
logs of a wannabe serial killer

This is the story of a broken man who has a sort of messed up game with fate but he still trudges on and attempts to push past his seemingly pre destined fate will he be able to push through or will he get crushed just like he has been all of his life read through the story to find out.

Writer_in_progress · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Log Eight

I never thought I'd live with someone like June. If anything I thought I'd live alone and I was fine with that, but now that I live with June I realized just how much I can't stand other people. If it was anyone else I probably would've kicked them out by now or just started arguing with them like how it was at my old home, but with her around it's always interesting to say the least. I still remember when I woke up the next morning on the first day to find her in the same bed as me which at first I was very concerned about but in the end I just stopped questioning it since there'd be no point in doing so. I went into the little mini kitchen we had and proceeded to make us some bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches and make a mango smoothie before I went to the huge lake that was in the forest in the RV park and proceeded to swim for about an hour and a half before I stopped to take a break, I then heard my phone notifications going off which was weird since I never had anyone text me it was mostly calls that consisted of screaming and yelling. so I picked up my phone and looked at my messages, and sure enough she was blowing up my phone worried about where I was because she was alone in the RV. I ended up telling her where I was which ended up with her coming and joining me in my daily exercise routine. Which consisted of just swimming for about 4 hours but it worked so I stuck with it. By the time we were done exercising she couldn't even walk back which I find kinda funny considering she always seemed like she had infinite energy, so I offered to give her a piggyback ride. she refused until I asked her if she could get up because if she could then I'd let her be. I waited there as she struggled for a good little bit before I eventually picked her up and took her back. I set her on the stairs as I proceeded to look for towels for the both of us. And I came back to her asking if I was a superhero or something, because no one was able to swim for that long according to her. I just told her she needed to just do it everyday and she'd be fine but she just looked at me with skepticism. As much fun as that was, I now had to look for another job because even though I still had about fifty three thousand dollars left in my savings I didn't really wanna touch it since it reminded me of work and how i'd sell stuff to my bosses son and whoever else knew and wanted what I had. So for the time being that wasn't an option as stupid as I knew it was. I wanted to stick by that thought process until I actually needed the money so I immediately looked on the internet for any job listings while listening to music on YouTube before I heard something that threw me off. I didn't know that you could buy websites and sell them, I thought to myself that there's no way that actually works but sure enough it worked and I bought one domain that I ended up selling to a new start up for about eight thousand dollars which was just insane to me but I did it anyways and sent them the scripts for it and everything. So now we had enough money for probably about two, maybe three weeks but then I remembered that I don't live in a household of six anymore so this amount of money was actually a lot now. I thought about it and I finally bought myself a game because I always had an xbox but I was never the one using it but now that I was the one using it I decided to buy a game but I had no clue where to start so I asked the only person I could when it came to games. "Hey June? Do you have any games that you'd recommend me to play?" I just wanted to see if it was worth it or not but she was so excited when I asked because she asked me something else I didn't expect. " Would you ever wanna record yourself playing games and posting them?" I had no clue what she was talking about but I just went along with it and said "sure." That's when she brought out a gaming setup from who knows where and set up a capture card, a nice headset, and she even recommended certain games for me to play like F#ll#ut 4, Min#cr#ft, and the D#rk S#uls series. I got everything set up and decided I'd record at least one video because what's the worst that could happen. I decided to go with D#rk S#uls remastered and I spent a very long time on that game, all because I had no clue what I was doing. June was there and helped me every step of the way and was also included in the video as my sort of co-host, and what we did to be different from everyone else was that for every time I died I'd have to take a bong rip. We recorded about 4 hours worth of footage and I let June edit it because I had no clue how to do that, and went back to looking for an actual job and just settled for being a delivery driver because I loved to drive my car. When I got back home I decided to retry beating the drake that was on the bridge and for a good two hours I was there in frustration and didn't even realize I was streaming probably from how high I was.