
Living With The Cold Fire Phoenix Beauty

Sherly, who has a half-human and half-fire phoenix was ambushed by the subordinate of human emperor as he wanted to capture Sherly, a human treasure with a half phoenix bloodline purity that if properly used it can make himself stronger. Luckily there was a treasure in Sherly that transported her to another place when her life was put in danger. A place filled with so called technology. She as a half beast and half human pursued by pure humans. Because of that she became extremely cautious and wary toward them but in this world she was transported, only humans and non-intelligent beast lives. .... Kiann was a normal human who founded Sherly in an alleyway who was at that time was injured and he help her. When she regained her consciousness she first saw Kiann and thought he was accomplices of the emperor as she leaves immediately but notice the world is different and she has no place where she can go to, no money to buy food,no knowledge in this world. Nothing at all as she coincidentally met Kiann again when she was exploring the place, and asked him to let her stay at his house for the time being. Follow the story of the two... as how Kiann can make her cold heart and cautious mind to change and gave warmth to her and open more of her thoughts to him.. How Sherly can fall to a human who she despises the most, How her cold heart be melted by Kiann's warm care and loving attitude.. Follow it all as the two embarked in an unusual relationship as both live in a single house but with different thoughts.. .... AN: English is not my main language so please don't criticized my grammar, not a professional author and only doing it for fun.. if you like please leave a review if you don't please leave it at that.. thanks... this novel a work of fiction so any coincidence that may happened here are not intended and only exist inside the story and not much related outside.

Wannabee_Kevinzkie · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: Picking up a fierce Goddess in an alleyway

Kiann's days pass like a whirlwind and now he is already 17, his days pass like a normal one and he only played his game called "Sword and Mining" for about 1 year before his laptop broke and he stopped playing it and haven't checked anything related to it for a while even the current price of QCoin because he is busy working and studying.

Although 1 year of gaming seems long and it looked like he earned more gold in it but in truth, it is not really the case because for his 1 year of gaming his total accumulated gold coins are only about 20,000 gold plus the equipment he bought and sometimes he got killed and lose some gold. The total amount that he currently has is only about 15,000 gold though. And also he still doesn't have a bank account and card to convert his gold into QCoin and convert QCoin into real cash, so he put that aside and leave the game.

He lived harder than others because he needs to survive so until now he still needs to do part-time jobs to live. Because what his parent's money that is left for him is almost gone by now because of his tuition fee. He tried to take for a scholarship but rejected as his grades were just average and he's not a really smart person even though he studies hard.

His complexion also become better and he got a little muscle for all the work he has done and many knows that he is a part-timer but he is not ashamed of it because he is alive and kicking because of it.

Kiann and Aby's friendship change from childhood best friend to a mere acquaintance by now, as Kiann distanced himself from her because as he grows older and matured more he felt the difference between the both of them are like heaven and earth. There is like a chasm between them that separates them both and it makes Kiann want to distance himself from her as not to shame her in front of her colleagues, compared to her status which is a woman with a prominent background, smart, beautiful and has many suitors and most of her suitors are also with a good background. As for himself which is a poor bloke with nothing to be proud of, he always felt that he will only stain her good reputation if he remained with her so he distances himself to her as to not be a laughing stock in her own circles.

Now Kiann is about to go home as he walked at his usual walkway. As Kiann walked, he passed by an alleyway and found that there was a dog barking repeatedly even though there wasn't another dog there aside from it.

This occurrence got his curiosity as he moved towards it and tried to see what it is barking for, and as he moved forth, the dog also barked at him fiercely though he is not afraid of dogs, but this fierce dog is quite frightening.

Kiann almost back down but he still moved forth, though curiosity kills the cat, he is not a cat to fear the dog.

As he moved forward bravely, the dog strangely didn't act fiercely, but move its head, pointed it in a direction, so he also looked where it's head is pointed to and what he has seen shocked him a little.

He saw a very beautiful silver-haired girl lying there with bloodied clothes, though it is an insult to compare her to his former best friend he still thought that this woman is so beautiful that her former best friend paled a little in comparison, her age is around the same as him her dress which is a bit tattered and had some bloodstain is a unique that it seemed it came from another era, her aura is profound that it seems nobler than a noble.

But this girl seems injured so quickened his pace and moved forward ignoring the wild dog as he checks the girl, although her body and the dress has blood she still breathing normally he didn't even see some serious injuries only minor ones so he is quite confused.

He thought of bringing her to a hospital but rejected it because he didn't have money and this girl didn't have an I.D and no hospital is near and also this girl seems okay but only unconscious so he decided to bring her to his home first and bring her back to her home afterwards.

Because he can't carry her in this situation that may lead to some public confusion as for why he is carrying a bloodied female so he has to change her clothes first, he then put his bag down, open it and pull the P.E uniform reserve he luckily brings today.

His heart kept throbbing as he put his hands in the girl's clothes as he moved his gaze away, feeling that it is a bit inappropriate but still he can't help himself but look a little, and when he completely removed the clothes, his nose spurt out blood by what he saw, his first thought before removing her dress is that it was okay to gaze a little because she still has a underwear to protect her bare body, but the truth shocked him the most, this girl's top body laid in front of him barely, although her breast is smaller compared to aby he thought it is perfect though it is fitted in his palm, luckily or unluckily this girl wore panties and before his irrationality took over him, he then quickly put the t-shirt on her.

After he fully clothed the lady he carries her on his back before anyone notices the anomaly and accuse him of sexual abuse.

He walked carrying the unconscious beautiful girl while the surrounding people's gazes are on him or rather the one on his back because she is indeed a beauty and the men in the crowd are envious of him.

 "Wahhh!~, what a beauty!"

"I wish I'm that guy over there,!"

"Just where did he find a drunk beautiful girl?"


Many murmurs and gossips are heard as he walked towards his home and others just thought it differently but still, he kept that in the back of his mind because now that is not his main priority.

He then gets back home after the ordeal as he put the girl down in the bed where his parents previously sleep and checked her one last time of her breathing and pulse.

After that, he leaves the room and comes back not long after bringing a face towel and water as he cleaned her body, not because she stinks but because her body has some bruises and dirt, even though she lies in that alleyway she didn't stink at all instead her scent is quite good which he finds quite mysterious.

As he cleaned her. He noticed that she is wearing a broken necklace, and a ring, she is also pale and he felt pity for her being in that situation even though he didn't know why she's injured.

As Kiann caressed her with the towel in hand filled with water to clean her,  the unconscious girl's eyelid tremble which he didn't immediately notice as he focused himself on cleaning her and then her eyes completely opened and she felt the slight caress of her body she then looked at the figure in front of her and her body shook a little and became wary.

"Who are you?" She quickly moved her hands towards his and she grabs Kiann's hand hard as she asked with a cold and aloof voice while maintaining her wariness.

Kiann's body shook a little as he felt his hands had been gripped very hard that even he can't resist and can only groan silently in pain and he looks at the cold glare that she had toward him.

"Take it easy!~ ouchh!~ I...I-I am Kiann!~ please let go of my hand now!!~" Kiann answered her and pleaded while his voice filled in agony.

"Where is this place? Are you a servant of the emperor? Why is this place seems different? is this emperor's special room?" She barrage Kiann with questions as a very confuse expression emerge on her face. Even Kiann was confused by her questions.

"Ehhh?~ servant? Me? Emperor? Special room?~ I don't know any of that!!~ if you want you can go away from here now! I will lead you outside. And you will know this place by yourself then." Kiann only wanted to stay away from this fierce Goddess before she changes her mind and torments him again.

Sherly agreed with Kiann's suggestion as she too wanted to leave this damn prison. She still remained her cautiousness in fear that what he said is only a trap to lure her.

Sherly picks her bloodied clothes and temporarily wore the clothe Kiann lent her. After that, she followed him out of the room as her eyes wandered every corner of his house as she was amazing every time she saw some things. She saw a thing that can produce wind without magic, a light, a projection from a screen without the use of projection stone, and many more.

"This is the way out. You can go now~ please don't come again, thank you!~" Kiann lead her to the door and opened it. After she left, he close the door immediately in fear of her coming back and beat him again. He didn't even care if she was grateful for his help or not. What he cared for now is that she finally left. That demoness is now gone and he felt really thankful to that as he gratefully thank her when she gets out instead.