
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Loki the Rich

Arriving at the Gilbert's House, Elena, Stefan, and Loki were surprised to find Damon on the couch. Beginning their search, they couldn't find the journal then the door opened and Jeremy enters the house. Noticing Jeremy, Elena asks, "Jeremy, would you, know, where Johnathan's journal is?"

Sighing, Jeremy said, "I gave it to Mr. Saltzman, why do so many people want the stupid journal?" walking into the kitchen, he saw Loki drinking a cup of milk. "Hello? Are you one of Elena's friends?"

Nodding, Loki hands Jeremy a cup and pours milk in it, "Yep, you haven't met me but my name is Lucas Marcel or Loki, most people call me Loki, anyways, nice meeting you Jeremy Gilbert," introduced Loki.

Drinking the milk, Jeremy places the cup down in the sink, "Yeah, anyways, you guys have fun doing whatever you are doing, I am gonna go to my room," stated Jeremy.

Loki smiled and winked at Jeremy, "Yeah, I get it, sometimes you just get the feeling, and when you are alone, the urge is unbearable," stated Loki.

"I'm not doing drugs, I quit a while ago," claimed Jeremy smiling proudly.

"What, I didn't mean drugs, I meant, you know, the thing," smiled Loki.

Realizing what Loki meant, Jeremy said, "Ew, I'm not gonna, never mind, I am just gonna go to my room," walking up the stairs, and into his room, Jeremy went on his computer to search for more things about vampires.

Walking into the kitchen, Elena said, "What did you say to Jeremy? He had this weird face when he went into his room."

Shrugging, Loki states, "I told him that you know when you get this unbearable feeling to jerk off, just do it"

Blushing, Elena slaps Loki's arm, "Your such a pervert," stated Elena getting a cup of milk. After drinking a cup of milk she walks out of the kitchen and sits on the couch, Damon sat next to her.

"Look, can you be honest here, do you think I can trust Stefan with my plan?" asked Damon seriously.

Looking into Damon's eyes, Elena smiles and states, "Damon, here is my honest answer. I don't know Stefan half as long as you did but I can guarantee, you can trust him with your plan." Nodding, Damon walks to the kitchen to find Loki washing the cups.

"Big bad Damon needs assurance for his brother?" asked Loki finishing the cups.

Snarling, Damon leans on the kitchen counter, "I don't need assurance, I just need to know I can trust Stefan with my plan, and what is even your deal with all of this? You are not even needed for the plan," stated Damon rolling his eyes.

Loki drys his hands, "Honestly, I don't care if your plan works, but you forgot, I'm a f*cking Immortal Witch, you didn't even ask me if I had a way to remove the spell in the tomb, haha!" chuckled Loki.

"You're lying, you can't remove the spell, you're bluffing," said Damon crossing his arms.

"Tsk, Tsk, I can remove the spell, but you never asked me to, to be honest, the spell is a bit weak considering people in this world can create whole dimensions and sh*ts," claimed Loki walking into the living room.

"What? Witches can create dimensions?" asked Damon walking behind Loki.

Loki sits down on the couch while Damon is standing beside him, "Yeah, yeah, I saw some spells that create these um, whatchu call it, prison worlds, they trap the person you want to trap in a parallel world devoid of life," stated Loki.

Now Elena was intrigued, "Prison worlds, is that even possible?"

"Well, yeah, they are 100% possible but they require a lot of preparation and stuff," shrugged Loki laying back.

"Wait, wait, rewind it back, you said you could remove the spell?" asked Damon pleadingly.

"Uh huh, I can 150% remove it, just bring me the spell book and Bonnie if you want me to break the spell," claimed Loki stretching, noticing Elena's worried face, Loki assures her, "I don't need Bonnie per se, I just need a little bit of her blood."

Smiling, Elena nodded, "Fine, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but don't you mess this up," warned Damon sitting down.

Knocking on the door a couple of hours later, Damon opens the door to find Stefan, "So, where is the journal?" asked Damon a bit annoyed since Loki keeps beating him in NBA2k9 with the same team over and over again.

Stepping into the house, Stefan answers, "Someone grabbed the journal from Alaric, it must be a vampire wanting the same thing you want but I don't know who it might be."

Looking at Jeremy walking down the stairs, Damon asks, "Jeremy, has anyone shown an interest in the journal?"

"Well, at school, there is this girl named Anna, she kept asking for the journal, to be honest, she is quite weird," Jeremy answered.

Sighing, Damon says, "Alright, Jeremy and I are gonna search for Anna, then after getting the journal, you better undo the spell Loki." Leaving with Jeremy to find Anna, Loki, Stefan, Elena, and Aunt Jenna were the only people in the house.

Whispering to Elena, Stefan says, "I have a copy of the journal, lets's read through it to find any hints on where the spellbook may be."

Agreeing, they went through the copy of the journal, Loki at this moment was helping Aunt Jenna clean some dishes, "So, you're a friend of Elena's?" asked Aunt Jenna examining Loki up and down.

"Yeah, my name is Lucas Marcel or you can call me Loki. Um, why do you have so many dishes?" inquired Loki placing the washed dishes on the drying rack.

Chuckling, Aunt Jenna answers, "Sometimes, I help people wash their dishes and they pay me a little bit of money, that's all."

"Wow, I respect the hustle," stated Loki.

"Thanks," thanked Aunt Jenna. Placing the last dish on the drying rack, Loki smiled and handed Aunt Jenna 900 dollars, "What? I can't accept that."

"This is nothing, it is just a little tip for being a great parent to Elena and Jeremy, I can tell you tried your hardest to raise them right, so this is just a little bit of money to say thanks for making such an effort," stated Loki handing the money to Aunt Jenna.

Having no choice, Aunt Jenna accepted the money, "Well, if you say so, I didn't do that good of a job raising them, but thanks for the money anyways," thanked Aunt Jenna.

"Don't worry, it's nothing, if you ever need money, don't be scared to ask me, I have plenty to spare," Loki claimed walking out of the kitchen to find Elena and Stefan gone...