
Living Singularity | Remake | Male x MHA Harem

(Possible Remake of Living Singularity) Neo Sekai the Gravity User in the world of MHA, will he be able to change 「Fate」itself , will he found out who or what he is, and will he find out why the world is different from what he knew? 「A Singularity Has Appeared」

DarkTheLibrarian · Anime & Comics
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Season 0 - Chapter 4 - Cruel Worlds

15ish days? that's way to long.... IS WHAT A BITCH WOULD SAY, but I ain't no bitch, I'm a man of comitment.

So I'd taken a couple days to myself, first of all due to work, second of all to play Helldivers 2 and be the Democratic man I am (Not actual political beliefs, you'd think I wouldn't have to say this, but it's the internet), but most importantlly to prepare, starting now, and hopefully continuining for the rest of the book, I'll be uploading every monday, wednesday, and friday.

I currently have 4 chapters in pack up by the time I'm writing this (Thursday of last week (May 2nd), the 15 days assuming this comes out on monday, I originally wanted this out of wednesday but I was exhausted and doing it monday gave me more time to prepare further, I could possibly have more than 4 ready.

I'll be taking my breaks during work to read and write, and a 2 1/2 hour gap time, that I'm forced to sit through due to personal reasons, to make more chapters and prep more (I also think of ideas during work)

Anyway, hopefully we can expect more chapters out, I'll keep you updated if something happens regarding uploads, but as I have them preset to upload, it might be hard.

Lastly, I'm aware Wattpad is in an interesting state, if you want I'm on both WebNovel and Ao3 if you want to read this, but chapters are gonna come out later on Ao3 as I can't schedule uploads on there.

Anyways, enjoy!



It's an odd feeling to know my age is two, but I'm physically four.

I've known for a minute now, Goda told me on one of his daily blood draws, something that's become the norm. It occurs once or twice every week.

It's even weirder that I have more knowledge than a four year old, my brain intakes information faster, and I've had these weird dreams lately, scattered dreams like far-off memories.

(You deserve a cookie if you get the reference)

Well, to call them memories isn't right. Memories possess feelings, emotions, it's easy to tell them apart from dreams, which although have emotion, others around you don't have as much feeling behind them, they're blurry, and easier to forget.

I know about things I shouldn't, Goda always questioned how I knew what Einsteins Theory was or what the old game Devil May Cry was.

He grew even more curious when I didn't know basic things.

The two of us have grown quite close, actually.

Well to say close is a bit much, my mental capabilites are accelerated so I learn easier, it's easy to take on an influx of information at rapid paces, also due to my quirk he believes I'll have a naturally good understanding of basic physics.

That, along with my interest in engineering, as well as quirk theory, has made him take me in as a 'potential lab assistant'.

Goda, as well as a couple of specific individuals in the HPSC, have been teaching me. I can already read, write, and understand Japanese at a college

(Honesty a low ball as I myself could understanding English at a highschool-college level in kindergarten-1st grade, even if my grammar and spelling sometimes sucks, which mainly from the passage of time)

I'd thought we were getting 'close' if you could call it that, at least as close as those I've seen in my memories, sort of like a-

"Professor, what's my purpose," the young boy sat in a spinning chair, a band-aid, and a couple of small healing marks on his arm.

"Your purpose? You're a tool, plain and simple. You have a strong quirk, a unique mind, a unique body, and your circumstances left you alone, so we've taken you in to make sure you don't cause issues and safety monitor you."

Despite him saying 'sensitive information', he seemed rather lax, planting a small vial of blood into a high-tech black box, no bigger than a rather large Rubik's Cube.

"A tool," he seemed to contemplate for a moment. Even with all his knowledge, he was still young and was still developing all his emotions.

"What kind of tool"

"A hero kind, one day you'll eventually be a hero, you'll save people, and maybe you'll hurt some villains more than a hero normally would."

It wasn't hard to tell he meant murder, though it did take him a second, his hand pausing as it'd gone to pick up a pencil, a paper filled with middle school work on it, half filled our previously.

"But, you're a unique tool, you can't break."

Goda had turned towards the table in the room, the room similar to a high tech engineers work room, just empty and baran, a TV, a couch, a fridge, and a couple left over tool on the counter.

Old hands-down from Goda as this was a pseudo-living room for Neo, a room connected to it nearby with a bed, a stand, a shelf for books, several school supplies, and some other gifted items.

"I... can't break?"

"Yes, and I don't mean you can't break, I mean, you CAN'T break."

My head was glued to the table, I could feel it, his intense gaze burning into my head.

"...what happens if I do."

He takes a second before answering, "Do you like your time studying with me. My lessons I give you on Quirk Theory: Do you enjoy reading your books, occasional having our little discussions? The ones that never reach an end as you're still to young."

Nodding, I can feel his gaze lighten, a hand being placed onto my shoulder.

"Then you'll do well to never break, you won't get recasted, you won't get a second chance. If you break, it's all gone."

His words were heavy, almost, no, they were harsh.

He would've been an average father, but he was an amazing scientist.

I shouldn't look up to him as a parent, only a mentor.


It hurt.

Giving me a light pat on the shoulder, he takes his leave, only his trailing footsteps being heard.


Age 11 (so 7ish years later)

They were back.

It'd started about four years ago, when I'd turned seven I started having these nightmares of monsters, denizens of the night, humanoids, you name it, and they kept trying to attack me, kill me even.

The doctors that checked me referred to it as a 'Self Defense Mechanism', something trying to make me stronger, possibly into a better tool?

It was hard to tell, it wasn't every night, sometimes I got some sleep if I was too tired.

Though even if I did go there, my body rested as if it hadn't happened.

I wish my mind did the same.

I couldn't fight them properly, at least not yet.

My quirk, although I could kinda control it, there where to many, I was overwhelmed to fast.

Thankfully, my combat training was paying off.

It'd started around the same time as the nightmares, odd.

(First, just realized this is similar to Epic!Sans. Second, this is the replacement for [Enlightment] for old readers)

At least I could put some of my knowledge to use.

The fight styles I'd seen internally, even if hard to do, sort of paid off.

They at least helped me survive a bit longer, though with the approaching tendril, it seems like they aren't enough.

My eyes snap open, a churning and painful feeling piercing my chest, the wounds that once laid across my body becoming distant, it was odd, the pain wasn't getting easier.

Seems like internal fights don't count for lowering the pain or getting used to it.

Suppose it is a dream after all, though I can learn stuff on occasion, my skills get sharper if I improve, why does my body want me to get stronger?

Ignoring my thoughts, for now, I step out into the open workshop, several different creations strewn about.

Rubbing my eyes I sit down at the heavily monitored PC.

Opening up my emails, a couple pop up, Sent By: D. Shield, he'd been interested in getting his hands on Quirk Study Knowledge, and I so happened to need help in some engineering and resource procurement.

So we exchanged emails.

Our main point of contact was a recommendation from the HPSC, specifically Goda.

He's actually the only higher up I've talked to, apart from the director who I've met only a handful of times. She'd seemed nice, but distant. Trust issues, probably.

I quickly reply to his email, just to get hit with a couple more, he'd seemed oddly persistent on finding anything related to the theoretics on Quirk awakening and amplification.

(This is in reference to All Mights injury, which did happen around 1-2 years ago from now. All Might says '5 years ago' when Midoriya is still like 14-15 and it happens before/during MHA Vigilante, which is roughly 5 years before mainline, so when Midoriya is 9-10)

'Now that I think about it, it should be coming in soon,' as if the devil was listening, Goda walks in, a big box in hand.

"Stuffs here," the large man waddles over, placing the oddly malleable box on the table, similar to cardboard mixed with paper and putty in how it moves, but it solidifies easily.

"Thanks Goda, been waiting on this," I hop up next to him, the box responding to touch alone.

"You seem confident this will help in our studies, which it better, business expense or not, it's still an expense."

"As is if you care about the money. If I have this, and I can get my hands on a conductor, we should be able to create artificial limbs, organs, and even weapons if need be, with the right quirks. I just need the right tools and finding a way to amplify the quirk strands with electricity and steroids seems to be a bust. Forceful quirk activation and possible deactivations possible, but control is negligible. God, all I need is," Before I can finish my sentence, a vial is placed in front of me, a red liquid flowing inside of it.

"...what's this? No, who's is it."

"Someone's, like the minerals in your box it's also changeable, if you can activate the quirk and fuel it with blood, it transmutes one blood type into another."

Glancing in the box, there are several crystalline like fragments neatly held up.

They were from a quirk user on I-Island, the mineral has blood in its composition, when a blood touched it, it can become partly registered, almost like the blood claiming territory in each crystal to certain amounts, like a game of Risk Factions or Domination in a single crystal.

They were for both Quirk Study and my future hero costume, I'm not trained in output, so I've been practicing precision, something I still lack in.

My current gear, which I've either created or were given, consists of-

A double barrel styled revolver, roughly based off of Blue Rose from Devil May Cry and a few weapons from Destiny 2.

A second one that's non functional along with it, one with a Blue and Silver color scheme engraved with [Blue Ivory] and another one with Red and Black with [Red Ebony] on the side.

(Switched from Blue Ebony and Red Ivory)

Both guns have vine like patterns leading up to the back of the gun, a small flower decal embedded into it.

In between the two barrels, there is a hidden chamber, and on both the handles are stripped off. For the functional one, it's only half stripped.

(Two pics, I normally don't use pics, but I thought they looked cool (I used a color changer and inverter. Also, they have two barrel so. Also pics may be a bit late as I have to actively sit down and add them during my free time, which doesn't happen when this chapter releases, gonna have to wait about an hour or two)

Given to me by the HPSC, an Arm-Pad with four other bands, one attaching to my left wrist, two attaching to my achilies area, and the last one around my neck.

They're only about an inch, possibly less, in length.

They protrude small needles that are only about a couple millimeters long if that.

The arm pad is attached to my right arm, starting from just on my wrist towards my mid arm, a couple inches from my elbow

They're all black, the Arm-Pad having a screen and buttons.

The main purpose of this is paying attention to my health, quick communication, and monitoring me overall.

Not like I would leave, I had nothing out if here, I was a tool after all.

The screen had several options, the main ones being.







It also had a built-in alarm in case any unauthorized deactivation happened, an immediate signal being sent out.

Currently, that's it for now, but with this, my gear can be further developed.

"All I need is a resource for ammunition in my hero costume, only if I could create bullets on a whim. Maybe if I find a way to amplify quirks, I can enhance the blood or crystal to naturally produce more. Who knows."

"Produce bullets, huh? Give me a couple days, I might have something for you. As for quirk amplification, only quirk drugs can do that, but they're illegal, addictive, and bad for health."

"Really? That'd be a big help, I'll see what I can do with this stuff for now, I'll send my report in, in about 10 hours, I'm gonna have to be careful to thin these resources out."

Nodding Goda turns around, stopping before he leaves, his eyes looking past his shoulders.

Looking at the boy, he takes a second.

According to reports, the boys' quirk activated in his sleep, the bio-electricity in his body and quirk activation produces, traveling through the needles in his device and alerting them.

It seemed their experimental device was working, by reading his naturally occurring bio-elwctricty, when his quirk got to strong it would shock the right nerves, and the one in his neck would electrocute barely enough up his brain stem to cause internal pain and make his body repress his quirk subconsciously.

It was essentially a limiter, a limiter using the boys' own tech.

A cruel world, but that's life for people like Goda, who have to keep themselves safe regardless of means.

He continued out, leaving the boy to his experimentation.

He had another tool to go and talk to.


I lied, deceived, and tricked you all.

There were two references one is more obscure and unknown, but it works nonetheless, if you wanna take a guess at what the references are and where they're from, I'll let you know at the beginning of next chapter

Also I'm aware I've talked about Duality System before, so I'll give a quick light synposis just in case it interest you.


Two individuals both unknown to the other are killed and find themselves in spaces filled with either light or darkness. One of them an entity of light shourded in darkness, the other an entity of darkness shrouded in a world of light.

The two attempt to get their bearings before being interupted by a god going mad, deciding humanity gets one last chance they reincarnate the entity of light, attempting to make it into a proper vessel, one to be a beacon of hope.

The darkness (Not the entity but the space itself), having been ripped from it's kin, shatters throught the mirror seperating the two, cracking dimensions themselves and finding its kin, it brings the boy along with it.

The two now find themselves reincarnated in a world mixed with many and the powers of unique clans, forced to level via a system together and figure out what they'll do with this new life.

Synopsis Over

Question of the Chapter: Favorite Support Gear item in MHA, it doesn't need to have a good function, it could just be for show, it also doesn't need to be canon, it can be from another Fan-Fic or personal ideas.

Questions About The Book

Currently Working On: Living Singularity Chapter ?

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