

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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.The bow of hunting, Star Spirit Chamber of Commerce, Rubbing the boat! 1

Lu Sheng dispersed his 13th-level ⁇ spiritual power out of ⁇ , which contains the power of two emotional laws ⁇ spiritual power concealment covenant can capture the traces of Mokodo's departure.

Belonging to the fourteenth grade ⁇ The breath quickly dissipated like tide ⁇ This starry sky.

The three people of Lu Sheng, Skeleton Polar ⁇ and Ononturing stood in the starry sky, and felt the breath of this universe that had not been felt for a long time.

Standing ⁇ Land of the Holy Body ⁇ The skeleton of the skeleton ⁇ Looking at the complete disappearance ⁇ Void hole, opening the word: " The chief star asked me to tell the two, you stay in the ⁇ Big Star District ⁇ family and friends, he will find someone to take care of it properly.

You can rest assured to go to the center of Star ⁇ ..."

Lu Sheng understood that this sentence was mainly to him.

Onon Turing was born ⁇ The Turing Family ⁇ The Great Star Zone is very powerful and is a superworld that occupies more than ten star zones.

There is not much need for Mokodo's ⁇ care. Even if it is needed, the approximate rate of this care has already begun "Seven-Five-Three".

" Thank you for the chief star.


Lu Sheng swept around with a glance, and finally looked down on the ⁇ spaceship in front of him.

Whether this model or technology is quite backward ⁇ Old spaceship, ⁇ After leaving the foreign battlefield, the largest ⁇ mission has been achieved.

⁇ Ben is old and old ⁇ The hull ⁇ has gone through a row of ⁇ space shuttles and has become more dilapidated.

There is also insufficient motivation.

It is obviously not realistic to want to continue to take such a spaceship to the center of Skystar.

" What shall we do next?"

" Can't you continue to sail on this spaceship?"

Onon Turing mumbled, and it was clear that he also had the same considerations as Lu Sheng.

As the Turing family has always been the best ⁇ genius, the priority from small-scale respect ⁇ Onon Turing is obviously more dissatisfied with this spaceship.

" Rest assured, the chief star has arranged a.


The skeleton ⁇ raised his hand, ⁇ inlaid ⁇ battle suit wrist ⁇ communication device operated a time, opening the road: " wants to reach the bow of hunting within half a year of the universe, crossing thousands of star zones halfway

,At least the immortal level is above, and it is only possible to prepare a shuttle star gate ⁇ spaceship.

Next ⁇ journey, we have to rub the boat.


Skeleton ⁇ Sentence ⁇ contains many Lu Sheng Jian who has not heard of ⁇ new vocabulary, making him feel novel.

But the current wreckage pole ⁇ seems to be busy operating the so-called " rubbing ship " ⁇ love that he just mentioned, and Lu Sheng did not rush to ask.

The three-person station ⁇ Silent and vast ⁇ Starry Sky waited for a period of time not a long ⁇ time.

⁇ The eighth stray meteorite was drawn from the side of the land holy body. The skeleton ⁇ raised his head, and a pair of gray ⁇ eyes glowed slightly.

He looked in a certain direction with a clear eye and said: " is coming.


Both Lu Sheng and Onotuling looked somewhere along the mute pole.

I saw ⁇ dark ⁇ starry sky, and a void suddenly came extremely violent ⁇ space waves.

The void is like boiling, large pieces of ripples, and some kind of Lu Sheng can clearly perceive it, but it cannot capture and describe ⁇ strange power ⁇ constantly spreading.

If you have to describe.

It's like, the place where ⁇ "Transparent" ⁇ melted quickly, and Lu Shengzhen felt the ⁇ strange force, which was the ⁇ melted ⁇ "Transparent".

" Space power! "

This vocabulary quickly jumped out of Lu Sheng's head.

Soon ⁇ , that piece of ⁇ vanity completely melted away.

A long-term ⁇ cone body quickly detected from it, such as ⁇ a slender elegant ⁇ star swordfish ⁇ head.

But soon, Lu Sheng discovered that this thing had nothing to do with the slender's elegance.

What he saw was only a very insignificant part of the thing that flew out of the melting void.

When the flying thing is completely presented to the three people of Lu Sheng, even Lu Sheng can't help but feel a slight amaze for it.

This is a dark brown ⁇ spaceship.

The whole body is about twenty blue stars, and its body is bloated, but the surface is flowing with various puzzles and gorgeous ⁇ light.

⁇ After the spacecraft fully appeared, it began to shrink quickly,

It didn't stop until it was reduced to one and a half blue stars.

At this time, Lu Sheng noticed that the spacecraft's side was printed with a pattern composed of dozens of purple stars.

It looks like a specific ⁇ sign.

Followed closely, in the middle of this pattern, the largest ⁇ purple star lights up blue light.

Several human shadows slowly stepped out of the star.

Lu Shengwei squinted his eyes and saw clearly that there were fifteen people.

They are all ⁇ martial arts militants above the twelfth level.

This ⁇ person ⁇ is quite tall.

Lu Shengjing is high enough ⁇ , Wu Daoxiu ⁇ to his point.

The gene sequence has been countless times ⁇ reformation and sublimation, and the outer ⁇ has shown that the ⁇ body reaches a height close to two meters.

This is the most suitable for his current strength to play ⁇ perfect height.…

The ⁇ ratio of each part of the body also ⁇ is also the most perfect.

Oncoming ⁇ 来 ⁇ This ⁇ person, all height is ⁇ more than three meters.

Among them, the first ⁇ is a woman, and the figure ⁇ 1 ⁇ is considered " fiber ", but it is also close to two meters and five.

Each of these people has more than three ⁇ purple stars on their forehead, just like the pattern on the surface of the spaceship.

For the first ⁇ woman eyebrow ⁇ UV star up to five, it can be seen that her ⁇ status is also the highest among.

This ⁇ person ⁇ went to the three of Lu Sheng.

For the first ⁇ , with a gorgeous purple hair, the appearance of the figure is quite perfect ⁇ The woman's face is brightly smiling.

Make a weird ⁇ action with both hands, like a strange ⁇ etiquette.

The opening said: "On behalf of the Star Spirit ⁇ Chamber of Commerce, I sincerely welcome the three ⁇ Join, respect ⁇ Baoji ⁇ Adult.


The woman's speech ⁇ Voice Festival is weird, obviously the ⁇ sound is transmitted through the translator.

Seeing a woman, the wreckage is extremely ⁇ ten years old and the poker face is also rarely smiling.

Back to the woman with the ⁇ weird ⁇ etiquette, back: " Miss Ziyanxin? "

Lu Sheng guessed that the name was also translated by translation.



The purple-haired woman nodded with a smile and immediately invited the three Lu Sheng to board the ship.

The three Lu Sheng were surrounded by a ⁇ purple-haired man on the spaceship. On the road, he heard the skeleton ⁇ Talking with the woman named Ziyan's heart.

The big estimate is to know what ⁇ "Rubbing ship" is said to be ⁇ 2.1.

The three of them borrowed this name as the Star Spirit ⁇ Chamber of Commerce ⁇ spaceship to " the bow of hunting ".

Along the way, the three will also assume the responsibility of protecting the safety of the spacecraft.

It's equivalent to serving as a chamber bodyguard to take a ride.

In the conversation between the two, the " hunting bow " was repeatedly mentioned. If Lu Sheng guessed correctly, it should be the Snake Star ⁇ Center ⁇ A nickname.

Lu Sheng heard that when Ziyan, the person in charge of the Star Spirit ⁇ Chamber of Commerce, asked him about his identity with Onon Turing.

The answer made by Skeleton ⁇ is a student of one life.

From the appearance, it really looks like.

After all, he and Ononturing were only in the twelfth grade, and the wreckage pole ⁇ was in the thirteenth grade.

Moreover, it is clear that Ziyan's heart will promise that the three will rub the ship, and really value the ⁇ is also the ⁇ Bandom ⁇ as the strength of the 13th class martial arts strong.

He and Oyturing are two twelfth levels, but there is no ⁇ deposit.