
Living Simulations

In the year 2525, Humans unlocked a way to evolve to ever greater heights. Scientist unlocked powerful genes in only a small portion of the population, they were dubbed the Evolved or Awakened. As humans evolved and reached further and further into the depths of the universe, they uncovered new terrifying beings and horrific disasters waiting to end the race. Many years later in the year 4025, after many wars and disasters that brought the race to its knees, A crippled population recovered. Every human was an Evolved with powerful abilities able to lead humankind farther and farther into the universe.

AfterImAsh · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Watch how I wow them all!

Edwin sat up quickly breaking out in a cold sweat. He was genuinely worried about his current situation and wellbeing.

'I can't believe I'm having the same nightmare. Every time I sleep, I find myself in the endless abyss again.'

Even worse Edwin felt that each time he slept the time he spent in the space was increasing, even if the time he actually spent sleeping was slightly decreasing.

The idea of ending up in a terrifyingly unending black abyss forever scared Edwin deeply. He figured if this continued for another few days, he'd probably be better off seeking help.

Edwin pulled the covers off of himself to go wash up and get ready for the day. As he stood up and began walking, he felt something was slightly different.

Edwin began to jump around a bit. He couldn't quite place his finger on the exact change he was experiencing, but he almost felt like moving his legs was a bit easier.

Sure, they're literally part of him and he used them every day, but it seemed like his legs moved faster after he told them to.

'Looks like I really was a lazy body. I can't believe just a couple days of walking around and cleaning made my legs feel so much stronger.'

After thinking for a little while longer Edwin came to the conclusion that all the moving around while still having changes made to his body due to the awakening ceremony truly made his legs stronger.

After distracting himself Edwin remembered what was supposed to happen today.

He couldn't contain his excitement, not only could he feel that he'd got stronger since the awakening ceremony, but that today was probably the single day that'd carry him to all of his deepest dreams. That, or force him into an even scarier abyss than the one he'd been finding himself in recently.

He quickly prepared for the day and left his house. Not quite being able to get over the change in his legs Edwin picked up his pace and began to jog towards the teleportation station.

After a short while and teleporting Edwin finally arrived in front of his school. A crowd of young adults were gathered around the entrance. It appeared the school hadn't opened its doors to let the freshly graduated students in for the ability test event.

Edwin was prepared to sit down against the wall and wait for the school to open but something came to mind.

'James said he'd meet me today. I wonder if he's already here?'

Scratching his head while looking about Edwin skimmed the crowd. He suddenly felt chills as he could feel a few intense gazes from the crowd meet his own.

Everyone was different now. Everyone had awakened surely a few people had awoken some mystical and extremely powerful abilities. Maybe it was better that he keeps low profile.

Edwin felt one particular gaze that lingered for an uncomfortable amount of time. Although he tried to resist the urge to look at who stared at him, he finally couldn't help but give into his curiosity.

A tall young man with black hair stood in the corner of the school yard. His dark eyes seemed to pierce into Edwin's soul. He couldn't help but shudder just a little when he realized who it was.

Hyde Casanova, one of the few individuals in this city that was to be referred to as "Sir, or Mr.".

The Casanova was one of the 5 local powers that stood on equal footing to the solar systems' military branch. Although they held next to no power within the whole human controlled zone in the galaxy which contained just around 1 million solar systems, they were definitely playing the role of a big fish in a small pond. No one here could threaten the families' power.

Hyde Casanova himself was a local tyrant. Throughout the many years of school Hyde suppressed and bullied many individuals. Worse of all, no one could stop him. He received advanced martial art training and was naturally stronger and smarter than the average individual in the solar system thanks to the strong genes his family carried.

Not to mention his family fully backed his every action, he was to be the first heir of the Casanova family, assuming his ability test went well, and he had potential.

As he tried to avert his gaze quickly to avoid holding Hyde's attention, he could see Hyde approaching him from the corner of his eye. He wanted to run but knew that doing so would just make Hyde angry. Let alone knowing that if Hyde successfully awoke the same ability as the rest of his family, he'd never be able to outrun Hyde.

Hyde moved closer and closer to Edwin, just as Edwin resigned himself to his fate the school door opened successfully distracting Hyde.

An old man that stood around 2.3 meters tall walked out of the door. His back was straight and although he seemed aged and weakened his bearing was incredible giving one the feeling he was more like a mountain than a man.

Edwin breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took the opportunity to approach the open doors hoping to escape before Hyde remembered him.

The old man began his speech.

"Welcome graduates, I thank all of you for making it here on time before the ability testing event begins. "

After a pause and looking around for a moment the old man continued his speech after giving a brief nod of approval seeing all the graduates that gathered on time.

"I understand all of you are quite excited for the ability testing event, but I must sadly inform you the event must be postponed!"

As he finished his sentence a cacophony of exasperated sighs escaped, clearly many graduates were annoyed they arrived only to find out the timeline of the event had changed.

"Now, now graduates, please let me finish my speech without interrupting me."

A powerful and unemotional voice spread across the yard, shaking some and terrifying others, silence was quickly regained as the old man released an aura of annoyance and a slight killing intent.

"Although the event has been postponed it is only for a few hours. We will be moving all of you to a new testing location. Recent upheaval in the northern zone of the human controlled area of our galaxy has brought to light a severe flaw in the upbringing of our next generation of successors."

The old man looked over all the graduates with sad eyes. It was clear he also felt a little responsible for the situation the current generation of students would have to suffer through.

"Many of you are too soft, and it has cost our race dearly recently."

As he finished his sentence, he waved his hands. Many shuttles descended from the sky. Each shuttle had enough space for over 10,000 people.

"Please graduates, board the shuttles, they will take you to our next destination, planet Epsil. There you will receive an explanation on how the tests will be conducted."

As Edwin looked at the shuttles and prepared to take a step forward, he felt a hand grip his shoulder. The color quickly drained from his face, surely Hyde was about to give him a rough time.

Turning around slowly a flash of surprise spread across Edwin's face before he broke into a smile.

"James! You scared me quite a bit, I thought you were someone else!"

"Hello Edwin, Sorry about that, I didn't want to shout and disturb the crowd, Let's sit next to each other on the shuttle."

When Edwin turned around, he couldn't help but freeze in his tracks again, Hyde stood just a few meters away giving him a cold glance before walking away.

'It appears Hyde intends to let me off this time, I'm quite lucky!'

After sitting down on the shuttle James and Edwin began to make small talk, describing various things that happened during their awakening process.

Edwin continued to dodge a few of James' questions as he himself had no answer. He wasn't sure if he completed his awakening and if he did, he had no idea what his ability was. After thinking about it for a while the shuttle took off.

"Edwin, how long did your ability awakening process really take?"

James no longer beat around the bush trying to extract information from Edwin, he was clearly getting impatient.

Although Edwin didn't know exactly what happened, he couldn't recall any strange occurrences during the 3 days that had just passed, he remembered how his legs felt this morning.

He figured that since it was something he could notice without know what his ability was or how to activate it, it must be a decent ability.

He couldn't think of any way to describe his situation to James, so Edwin decided he would say something kind of cheesy that would give himself a bit of confidence since he actually felt quite worried about his current situation.

"I think my situation is quite unique. But overall, it's pretty good, look at everyone around us focusing on their own things. I'll need you to watch carefully, watch how I wow them all!"