
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · Anime & Comics
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Loki the Dead guy

Let me tell you the story of Loki the God, he was once a "regular" human who lived in the world you are currently in right now. He was nobody special, he tried to play basketball but he realized he was trash so he switched to football but realized he had to get into shape and stopped.

Overall he was good at sports but not too good, and he never wants to commit to any one thing, to be honest, he is quite lazy also. After school was over for him he just did many odd jobs like Uber, DoorDash, etc.

Then one day he was doing a DoorDash order, and then a truck came out of his blind side which and totaled his car and his body. Lucas Marcel or Loki died that day, he then woke up to find that he was in an empty void that was pure white.

Then he saw God, like the literal God, God told him he could reincarnate again back to the same world or he could go to any world he chooses, and so Loki decided to reincarnate into Naruto.

"Your life was not in the least case normal so I am allowing you to go into the Naruto world, so which clan would you like?" asked God.

"I guess the Uzumaki Clan," answered Loki with a blank face, "I also want to be part, Senju."

"Sure, now what affinities do you want?"

With no hesitation, Loki said, "All."

God chuckled, "Greedy are we, fine, you get Fire, Lightning, Water, Earth, and Wind. Now, what else?"

"Part Hanma," stated Loki.

"Alright, now what else, you only have one more request so think carefully," said God.

"Can you give me a dimension where I can control everything and anything in it?"

God waved his hand, "There, now hurry up and go."

"Thanks, I guess," said Loki.

Feeling his body shimmer, Loki awoke in a crib made of wood. Hearing the birds chirp, he wondered when he gained consciousness. Getting up from the bed, he smelled burning, more specifically, burning wood.

Looking down at himself, he estimates his age to be about 6 or 7, finally looking up, Loki notices the fire blazing at the roof. "Oh," said Lucas jumping off the crib. Landing on the wet floor, he looked around for his parents.

A commotion outside was making the birds chirp very loudly, Loki opened the door to the outside world. The blinding light made him shield his eyes but when he gained focus, all he saw was carnage.

His mother supposedly who had red hair was laying on the ground dead, while his father was fighting with some ninjas with white masks. Loki immediately knew who those ninjas worked for, then right in front of his very eyes, his dad got hit with a lightning Jutsu.

At first, Loki couldn't feel anything since he didn't even know these people, but the memories came back like a flood. "Get the boy," stated one of the ninjas with the white mask.

Remembering his first words, when his dad taught him how to use chakra when his mom taught him how to cook food, and then he remembers that today was the day, was the day his dad was gonna train him.

One of the white-masked ninjas saw Loki standing in the doorway and ran quickly to the boy to grab him. Before he could even reach Loki, a force, or specifically, a pressure of chakra bursts out of Loki.

"ARGH!!!" screaming out in rage, pain, sadness, and most importantly, RAGE!! Without any wasted second, Loki's body adapts to the chakra since he is a Hanma and he runs toward the masked ninja who was gonna grab him and spin-kicks his head clean off.

The masked ninjas never really show emotion but they had a bit of shock on their faces which was covered by the mask. Without any words, 3 of the masked ninjas went through hand signs, shooting out a huge fireball towards Lucas.

Instinctively, Loki went through the same hand signs as them but faster, shooting out a fireball 5x bigger than the fireball coming towards him, noticing their fireball was getting engulfed, they all jumped away.

A huge explosion covers the place where the masked ninjas were last, Loki subconsciously enhances his body in chakra making him so fast, all the leader of the masked ninjas heard was sploosh, splat, and screaming.

The dust settled and all of his ninjas were on the ground either dead, with no head, or with no lower torso. For the first time in his life, he was feeling fear, so without any warning, he began to run from the little demon.

All the masked ninja saw was the demon back of Loki then his vision turns upside down, "Demon..." said the masked ninja closing his eyes. After decapitating the ninja, Loki fell unconscious and went into his mindscape.

On the bank of a river, there was a crystal in the middle of the river which was in pieces, "First time I felt emotion in a long time, interesting," stated Loki watching as the crystal falls into the river.

Waking up, Loki looked at everything that has happened to him, he felt nothing, absolutely nothing, no sadness, happiness, just emptiness.

Taking a look over at his parents, Loki felt absolutely nothing towards them, sighing, he buries all of the dead bodies in a hole he dug.

"It seems I have perfect control of my chakra," stated Loki washing his bloody clothes in the river. Just being a Hanma grants you so many things.

Hanging up his clothes, Loki looked at his hands, one of his hands had a circle tattooed on it. Touching the circle, he was transported to his dimension, looking around at the space, he began creating stuff just to practice.

Loki decided to create a platform with forests and trees all around. Within the forest, Loki had his house which was not that big but it had all the essentials like a kitchen, bathroom, etc. He created a sun to make the forest grow and also added animals like tigers, bears, rabbits, etc.

The platform grew larger than America, and the animals all live lavishly. He also learned that if he trained in the dimension, the results will translate into the real world. Loki then changed the time to 1 year in the dimension equals 1 day in the real world.

So we begin Loki's training, 10 years go by, and Loki unlocked his chakra and began to use the Jutsus he could vaguely remember from the show. He began to use imagination fighting to fight with people from the show like Guy, and Lee, and he even imagined other people from other shows.

Yuujiro, Baki, Goku, and Musashi. He learned that he didn't need to know all of their fighting styles to be able to conjure them, but he just had to know the basic knowledge. So in the 10 years, he mastered all of Guy, Yuujiro, Baki, and Goku's martial arts.

In his previous life, he had experience with fighting so it wasn't that hard to master their styles.

He then imagined Kenshiro, Bang, and Akuma then mastered all of their martial arts. Seeing that he is a Hanma, it was pretty easy to grow the muscles capable of performing all of their fighting styles.

Hanmas also have the superhuman ability to master and copy martial arts at an insane level. He also unlocked his Demon Back giving his fighting abilities a boost, okay, you are asking the question, how the hell is he not dying of hunger or water?

Well, he learned he can eat his creations and gain almost infinite food but he also found out he can create water using his chakra, so that explains it. Fighting Musashi, he found out he had an aptitude for swordsmanship and so for the next 10 years he would master fighting with swords.

Imagining Musashi, Kenshin, Mihawk, Zoro, Atomic Samurai, and Ryuma. He would then master and learn from them, 20 years have passed in the dimension meaning 20 days have passed in the Naruto world.

Loki can confidently take them all individually and win but in a group, he needs more time. 30 years went by and Loki has now mastered all of his chakra affinities, he can confidently use one-handed hand signs for S-rank Jutsus.

He learned he does not have the chakra chains but he does have the ability to use Sage Mode just like Hashirama. His Sage Mode enhances his speed to a degree that even Killua in GodSpeed would be hard-pressed to beat in a race or a fight.

He named his Sage Mode: Savitar like Savitar from the TV Show Flash. During his Sage Mode, his entire body is covered in a blue aura which is a Tachyon aura filled with a lot of Tachyons making Loki faster than light since Tachyon particles travel faster than light.

Loki is also absorbing Tachyons from the universe to power his form making him faster the longer he is in the form. He can also store the Tachyons in his body whenever he needs to use the speed it grants.

Loki is only probably like 1 or 2 months old since it has been 30 days out in the Naruto world while it has been 30 years in the Loki dimension.

Heavy TimeSkip of 5,000 years, so 5,030 years have passed meaning 5,030 days have passed on the outside world meaning it has been 13 years since Loki's training and in these years, Loki has learned a lot.

During years 1,000-2,000, Loki has been able to beat all of his Imaginary opponents. His overall physique is quite skinny but his muscles are very like very compact making it seem like he has vibranium for limbs.

Loki has Imagined fighting all of the Naruto characters and won easily due to his monstrous chakra and Savitar Mode. Most of the strong Naruto characters were pretty strong but Loki had a counter to all of them being his speed and skills.

During years 2,000-4,000, Loki perfected his chakra to the point he could destroy a mountain just by using the littlest chakra in his punches, he also found out that he can give his Imaginary opponents chakra making the fighting more exhilarating.

During years 4,000-5,030, Loki beat all of his Imaginary opponents even when they wielded chakra like him, beating them together was hard but chakra made it almost impossible but Loki has done it. After beating all of the Imaginary opponents with chakra, Loki meditated for most of the time.

19-year-old Loki decided to visit the real world and is gonna go on a journey and maybe save the world from Kaguya. Exiting his dimension by tapping the circle on his hand, he appeared in front of a cliff.

Not bothering in finding where his parent's house was, he headed off on his journey...

7 years go by, and Loki found out that he was sent to the canon timeline of Naruto meaning that he came out of his dimension during the Chunin Exams but he let the timeline roll as canon. He became a bounty hunter making a name for himself killing only A-ranked bounties.

He was nicknamed the Deathly Cut as in one of his hunts he only needs to use one cut to end life as he did to an S-ranked missing ninja named Idom who gained his S-rank from stealing a lot of high profile knowledge which can overturn any single village.

Loki used a technique called the Heavenly Flash which he moves so fast even Jonins cannot see him and he stabs the target's heart but his cut doesn't appear on the skin but inside of the heart. Medics found out that Idom had his heart stabbed through but there was no damage on his skin.

This knowledge made Loki feared, the Akatsuki also tried to recruit him but he sent them packing. "Would you like to join us Deathly Cut?" asked Kisame standing in front of Loki.

"I am sorry but I would have to decline since I see you all below me," claimed Loki looking at both Itachi and Kisame with a bored face.

Kisame grew a tick mark on his head, "If you won't join us, then DIE!!" yelled Kisame charging but before he charged, he looked over at Itachi to see he was sweating. "Woah, what is wrong with you Itachi?"

"Impossible, it seems Genjutsu doesn't seem to affect him, we have to be careful Kisame," stated Itachi sweating a bit more.

Kisame gulped but charged forward, before he could even reach Loki, he fell to the ground bleeding out from cuts all around his body, "I spared you because I feel you can become stronger than you are, so be grateful," stated Loki not even moving an inch.

Impossible, I couldn't see him move with my Sharingan activated thought Itachi. When did he move thought Itachi, Morphing his Sharingan to the Mangekyou Sharingan, he activates Amateratsu trying to hit Loki and kill him.

To the utter shock of Itachi, Loki moves so fast that his body left 10 afterimages, and the Amateratsu hits a tree. "You have two choices, A, you can continue to fight a losing battle or B, you can take your partner and leave me be, what will you choose, Itachi?" said Loki with no emotions behind Itachi with his sword pointing at Itachi's heart.

Having cold sweat run down his body, Itachi for the first time in forever, actually felt fear. Without actually giving Loki an answer, he picked up Kisame and Shunshins away. Loki during his bounty hunter phase gained a lot of money.

Loki wanted to kill Danzo but whatever, he's gonna die to Sasuke anyway so he didn't bother to go to the Leaf Village.

When Loki turned 17, the 4th great ninja war occurred Loki didn't participate in it, unless it was necessary since everyone is so weak. Watching the battle from the sky, and hiding his presence, he was surprised nobody could sense him.

Watching canon Naruto Shippuden is way different from watching the show, Naruto and Sasuke begin beating up SO6Ps Madara, then he turns into Kaguya and they both fight her but what was different from canon was that Kaguya is being more hostile than in the show.

Naruto fell to one knee after releasing a huge attack that did nothing to Kaguya, then she releases an Ash Killing Bone toward Naruto who has 0% of dodging the attack. Then, to everyone's surprise, they all heard a clank.

Right in front of Naruto stood a man who had orange hair with a handsome face, and was not overly muscular but not overly skinny, he was wearing a white kimono with red sandal shoes. He was also holding a crumbling katana.

"Honestly, that katana cost me 100,000 thousand yen, now I have to find a new one," sighed Loki looking at Kaguya with no emotions.

"Um, thank you but who are you?" asked Naruto.

Loki looked back at Naruto, "Well me? Well, I am Loki Senju Uzumaki, or you might know me by my name, The Deathly Cut," said Loki.

Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto were shocked because they all heard about The Deathly Cut that was able to fend off Kisame and Itachi. "Wait, did you say you are an Uzumaki?" asked Naruto shocked.

"Yep, my mother is an Uzumaki while my dad is a Senju," answered Loki blandly.

"Well, then please help us defeat this woman," pleaded Naruto.

"Fine," said Loki nonchalantly.

Team 7 had a huge sweatdrop on their heads, "Alright, I'm fired up," claimed Naruto, Natsu Dragneel eating a huge meat on a stick in a restaurant sneezes.

"Did you know that if you sneeze, it must mean someone is talking about you," Happy said with a fish in his mouth.

Wiping his nose, Natsu burps loudly.

So Loki, Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, and Kakashi fought and eventually sealed Kaguya but before she was sealed, she shot an Ash Killing Bone towards Naruto, Loki jumped in front of it and began to die. Obito survives, before anyone could say anything, Loki died and disappeared.

Then Loki appears in front of God once again...

(Just made a TikTok account, if you want to check it out, here's the link: www.tiktok.com/@tachyoniccha)