with need, just the gentle press of her hand upon her abdomen making Waverly feel like she would burst.

Nicole’s nimble, knowing mouth sent her higher, teeth nipping, her tongue painting swirls around her breasts and lathing her nipples as her fingers dipped between her thighs and ran between wet folds. Waverly’s hips bucked up, her head thrashing upon the pillow as her Alpha suckled deeply upon her sensitive, swollen nipples, humming deeply as she strummed her clit with her thumb.

“Nicole! Please… oh god! Need to come!”

“No! Not yet, Baby. Don’t you dare!” Pulling back with mouth and fingers, Nicole waited until Waverly’s blown wide hazel eyes met hers. Lifting wet fingers to her lips, she rode the bucking of Waverly’s hips as her Omega watched her lick her sweet juices off her fingers. “You don’t get to come until I say… understand?”

Waverly bit her lip, fighting down the need to fall apart before her Alpha was ready. “Y-yes, Nicole.”

“Don’t worry… I won’t make you wait too long… not this time,” she chuckled as Waverly whined and wiggled beneath her. “You taste so good, Waves, my sweet naughty Omega… I think this first time I want you to come in my mouth.”