
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Loki the Witch

Caroline leaves after doing her job, and Damon decides to go into the warehouse to find the vampire. Hearing a twig snap, Loki turned around to see Elena out of breath, "It seems you do need some training," joked Loki.

Elena glares at Loki, "So, u-um where are Caroline and Damon?" asked Elena looking around. Then she notices that this warehouse is the Fell's warehouse. "Isn't this the Fell Warehouse?"

Going through his memories, Loki said, "You're right, this is the Fell Warehouse, but do you want to check out who the vampire is?" asked Loki walking into the warehouse.

"Yeah, I am also worried that Caroline might get attacked," Elena said while following Loki.

Loki assured, "Oh, don't worry about Caroline, she left just before you arrived." Elena's face grew softer, "Now, be quiet, we want to not alert Damon or the new vampire." Chanting: Furtim contra omnes, Loki touched Elena's head then touched his own.

"What was that for?" Elena asked touching her forehead.

Hearing some talking, Loki answers, "I just used a spell that hides your scent and noise. It makes you invisible to all supernatural creatures, especially vampires." Nodding in understanding, Elena followed Loki until they reach a bunker.

4 shots went off, Loki with Elena walked into the bunker to see Damon on the ground, and the person who shot him was...

Logan Fell, a former lover of Jenna, was formerly killed by Damon. "It's funny isn't it, I become a vampire and I don't even get a book on what to expect as a vampire, instead I get burned just by the sunlight, wait, how do you walk in the daytime? Aren't you a vampire like me?" asked Logan.

Grunting, Damon spat out some blood, "Who turned you?" Damon inquired.

Logan thought about it, "Honestly, I thought you turned me?" answered Logan honestly.

Damon scoffs and gets enough energy to push Logan into a wall cracking it, then he super speeds away. "Aunt Jenna's ex is a vampire...wow," whispered Elena.

"WHO'S THERE!?" demanded Logan hearing someone talk, Loki realizing they were almost caught, grabbed Elena's hand and teleported outside of the warehouse.

Flicking Elena on the head, "What was that for?" asked Elena holding her head in pain.

Sighing, Loki undid the spell, "The spell doesn't cover sound when you speak, next time, don't be stupid," stated Loki, "Now we know the vampire's identity, you can warn Bonnie and your Aunt."

Smiling, Elena asks, "Um, can you teleport me to school?"

"Where did you hear I could teleport?"

Looking away, Elena confirms, "I heard it from Bonnie when she explained the first day of her training with you."

Elena grabs Loki's hands which confused the hell out of Loki, "Um, what are you doing?"

Confused as well, Elena answers, "Don't you need to make physical contact to teleport?"

Chuckling, Loki confirms, "No, I don't need physical contact to teleport, where did you learn that?"

"Um, I read it in a book once, that when people want to teleport others, they need to make physical contact with each other," Elena answered.

Loki sighs and teleports them both to school, letting go of Loki's hands, they both walk into class with a tardy pass made by Loki. School ends and we now see Elena, Loki, and Matt at the school fair after school.

"So, I've seen you and Caroline together a lot, so are you two like a thing?" asked Elena a bit curious.

Matt was a bit taken aback by the question but answered with a little bit of a lie, "Nah, we're just good friends, nothing is going on between me and her."

Stefan randomly shows up, "Hello, so Elena, the thing, is um..." said Stefan but before he could reveal who the vampire is to Elena, Jenna shows up.

"I just spotted Logan, why is he even here?" stated Jenna.

Stefan, Elena, and Loki's eyes widen. Didn't Logan die thought Stefan, "I'm, um, gonna go," said Stefan walking to confront Logan. "Elena, take Jenna and leave."

Nodding, Elena takes Jenna home, and Loki accompanies them, after dropping off Jenna, they come back to school. Seeing Stefan talking on the phone next to Matt, Elena asks, "Where is Logan?"

Matt surprisingly answers, "I saw Caroline get into Logan's car, and they drove away."

"I know where they went," stated Stefan smelling the air, "Don't worry Elena, I'll get Caroline back safely, I promise."

"I trust you," stated Elena, Stefan runs away out of sight then he super speeds to where he smelled Caroline's scent.

Arriving there at the same time as Damon, Stefan grabs Logan out of the car, "This is for revenge you b*tch!" said Damon shooting Logan with wooden bullets. "Stefan, get Caroline to safety, I'll deal with this vampire."

Having no choice, Stefan picked up Caroline and took her to her home, informing the Sheriff of their location, Damon shoots Logan a few more times. "Wait, the vampire who turned me said that they have another way to unlock the tomb under the church," stated Logan.

"Hm, alright, fine, I'll let you escape, just make it believable," said Damon, the Sheriff's car arrives including her backup, then they all saw Logan throwing Damon onto the car and speeding off.

Getting out of her car, Sheriff Forbes came up to Damon, "Are you okay?" asked Sheriff Forbes helping Damon up.

Coughing and wheezing for effect, "Yeah, he caught me off-guard," lied Damon out of breath.

"Don't worry, we'll get him one day," stated Sheriff Forbes.

After dropping off Caroline at her house, he goes back to the school and finds Elena sitting on a bench. Stopping in front of her, Stefan says, "We can't be together, I'm sorry."

Elena gets up from the bench and speaks, "Stefan, my life before you came in it was miserable and painful, it is not your fault everything has happened in my life." Not being convinced, Stefan walks away until Elena shouts, "I LOVE YOU STEFAN SALVATORE!!"

Stefan breathes in heavily and turns around to embrace Elena. Kissing, Stefan drives Elena's car with Elena inside the Salvatore Mansion, and after reaching Stefan's room, they finally spend the night together.

Loki yawn as he is in his dimension watching the humans on his first planet kill a Sabertooth tiger with a spear.

It seems, they finally did it, haha thought Loki, teleporting out of his dimension, he opened the windows to find it was still midnight. He then heard a car starting, looking at his Byakugan, he sees Elena in her car.

She must have found the Katherine picture thought Loki, going to sleep, Loki dreams of his time in...