
The Battle Begins!

Blaire's POV

"Miss would you like a drink for your wait,"asked the flight attendant.

"Um- no thanks, I think I'm good. I'll just take a quick nap while I wait for the plane to take off." Blaire answers the flight attendant, but then notices the strange look she's giving her. 'Ah, it must be about my crystal.' Blaire turns her head away towards the window with sad but wry smile on her face. 'Can't be helped. If people see me as a freak of nature I can't do anything to change their minds. It's great that the guys already acknowledge me. ...Well except for Catherine.'

"Ah!" Blaire hisses in pain and rubs the crystal in between her eyebrows. 'It stings! We'res the Tylenol? My head hurts so bad.' Blaire takes out a bottle and takes the medicine with a bottle of water. 'I hope that I don't get a migrain after the flight, I don't want Catherine to complain about me faking illness to get out of work. A ten minute nap will do.' Blaire yawns and then goes to sleep.

Greg's POV

The team arrives at the relay point where Kai is waiting. "Kai has anything changed since the last message," Greg asks.

"Leader I think that we have been discovered. Half the workers digging the site has started to arm themselves and I can even see Eon at the head leading them," Kai responded.

"...Since we lost our chance of surprise then all we can do is face them head on." Greg then turns towards the team. "Has everyone have everything they need?"

""Yes!"" Everyone says.

"Good, then lets move out," says Greg.

On the wide flat grasslands both sides arrive and face each other with seven people on one side and about three-hundred and Eon on the other. They just stare at each other waiting for each other to strike as the wind picks up and lightning flashes.

"Eon, it seems you plan on causing trouble again. At least you have the sense to do out it of a populated area this time," speaks Greg.

"I only follow the Sovereign's orders and carry out his will, nothing more," replies Eon. "So, do you still continue to stand in our way again or you just going to watch and see if fighting is necessary. With the weather acting up it won't be long until we hear the sound of the sirens warning us of tornadoes. Even we never battled during a natural disaster in all that we've known each other. Even you heroes can't go against mother nature at it's peak." Eon smirks towards Greg and the others. 'I have to stall them long as possible till the others get here. It be better if they waited to fight till after the storm,' Eon thinks to himself.

"..." Greg contemplates the pros and cons of battling. 'Hate to admit it, but Eon's right. We me be powerful but we're still mortal humans and we can get seriously hurt and die if we get caught in a tornado's storm. We'll have to wait and see if anything changes before we make a decisive move.'

Just as Greg was about to respond to Eon that he'll wait and see, suddenly Cindy puts her hands to her head phone and speaks. "Greg! There are sightings to the south that the rest of the Generals are on there way here and will be here in T-Minus five minutes! We have orders from the government to retrieve whatever item they're here to collect and return with it to headquarters and if we'll fail to complete it our second objective is to capture at least one person alive and kill one General if we fail the main mission."

Everyone turns to Cindy, except Greg who constantly looks at Eon to see on his face is true. When they see Cindy's equally shocked expression they understand that it has become that serious.

"It would seem that we'll have to battle it out now that you've learned that it isn't just a minor squabble between us. What's going to happen will be different this time. This time we have orders to kill you if you get in our way. Don't make it difficult for us as it already is." Eon says as looks towards Greg and in calm tone, but threatening manner.

"It would seem that you have finally found what you have been looking for Eon, and you know we don't have a choice when it comes our orders just as mush as yours," replies Greg.

Eon shrugs. "I guess not. You're simply doing your duty and job like good government dogs. While we do it out of the bottom of our hearts for our Sovereign that has saved our lives and given us his unbreakable oath that he'll grant our wishes." Eon sneers at Greg and the others finding them funny.

"The unbreakable oath! He made that towards you guys, is he insane! It's called the unbreakable oath because if someone breaks it not only will they die their soul will be destroyed," shouts out Ruby.

"...This is the first time I've heard of this. If what you said true then that means what your Sovereign is doing is equal or more to that of his very existence," says Greg.

"Yes. It's not just some cult or evil organization. The only reason we haven't pursued your guys interference from before is due to the fact that we are extremely loyal by our own will, and that we will do anything to help fulfill his heart felt wish even if it means killing the Heroes of Ark that keep the balance of the world. Everyone, ATTACK!" Eon signals for his people to charge and then the sound of a three-hundred man battle cry picks up their weapons and starts to surround the heroes.

Guns and swords are raised all aiming at the the seven people surrounded by three hundred people making it a sight to see.

Amidst the heavy gunfire the heroes dodge the bullets with their superior strength and speed. Greg shouts orders despite the noise making loud and clear for everyone to hear. "Everyone has their orders. Don't hold anything back find the object before they do. Amy, summon your jewel beasts to take on the foot soldiers while Cindy takes on Eon. The rest of us will make an opening for Kai to sneak out of the crowd and head to the dig site and wait for an opportunity to snatch the item."


Amy's gem shines and activates her powers. "Come on out my diamond rhinos and jade elephants," she shouts. Soon two massive yellow portals appear on each side of Amy and figures of ten rhinos and five elephants come charging out rampaging among the masses.

The rhinos and elephants look as if they are made of diamonds and jade. The rhinos horn is made of pure diamond while it's skin is pure white as the light shines on the horn making the surrounding a myriad of colors.

The elephant is is pure green and it's tusks are still made of ivory but with ancient runes engraved in jade on it.

Many people of Paradox engage in fight with the the jewel beasts only two be trampled and thrown aside in fruitless effort at their might. It didn't do well for the others who tried to directly on the heroes either. The only one that was fairing well was Eon against Cindy.

Cindy using her lightning tries to strike down Eon, but he keeps on evading and throwing attacks of his own. What's surprising to Cindy, is that Eon is not even breaking a sweat. However, Cindy isn't using her full power as well.

The first battle of the series! Hope everyone has been excited to read this. I'm also a little immature on how to describe in words how a battle scene is suppose to enact, so tips would be a great help.

Also! I'm going to publish at least two chapters a week(if I still have access to the internet). One on Sunday and another on Thursday. Hope you guys look forward to it!

Ventiacreators' thoughts