
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · Anime & Comics
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Loki the Sensei

Jenna was shocked, "Um, I, um, um, I promised your mom and dad to keep it a secret," Jenna tried to explain but Elena was not having none of the excuses so she went into her room without saying a word.

Sighing, Jenna closed the front door and went into her room. Two days later, on December 6, 2009. Loki on December 5th had a surprise when he was training Bonnie...


December 5, 2009. Loki was in the backyard of Bonnies Gram's house waiting for Bonnie to finish her homework. Then, Bonnie and Elena show up opening the backyard door, "Good afternoon Bonnie, and Elena?" greeted Loki.

Elena smiled a little back, "Good afternoon to you too Mr. Tardie," joked Elena.

Sitting down in front of Loki, Bonnie said, "Elena is now on gonna join us, is that okay Sensei?"

Turning to look at Bonnie, Elena looked at her with a weird stare, "Do I have to call you Sensei as well?" asked Elena turning back to face Loki.

"Well, you can if you want to, I don't mind," answered Loki smiling. Elena nodded, "So since you are new, we will gauge your physical fitness, and how do we do that you might add, well, run laps of course," snapping his fingers, Loki teleported them to the School Track.

Elena was wearing a black athletic tank top covering up to her stomach with shorts that go up to her knees, and she was wearing green running shoes. She also tied her hair up like a bun, Bonnie had on a white athletic tank top covering up to her belly button with leggings that cover her whole leg.

Her hair was tied up in a bun, she was also wearing green running shoes. "First thing we do, is we stretch," said Loki as he began stretching. Loki was wearing a blue tank top showing off his muscles and he had on red shorts including yellow running shoes.

Loki's hair was slicked back with some gel, "So, who should start first?" asked Elena stretching.

"Well, we have to see your capabilities first, so you have to complete 10 laps, and Bonnie can accompany you," stated Loki sitting down.

Bonnie and Elena went to the track field and began running, 7 laps in, Elena was feeling like she was walking through the jelly and so she collapsed almost finishing the 8th lap. Getting on her back, Elena was breathing heavily.

Walking to Elena, Loki helped her up and sat her down on the bleachers. "That was impressive, even Bonnie couldn't finish more than 5 laps on her first try," stated Loki handing Elena a water bottle.

They both watch as Bonnie finishes 17 laps and collapses, "Wow, she did 17 laps going full speed, I guess you are a good Sensei," chuckled Elena.

Helping Bonnie to the bleachers, Loki hands her a water bottle as well, "Now, watch the show," stated Bonnie. Elena was confused, then she saw Loki on the starting line.

"How much do you think he'll do?" asked Elena.

"I think about 500, or 800."

"What? How is that possible?" Elena questioned in disbelief.

Bonnie put a finger to her mouth, "Shh, just watch," stated Bonnie. "3, 2, 1, go!"

To the utter amazement of Elena, Loki ran so fast he was almost like a blur, the only reason they knew he was finishing the laps was the notebook which was counting how many laps Loki finished.

Bonnie had explained beforehand how the notebook spell worked, "100 in 2 minutes," said Elena in shock. 10 minutes later, "Wow, Impossible, 1,300 in 10 minutes, are you even human?" asked Elena rubbing her eyes.

Loki wiped the sweat from his brows, "Honestly, I don't know myself," stated Loki drinking some water. "So, you finished 7 laps which is quite impressive, alright, keep coming to the workouts and I will give you a routine that will maximize your potential."

Smiling, Loki teleported all of them back into Gram's house, and they ate food, Elena also learned from Bonnie that she will be learning how to defend herself as part of Loki's training. The scariest part is sparring with Loki said Bonnie to Elena which made her shiver a little.

After the training was over, Elena went home dead tired and a little happier than usual. (Flashback ends)

December 6, 2009. Stefan early in the morning went to Elena's house and gave Elena some jewelry that contained vervain to give to some of her closest family and friends. Leaving, a pizza delivery guy knocks on the door.

Jeremy opens the door, "Oh, come in, Elena!! Come pay the pizza delivery guy!" yelled Jeremy to Elena who came down the stairs, paying the delivery guy the money and a tip, the delivery guy leaves and removes his hood to reveal he is the same guy who Elena almost hit with her car.

Loki walked downstairs out of his room to see Damon and Stefan talking, "What did Bree tell you?" asked Stefan.

Damon who was currently trying to search for their dad's journal answers, "It was nothing in particular."

Sighing, Stefan hands Damon their dad's journal and offers, "If you would just let me help you, I will help you free Katherine."

"I'm good brother, don't worry about it," smiled Damon walking away.

Loki appears right in front of Damon and smiles, "You know, I heard everything right," stated Loki.

Damon was confused until he realized what Loki meant, "Don't you f*cking dare, I swear to god, if you tell Stefan, I will torment you for my entire life even if you are Immortal," claimed Damon gritting his teeth.

Holding his hands up, Loki chuckled, "Woah, Woah, Woah, no need to get violent, I actually wanna see you succeed, because...anyways, I hope you find it," walking away, Damon super speeds away.

Stefan sighed, "So, do you know how he is gonna free Katherine?"

Loki sits on the couch and replies, "Yep, of course I know, come on, I'm not an Immortal Witch for no reason and no, I won't tell you because I still hate the fact you tried to stab me in my heart even if I am Immortal, you just don't go stabbing people's hearts. That's just not a good way to greet people."

"I am truly sorry for trying to kill you, but we thought you were a vampire, that is why we did what we did," apologized Stefan sincerely.

"Hm, I guess I could accept your apology, so Stefan Salvatore, I accept your apology," stated Loki standing up and shaking Stefan's hand. "Now, go visit your girlfriend, I know you miss her. Or you could spy on Damon to figure out what he might be trying to do."

Chuckling a little, Stefan super speeds away...