
Calm Before the Storm.

Greg's POV

"Blaire, how is the plane ride towards Kansas coming along are almost here yet?" Greg asks over the phone.

"I won't be able to arrive there for another hour or two. The airport to Kansas has announced a tornado warning and they've stopped all planes from launching even our private jet." Blaire sighs and looks out the window of the plane and sees a bunch of staff arguing with the pilots to take off. "Sorry, but I think I'll be late boss."

Greg sighs and rubs his neck. "It's alright Blaire. The government will think of something to get you here quickly and safely. Don't rush yourself you're an ordinary person after all."

"Leader, Kai has found the enemy's location is awaiting instructions," Jade rushed in the room and tells Greg.

Greg turns away from the phone and speaks to Kai, "Alright, gather everyone and move out."

"Apologies Blaire I need to hang up," Greg then hangs up the phone.

"...Really,"exclaims Blaire.

The seven heroes are now running towards the rendezvous point with Kai while Jade briefs Greg and the others what Kai has told him. "Apparently Kai informed me through the dog whistle so that means Eon and his mercenaries are there so he couldn't use the radio signals to contact Cindy."

"This is going to be a tough one if Eon's appeared. He and the other seven Eroded Generals are a big pain in the ass," says Catherine as she clenches her fists.

"Yes, they are indeed formidable. The fact that they are able to flee with their comrades without much injuries and no casualties proves that they have both mental and physical strength that can rival our own," analyzes Cindy.

"...If Eon is here that means there is a certainty that whatever they're looking for is here. I just hope that whatever it is it's not in their hands already," Amy worriedly claims. "Did Kai say anything else about what they're doing Jade?"

Jade nods his head. "Yes. The enemy has already started destroying the landscape within a five hundred yard radius. They seem to be in a hurry, most likely due to the weather and Eon seems to be on the look out. About one hundred yards of farmland has already been dug up. Kai can't get to close or he'll be discovered and that's all the information he can discover."

Greg stays silent and contemplates the situation.

"Glad this time the location is on flat grassland and not in a city again. Those crazy bastards practically blue up the place in Moscow! No one was injured because they let loose information about terrorist bombing that made everyone flee, but the moment we got there we were the ones that ended up in the brunt of the explosion. If it wasn't for my fire power we'd all have been in the hospital," Ruby declared with hostility.

"I remember that," yells out Catherine. "My hair was burned at the ends and I had to get a hair cut. That witch is going to pay next time I see her!" Catherine pounds her fists against each other making her gauntlets let out a loud clang.

"Enough. Lets get back on the topic of what's in front of us," Greg calmly states in an imposing manner. "When we meet with Kai we'll hear what he has discovered since the last message. Jade keep an ear out for any news that Kai might send on our way."

"Roger." Jade uses his wind powers and enhances his hearing and listens to the wind to see if he can hear the sounds of the whistle in Morse code.

Eon's POV

"Master Eon," lackey speaks. "One of our people in town has spotted the heroes and are on the way."

Eon looks at the lackey then turns towards the excavation site. "Alright, tell everyone to prepare for battle. I'll contact the Sovereign and ask what he thinks of what we should do."

"But master! This area is common for tornadoes appearing and in great numbers and strength! Everyone may get caught in the coming storm", the lackey cries out.

Eon abruptly turns back and glares at the lackey and with a frosty tone says, "Do you dare question me and the Sovereign! After all that we have done for you and the others do you think we would put you guys in danger. We gave you people a second chance in life and all we ask is to help us find whatever the Sovereign is searching for."

Eon sighs in disappointment thinking about his own horrible past and how the Sovereign gave him his second chance. 'If it wasn't for him I would be dead. Three years ago I was at the bottom of an ocean tied down to an anchor due to my treacherous half brother wanting the families fortune to himself.'

'I couldn't breathe, it felt my lungs were on fire and the water pressure was crushing me making me lose all hope.' Eon looks towards the excavation site with a firm conviction in his eyes as he remembers how he was saved. 'The next thing I new I heard a voice in my head and it said that he'll grant me wish to live as well as my wish to get revenge against my brother if I help with making his wish come true, however if I ever betrayed him my wish will never come true.'

'I had agreed without hesitation. It didn't matter if I sold my soul to the devil and was asked to kill thousands of innocent people. I didn't want to ever feel like that again.' Eon then puts his hand over the middle of his collarbone and then turns to look at the lackey. "In all the time you've worked for Paradox has anyone of us ever gotten seriously injured or killed?"

The lackey hangs his head down and answers, "No."

Eon then turns around. "There you have it. Don't ever doubt or question again."

'You say that, but even you question what the Sovereign wants to due though.' The lackey didn't say this out loud though.

Another lackey comes in and reports to Eon. "Master Eon, the heroes have arrived at the perimeter and are waiting to make a move. What are you orders?"

"Take half the people and stall them with the mobile traps and buy us some time until we get word form the Sovereign. I'll also participate in stalling them. The rest will continue to dig the area." Eon puts his hand between his collarbones and communicates and tries to communicates with the one of the other Generals. "Age, things are getting complicated on our side. What are the Sovereign's thoughts?"

"Something big Eon," Age exclaims in panic and excitement. "The Sovereign has sent word to all of us to go towards the site! Apparently we've hit the jackpot!"

"WHAT!" Even Eon is shocked about the outcome. "What has the Sovereign said?"

"She said that she felt something and to not let anyone gets their hands on the item besides us even if we have the kill the heroes," Age says solemnly. "Eon, will we really have to kill the Heroes of Ark? They're only doing their job."

"Age," Eon says seriously. "I know that you're the youngest of us and that you're kind and don't want to do this but this is important if it's that serious. You don't want to disappoint him do you?"

"No-." Age pauses then replies firmly with conviction. "Don't worry Eon, I won't hesitate against them even if they are the good guys."

"That's right. It's all for that person." Eon pauses and then berates Age. "Age. The Sovereign is most definitely a guy so stop calling him a 'she'."

"Nope. She's definitely a girl, otherwise I wouldn't be attracted to her." Age says this with even more conviction then his previous statement for some strange reason.

"..." Eon just gives up. He's just a kid anyway. "When are you going to get here. In about ten minutes we were on our way a while ago. Just hold off the heroes until we get there."

"Alright. See you later." Eon cuts off the link with Age and goes out to announce the news to the lackeys. This time isn't just some small battle, but a war.

If you're wondering why there aren't much scenes about the protagonist where she makes a big impact on the plot, then don't worry she'll make a debut soon. Now this chapter is for the build up. Stay tuned!

P.S. I'm deathly afraid of tornadoes. The number of nightmares I have about them has scared the crap out of me. Pray that these next few chapters don't give me nightmares.

Ventiacreators' thoughts