
Chapter 1

I sat in the comfort of my room, my ass firmly planted in my gaming chair where I'd been sitting for almost 11 hours straight. When I wasn't at work, I was gaming. And when I was doing neither, I was getting what little sleep I needed. I usually only slept 4 hours or so a night.

Currently, I was facing the final boss of my favorite RPG, Rise of the Godslayer. The premise is pretty simple. You create a character, and start in a dungeon with no memories of anything before you got there. There are no quests, nor does the game tell you where to go. Once you escape the dungeon, the choices you make are up to you, but there is obviously an end goal to the game, as you discover you are the last of a race of Demigods that were birthed to keep the Gods in check.

Gods exist in this games world of Albaro, and while many of them are benevolent, there are just as many malicious ones with evil intentions. As you explore the game, gaining levels and acquiring weapons, armor, magic and skills, your character begins to realize that the things these Gods are doing are intolerable, and thus the goal of the game becomes clear. Get strong enough, track down these evil Gods, and kill them, hence the name of the game.

The story is pretty simple, but the game is fun, with one of the best combat and magic casting systems I've experienced in recent times. It starts you off small, with Gods that are barely worth mentioning, but the further you get, the harder the game becomes. I have done everything in the game, and countless times at that. I think I got to new game plus 600 before I stopped counting, because at that point, it didn't really matter as I know the game better than the back of my hand.

I did take advantage of a few... exploits in the game. Many cheesey ways to earn a lot of experience points pretty quickly, whether it is through farming, or just simple and ridiculous glitches. Case in point, I killed the final boss of the game before his monolauge was done.

"Was that half a second? Hmm, I killed him faster the last time. I think..."

I used a fire storm spell to kill him this time, and while it worked, my greatsword skill one shot him the last time, and it was a lot faster. I have everything in this game. All the weapons, all skills, all spells, and all of the armor.

The Demon God Arterimus is a secret boss in the game that I didnt even discover until my 6th playthrough, and it was by complete accident. His greatsword and armor was a staple of my build, as they had the best stats in the game. The Greatsword of Arterimus was, as the name implied, a really big fucking sword. The hilt was black and red, with a spiked pommel, while the blade itself was a dark obsidian color with glowing demonic runes etched into it. It did the max damage of 5,000 in the game, and that's before adding my strength Stat to the mix.

The armor was a black set of spiked demonic armor, and red filigree lined the armor in various places. The helmet was a V shape mask with pointed tips that covered my eyes and mouth, and the top was open, which left my character's long silver hair flowing across his back. Two slits in the eyeholes were present, which glowed with my character's bright red eyes. The armor itself had an armor rating of 100% and a magic negation of 95%, which was honestly just as broken as it sounds.

I opened my character's stat sheet, and I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurd character I had made. The best part about this game was that there was no level cap, nor were there soft caps, hard caps, or diminishing returns. For example, each level of Vitality gave you 50 hp, or each level of strength gave you more attack power, regardless of your strength attribute's number. I don't think the developers expected someone to play this game as much as I have, but alas, here we are.

Character Sheet

Name - Veksys

Race - Demigod

Class - Godslayer

Level - 12,837,558

HP: 125,000,000/125,000,000

Mana: 50,000,000

Stamina: 25,000,000

Vitality: 2,500,000

Endurance: 1,250,000

Strength: 2,837,558

Dexterity: 1,250,000

Agility: 1,250,000

Intelligence: 1,250,000

Wisdom: 1,250,000

Perception: 1,250,000

I laughed again as I looked at my ridiculous stats. As you can probably tell, I heavily favored my HP, as well as my strength, since I don't really feel like you can have too much health, nor can you reach a point where you hit too hard. All of my other stats are as you would expected.

Endurance is my max Stamina, 20 Stamina per stat point, as well as my max inventory weight. Dexterity is how fast I can swing my weapons, as well as using certain weapon types, usually daggers and short weapons. Agility is my max speed. Pretty simple. Intelligence is how strong my spells are, and wisdom is my max Mana, 40 mana per point, as well as it's regeneration speed. Perception is my ability to sense enemy attacks, as well as my surroundings.

The final boss was once again dead, and the other Gods, the good ones, thanked me for my services to rid the world of their corruption. Of course they couldn't do anything about the other Gods, because then how else would the plot work? Either way, it's a fun game, and as the credits rolled, a prompt appeared on my monitor.

Would you like to start a new playthrough? All of your levels, stats, weapons, armor, skills, abilities and mana will be carried over. The only things that won't are key items that are needed to progress through the main game.


I selected yes as I always have, but as I did, something strange happened. It immediately began to rain outside, and as I heard the loudest thunder of my entire life, my entire vision went black. It was over almost instantly, and my vision returned.

"What the hell?" I asked, as instead of sitting in my chair, I was laying on my back, staring at a stone ceiling.

I sat up, and looked around, and I was shocked by what I saw.

"I'm... in a cell?"