
Login in Ben 10 (adaptation, not original)

(english is not my first language) Bryce was reincarnated into the Ben 10 universe and now begins his journey with a login system alongside max, ben and gwen. It is not my original novel, I just use a translator and then try to adapt it to make it more enjoyable for others this is the original link http://ffxs8.com/trxs/16908/1.html

Dagon_vcg · TV
Not enough ratings
75 Chs

capitulo 50

Chapter 50 Wildmutt's Reward!


With a burst of green light!

Bryce's body grew in size, orange fur grew all over his body, his waist quickly bent and his limbs fell to the ground, until he became a massive dog-like creature, larger than any canine or feline on earth. land.


After transforming into Wildmutt, his vision completely disappeared and he couldn't see anything. Instead, he was replaced by an increase in his other senses. He could judge the surroundings through his perception, and could see everything around him without blind spots.

Similar to haki from one piece or Daredevil!

A/N: haki has various levels, wildmutt's haki is similar to mid to advanced haki, he was shown to be able to predict movements around him to a very limited extent in the original series, but he can't see a few seconds into the future, It is more similar to how Daredevil predicts the movements of his enemies by feeling their heartbeat, muscle contractions, breathing, etc.

Also, this perception won't be limited by darkness by not using his eyes, which is where Wildmutt's perception comes in handy as well.

"This big dog has no eyes, how can seeing be useful?"

Gwen reached Wildmutt's side, and his small hand fell on his fur, as if she were touching a large dog, gently stroking Wildmutt.


Wildmutt turned his head to look at Gwen and wanted to say something, but he let out a loud growling noise. He couldn't speak human language at all!

"What does that mean?"

Gwen and Ben looked at each other, not understanding Wildmutt.

Wildmutt raised a claw, pointed at his back and grabbed the fur on his body..

"Do you want us to climb on your back, hold on to your fur, and then carry us downstairs?" Gwen tentatively asked Wildmutt.

Wildmutt nodded vigorously.

"Well, I haven't done anything like that!" ben walked over to wildmutt's side with interest, "what should i do?"

Wildmutt stretched out his leg and placed Ben's small body on his back so that when he landed, he would bear most of the impact.

"Itches !" It was ben, who couldn't stand the fur of the animal.

"Me too."

Gwen walked to the other side of wildmutt and naturally wildmutt climbed on her back very carefully! they were ready to go down

Wildmutt prepared to jump, his legs were full of strength, and he just stepped on the ground lightly, his body immediately jumped out of place, jumping into the deep well!

In the dark well!

The lighting, buildings and scenery of the village disappeared, which directly strengthened the perception of wildmutt!

The perception of him is like a radar, and it spreads to all corners of the deep well in an instant. He instantly captured the ground, the rocks, and the entire structure of the cave!


Gwen felt the quick fall and couldn't help but scream, her arms hugged wildmutt's body even tighter, in contrast, Ben screamed with excitement!


wildmutt suddenly stretched out his hind legs and continued to step on the protruding rocks around the deep well. The moment he stepped on the protruding rocks on the walls, they were unstable and shattered into pieces!

Bang Bang Bang! !

However, wildmuttw's falling speed is getting slower and slower, until his momentum was supported by the rocks without destroying them, that allowed him to freely jump down with the help of the rocks on the walls!

"It's really slowed down" Gwen eased his worries a bit, she couldn't see what was happening, but she felt his falling speed slow down.

"What's..." Ben wanted to say something, but his falling speed increased again.

Fall again!


This time, the falling time lasted for two seconds, and wildmutt's body fell heavily onto the underground floor, kicking up a cloud of dust!

We arrived!

He was unharmed!

The two people on his back, protected from the impact by his body, are safe and sound, but the adrenaline in his blood will take a while to go, that was a hundred times more exciting than a roller coaster!

Wildmutt crouched down and put the two people on the ground, the perception of him began to scan the environment around him.

Around, there are several tunnels, like passages, and they all descend downwards, it looks like an underground labyrinth!

This confused him, which way should he go?

At that moment.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully logging in!"

"Get the blue reward: Spider-Man's spider-sense, do you want to fuse it with wildmutt's perception?"

"Spider-Man's spider-sense!?"

Wildmutt was stunned.

This is an extraordinary ability! ! Wildmutt's original perception is extremely powerful, allowing him to predict some of his enemies' movements and if combined with Spider-Man's spider-sense which is almost like seeing the future, he would be nearly untouchable.

You can't even imagine it!


Wildmutt agreed without hesitation.

A/N: Bryce and the other aliens will not have the spider sense.

It would be too OP to have everyone with almost future prediction, and the spider-sense is a superpower, it is not a technique, nor information or experience like the previous rewards, the spider-sense goes directly to the DNA and can only be integrated into an alien since it's a superpower.

PS: the X2 multiplier is a technique, which consumes your physical strength in order to achieve the multiplication effect, something like a goku kaio-ken, you need to be strong enough to use it or your body would fall apart, that's why only four arms can use it.