

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 273

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 273

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 10, 2022

273. Good boss! 2

There are two large black gilt European-style iron gates, and there are two soldiers with steel guns standing guard at the door.

The officer leading the way stepped forward and briefly exchanged a few words with the two, and the two soldiers immediately gave Lu Sheng a beautiful military salute.

"Hello, Chief!"

The phrase "good boss" reminded Lu Sheng of a certain comedy movie he had seen in his previous life.

The most famous line in it is – "Hello, Mr. Wang!"

Not to mention, the manor villa in front of him is really a bit like the Wang Zong villa in the movie.

It's just that the size is a little smaller, after all, it's a military area.

But the force is higher than the latter, I don't know how much, and there are soldiers standing guard everywhere when you enter the door, and the weakest are also at the level of third-level warriors.

It's a military area after all!

"A third- and fourth-level martial artist can open a martial arts hall in Baihe City, or be a coach, a martial arts school principal…however, he can be regarded as a big or small person with a head and face.

On my side, it can only be used to be on duty, to stand guard…"

Lu Sheng was a little emotional for a while.

After the strength of martial arts has been improved, the social level has undergone earth-shaking changes, and there are many things that ordinary people can't even imagine.

"Although this manor is not big, it can also be ranked in the top five in the entire ninth theater. It was specially prepared by the military for the generals…"

While guiding Lu Sheng, the leading officer explained: "All the soldiers on guard are from the military department, and they change every week. They receive the military department's meritorious awards, so adults don't have to worry about it."

Lu Sheng listened and nodded occasionally.

Walk down a granite-stone boulevard flanked by manicured landscaping.

There are not only soldiers standing guard in the manor, but also gardeners, carpenters, cooks, drivers, cleaning women and so on.

Lu Sheng used his mental power to scan it roughly, and there were dozens of these people alone.

The whole manor is like a large and orderly whole that exists only to serve one person.

Now, Lu Sheng came and became its true core.

As they walked, the officer led the way and let some people remember Lu Sheng's appearance and told them who would be the real owner of this manor in the future.

"The military will also allocate a few special cars for the adults. When the adults are free, I will personally go over and choose…"

The officer leading the way led Lu Sheng through the fountain pool in the center of the manor, stopped at the door of the house, and said respectfully, "My name is Wang Ye, and if you have any instructions in the future, just contact me at any time."

Saying that, he handed over a black phone the size of a slap.

Lu Sheng took it and found that the mobile phone was also specially made with all functions.

It just so happened that his original mobile phone had long been out of power and shut down during the fierce battle on the battlefield.


"Then take a good rest, sir, we will count your merit points as soon as possible and report to you in time."

The officer leading the way opened the door for Lu Sheng, and when he walked in, he turned around and left.

The villa is still luxurious.

The first and second floors are connected by a spiral staircase with a width of more than three meters.

On the left is the living room and on the right is the dining room.

A maid in her early twenties with fair skin and big eyes squatted on the coffee table in the living room to wipe.

There were also two maids in their thirties and forties.

One is cleaning the handrail of the stairs, and the other is cleaning the vase.

After Lu Sheng walked in, the three immediately stopped their movements, stood up respectfully and waited for his orders.

"You guys continue."

Lu Sheng's eyes swept over the three of them at will, and said casually, "Prepare me something to eat."


The youngest man on the side of the coffee table replied softly, then turned and ran quickly towards the back kitchen.

This person is also a martial artist. He stepped on the smooth floor quickly, but hardly made any sound. It is estimated that he has received special training.

Lu Sheng sat down on the sofa at will, his mental strength spread out, and he quickly scanned the whole house.

I have a good idea of the structure of the house.

"What a luxury…"

Even if he never paid attention to these material things, he couldn't help sighing like this right now.

Before his family came, he lived alone in the entire manor, and everyone served him alone.

It's really a boss-level treatment.

Waited for about ten minutes.

The maid who left before came back with three people.

Everyone had food in their hands.

"Will the chief dine here or in the dining room?"

The maid with big eyes stood in front of him and asked him.

"Dining room."

Lu Sheng got up, and the four quickly arranged the dining room.

Plates of food in his hands almost covered the large round table with a diameter of four meters.

He didn't leave after finishing the event, everyone held a pair of chopsticks in their hands, and waited for Lu Sheng's look to serve him vegetables at any time.

Lu Sheng still hasn't gotten used to this kind of treatment. He doesn't like being disturbed when he eats, not to mention the four pairs of eyes staring at him.

"Go down, I'll eat by myself."


The four of them didn't talk nonsense, and they retreated obediently.

Before being left alone, the big-eyed maid stood four or five meters away from the round table, waiting quietly.

Lu Sheng picked up a piece of pink meat and put it in his mouth, and the whole person was instantly satisfied.

He ate canned food on the battlefield for more than half a month, as well as unprocessed exotic animal meat that was either half-cooked or salty, and his taste was about to fail.

Now finally back to normal people's recipes.

Lu Sheng ate slowly, but the food on the table was rapidly decreasing.

He has mental power to help him, he doesn't even need to turn the table, and he can pick up dishes anywhere, which is equivalent to having more hands than others.

When he was five or six full, Lu Sheng slowed down.

He took out the cell phone that the officer named Wang Ye gave him just now and turned it on.

The commonly used software inside is downloaded, that is, the contacts in the address book need to be re-entered.

He first logged into the chat software account.

I haven't logged in for more than a week, and the message jumped to 999+ instantly.

Lu Sheng quickly swiped the screen and found the news of his sister Lu Qinghe and the family group in a pile of useless news.

[Brother, I'm almost a second-level martial artist! ]

[Brother, do you remember what I told you last time, the city's high school martial arts conference? Win the first place (proud)]

[I'm so sick of it, every day there are foolish critics who come to challenge me, and I'm so arrogant and arrogant! I really need to beat (crazy)]

[Brother, why don't you read the information for so many days? ]

[Mom asks if you will be back on New Year's Day? ]

Lu Qinghe sent him more than ten messages almost every day, and after more than half a month, he had accumulated more than one hundred unread messages.

Lu Sheng read them one by one, picked out the key points and replied one by one, and finally said in the family group: "I've been on a mission recently, and I'm too busy to look at my mobile phone, and my old mobile phone is broken. It may not be back on New Year's Day! @Lu Dahai @zhengyufen"

As soon as the post was finished, the three people in the group were blown up.

The fastest reply was naturally Lu Qinghe. After chatting privately over there, he was able to grab the first place in the group. He really deserved to be a second-level martial artist right away.

Lu Qinghe: [Fuck, you still know how to reply! I thought you were missing! ]

Lu Dahai: [Girls are not allowed to speak dirty words! @Lu Qinghe (angry) Boys should be more careful outside alone @Lu Sheng]

Zheng Yufen: [@Lu Sheng, the weather turns cold, pay attention to keep warm]

Zheng Yufen [Turn: Shocked, the fifth-level martial artist's illness caused by the cold caused the martial arts strength to regress! ! ! ]


Lu Sheng typed and replied while eating, chatting with the three of them.

In the end, I simply used mental power to control the food into my mouth, using both hands.

He thought about it for a while, and briefly talked about his plan to move the whole family to the Jiangxing District.

As expected, the three people, including Lu Qinghe, were hesitant.

One by one showed reluctance.

Lu Sheng didn't expect to persuade his family once, take it slow.

At this time, a new message suddenly jumped out.

Qin Shaojun: [Lu Sheng, we are back! ]

A photo from the helicopter is attached at the back.

Lu Sheng's eyes lit up.

Yu Feiyi's division came back from the front?

Feeling a little relieved, he quickly pulled out Dong Qingxue's chat box again.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't see half a message reply.

"Maybe you don't have a cell phone, or your cell phone is out of power…"

Lu Sheng picked it out in the emoji column for a long time, but finally (Li Qian's) was not sent.

His relationship with Dong Qingxue is strange now, far less harmonious and natural than before, and I don't know why.

It seems to be caused by the spouse column information.

Lu Sheng suddenly felt a little irritable. When he was about to turn off the phone and put it aside, he suddenly remembered something.

He quickly dialed the number of the only contact on the phone, officer Wang Ye.

"My lord, I'm Wang Ye, what do you want?"

The phone was connected almost in seconds, and Wang Ye's respectful voice came from there.

Lu Sheng calmly said: "Help me check, a man named Liu Qiming. He is a recruit of the Eastern Military Region this year, from Baihe City…"

Lu Sheng briefly explained Liu Qiming's information to Wang Ye.

Wang Ye responded quickly: "Okay, I'll let you know as soon as there is news."

Hanging up the phone, the last worry in Lu Sheng's heart relaxed Qin a little.

Turning his head, he saw the maid with big eyes looking at him.

Lu Sheng greeted casually, "I'm done eating, so I need to clean up."


The maid came up obediently.

Lu Sheng got up and asked her name casually, and learned that her name was Li Die. Her parents were both officers, and she grew up in the Eastern Military Region.

"The second generation of red also came to be a servant.."

Lu Sheng shook his head, raised his feet and walked to the second floor.