
Chapter 4

"Good evening, Miss Johnson. I'm sorry to disturb you on this very sad day but I have something important to tell you..." said Mr. Ray with a feeling of regret disturbing Violette on the day of her parents' funeral because he knew that Violette must be tired as it was the busiest day ever. But he had to as it was an urgent matter.

"What is it?" asked Violette with an innocent look on her face. Violette is a clever girl but she does not know anything about the company if Mr. Ray was going to talk about the company.

"Well, it's about the company... I'm quite sure that you've already heard that the company was given to you, right?" said Mr. Ray as the beginning of his explanation. If anybody saw it must think Mr. Ray is crazy as he talks about a mega-big company to an eight years old girl. Violette just nodded as an answer to Mr. Ray question.

"But I do not know anything about the company," said Violette truthfully to Mr. Ray as she worried Mr. Ray would want her opinion on managing the company. 'What does he want from me...? I'm still a child for god sake!' thought Violette in her little head.

"Well... you're about to take over the company as the CEO. So, your father already instructs me to teach you all about the family business. While you're in training, you could give some opinion for the company improvement" said Mr. Ray explaining his duty to Violette.

"Does that mean I'm going to change school?" asked Violette as she was worried if she had to leave her friends behind.

"No, you don't have to. But you have to sacrifice your free time after school, though" said Mr. Ray calmly as he knew Violette might want to oppose the idea.

"If that so... then Uncle Drew can I take on martial arts class with Amy? And does Amy has to join me during Mr. Ray's lesson?" asked Violette as she wanted to be on the same level as Dew. Andrew, or Uncle Drew, cannot oppose Violette when she made the puppy's eyes.

"Sure you can join him... but it's up to both of you whether Amy join you for Mr. Ray's lessons or not..." said Andrew as he really cannot refuse Violette even though he rally does not want Violette to learn any martial arts. In the end, it was decided that any class Violette in Dew would follow and also vice versa.


After the discussion about mine and Amy's future study ended, Mr. Ray went back home. Thus, my life begins and I live the way I wanted while balancing it with my studies. I also started learning music; basically, I learned how to play some instruments, reading the score and singing. The instrument I like the most is the guitar but I still could play several other instruments. My fashion sense is simple and plain but because I am the heir of the Johnson Group Holdings, so occasionally I wear some fancy dress and other stuff. But you could say that my clothing is mostly branded stuff, only I am careful enough so that no one would notice it.

Oh!! I almost forgot. I have been telling you guys about my life, but I forgot to mention about Amy. Well for your information, Amy has become my personal butler and bodyguard. In the further future, he will also become my personal assistant and secretary. That is when I take over the company of course. In the meantime, the company is under Mr. Ray's control. By the way, Amy keep talking formally with me even though I have been telling him to stop it as he is also my best friend and not just an employee. In the end, he still refuses, so let him be. As long as he is happy I am fine with it.

After 2 years of studying about the family business, finally, I have mastered it. Even though at that time, I was only 10 years old. Since I was little, I have been followed my parents to balls, banquets, and parties. Even after the death of my parents, I still attend all the events as I had to follow Mr. Ray. Well, thank goodness that he brought Amy with us so I am not as lonely as I think when I was at the party.

Every party, banquet or even balls many have forgotten about my existence as the heir of Johnson Group Holdings and assumes that Amy and I were Mr. Ray niece and nephew. Mr. Ray tried to correct them but I did not agree with him. Because this just shows that my parents have a lot of enemy in this business, besides I do not want any of their sympathies and show them that I am strong enough on my own when I inherit the company.