
Chapter 2

I looked around the small cell I was in, and once I got a good look at everything, my mouth hung open on disbelief.

"No way. No fucking way. Nah. Nope." I said, repeating the phrase again and again.

I'd played Rise of the Godslayer enough times to recognize the starting location from anywhere. This was the exact cell in the dungeon you always began the game in. Yet... that was impossible. I felt like I was physically here, but I couldn't be. It was just a game, after all.

I pinched myself, and I ended up tearing a huge chunk of skin off, and it stung like hell. The wound healed instantly, and I just stared in disbelief.

"There is no shot. I have to be dreaming." I said, running my hands through my hair.

I paused as I looked at the long locks of silver hair in my hands. I had short brown hair, and yet...

I looked around my surroundings, and I found the same cell that I'd seen hundreds of times. That did reveal something to me, though. In the bottom left corner of my vision, I could see absurdly long bars or red, blue and green. In the game terms, that was health, mana, and Stamina. I barked out a laugh, as I realized that I must have finally fried my brain. The upper right hand corner had a small box that read, menu. When I focused on it, a box with text appeared in my vision.



Character Sheet

World Map



All I could do was stare at the familiar yet impossible sight before me. Indulging my insanity, I opened my inventory, and as I expected, all of my items from my character were present in my inventory. I decided not to go through it, as that would take far longer than I wanted to spend. Next, I opened my equipment, and found all of my equipped weapons and armor that I normally wore. The full set of Arterimus's armor, as well as his greatsword.

The character Sheet was next, and it was exactly as I expected.

Character Sheet

Name - Veksys

Race - Demigod

Class - Godslayer

Level - 12,837,558

HP: 125,000,000/125,000,000

Mana: 50,000,000

Stamina: 25,000,000

Vitality: 2,500,000

Endurance: 1,250,000

Strength: 2,837,558

Dexterity: 1,250,000

Agility: 1,250,000

Intelligence: 1,250,000

Wisdom: 1,250,000

Perception: 1,250,000

"Okay, nothing has changed there."

My list of skills, as well as my magic menu had everything that was in the game, as I had done everything that was possible. And yet...

"This can't be possible. This kinda stuff just doesn't happen..."

I've watched enough anime and read enough fantasy books to know and Isekai story when I see yet, but that's all it is. A story. Fantasy.

There was one last thing I wanted to check out. I went back to my character Sheet, and upon further investigation, I found a little box with a picture of an eye. When I focused on it, it brought up my character model, and it was exactly as I remembered, yet also not.

It was my character, yes, but it was how it looked that floored me. It was now photorealistic. The game, while not the best looking game, did still look fairly good, but it was clearly a video game. What I was seeing now however...

"It looks so real... I look so real."

If I was completely honest with myself, this was a dream come true, yet I still felt it was just that. I had nothing and no one in my life, so I had nothing to miss and no one to miss me. My mom died when I was 11, and my dad had never been in my life, and any friends I did have I stopped talking to completely after high school. Through and through, I was a loner.


I had made up my mind. It was pretty simple. If this was a dream, I would eventually wake up, and everything would go back to normal. And if it turned out that this was actually happening, then...

I was practically trembling with excitement. I could do the things I'd never thought possible if this was truly happening. I could wield huge weapons, cast magic, and on top of all of that... I looked at my character sheet again, and I couldn't help but grin.

"I'm gonna be so OP."

With newfound determination, I made my way towards the cell door. If it was anything like the game, then...

The door opened with no resistance. The lock was rusted beyond usability long ago

"Huh. I wonder how much this place is like the game?"

As I exited the cell, I surveyed my surroundings. Just like in the game, I was in one of the final cells. The left was a dead end, but to the right was a long hallway followed by a staircase leading up. I knew this place like the back of my hand, so if I just go up the stairs, I should be able to find my way to the exit.

I made my way towards the stairs, and began ascending. It didn't take me very long to reach the top. Once I did, I paused. The passage to the left led to the exit, and if this truly was like the game, a zombie was going to jump out of the shadows and attack me before I reached the next set of stairs.

I breathed in, and breathed out slowly.

"I can do this. A level 1 zombie shouldn't prove a challenge at all, but it's still terrifying."

As I made my way towards where the first enemy supposedly was, I heard... well, nothing. I used one of my abilites to peer into the dark, checking all of the dark corners of the passage, yet I saw nothing.

"Huh. I guess not everything is-"

My words were cut off as the wall next to me exploded outwards. I jumped back, and from the settling dust of the broken wall, a large figure emerged.

"Jesus!" I yelled, clutching my chest. That scared the shit our of me.

I used my inspection skill.

Zombie Brute

Level: 10

"That's different." I muttered, and even though this thing was grotesque looking, I found myself surprisingly not worried. I only got scared because I'm pretty susceptible to jump scares.

The creature was a large 10 foot tall monstrosity, with buldging and decaying muscles. It's eyes were milky white, and it held a giant slab of concrete in its hands. It shrieked as it lumbered towards me and swung it's weapon.

"Shit. Okay, we're doing this."

I raised my arms to block, which sounded like a terrible idea, but when the concrete hit my arms, it shattered, breaking into many pieces. I looked on in awe.

"That... I didn't even feel that. I felt it hit me, but it didn't hurt at all."

The creature didn't seem to understand what just happened, and I used that to my advantage. I held my hand out to my side, and focused on my weapon. In the game, I just had to press right on the D pad to summon it, so maybe...

My greatsword appeared in my hands, and while it was heavy, the weight didn't affect me whatsoever.

"That's fucking sick." I said, a grin spreading across my face.

I darted forward, and slashed vertically at the creature. It split right down the middle, and both halves of the zombie fell to either side, making a wet squishing sound as the pieces hit the ground.

I just stared at my handiwork, and then at my sword.

"Oh yeah, this is officially the coolest thing that's ever happened to me."

Sword in hand, I pressed on. The sounds of groans and dead voices filled the air, and I couldn't help but smile like a kid in a candy shop as made my way towards freedom.