
Living Simulations

In the year 2525, Humans unlocked a way to evolve to ever greater heights. Scientist unlocked powerful genes in only a small portion of the population, they were dubbed the Evolved or Awakened. As humans evolved and reached further and further into the depths of the universe, they uncovered new terrifying beings and horrific disasters waiting to end the race. Many years later in the year 4025, after many wars and disasters that brought the race to its knees, A crippled population recovered. Every human was an Evolved with powerful abilities able to lead humankind farther and farther into the universe.

AfterImAsh · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Abyss

Edwin looked around and rubbed his eyes, but nothing seemed to change, he was surrounded by what seemed like endless darkness. Slowly Edwin took his first step forward, he didn't know why but it felt like he was walking on solid ground even though he couldn't see signs of one beneath him.

After a few more steps Edwin found himself more and more confused.

'Am I in a box?'

He attempted to jump and see if there was a ceiling, to his amazement he jumped higher than he imagined he would, at least 3 meters high before falling back down. Being surprised he failed to catch himself and fell on his stomach.

He lied there for a second to try and collect his thoughts.

'Is it because of the awakening ceremony, did my strength really improve so much?'

As he pushed himself up off the ground, he realized something that made him stop. He could see what seemed like ripples spreading on the ground whenever he applied pressure.

After standing he began to jog forward with his arms out in an attempt to possibly find a wall. After going forward for a few minutes, he finally saw what seemed like fog in the distance, but no matter how far he jogged he couldn't reach it.

Breathing heavily, he stopped to collect himself. Edwin felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier by the second as he slowly came to the realization that he couldn't keep his eyes open.

After what seemed like a while, Edwin shot up from where he was laying. He looked around and realized that he was back in his room.

'Thats it? That's my awakening?'

Feeling once again underwhelmed, Edwin sincerely hopped this feeling wouldn't become habitual. After standing up and stretching his sore body he checked the time and realized he had slept a whole 24hrs.

Edwin quickly pulled out his phone and started to research his awakening process. People who awoke similar abilities shared specific features of their awakening, whether it be the length of the awakening or the circumstances the awakening put them through.

After looking for a while Edwin was only able to find information about a few abilities that took more than 16hrs during the awakening process.

[Spatial Manipulation: Able to warp space to expand or compress it into a greater distance or improve the internal space of item.]

Edwin assumed that this ability also allowed some form of teleportation by allowing the user to bond two different areas of space then separating them to arrive in a new area.

[Internal Sun: Individuals carry a small ball of matter within them in which is performing nuclear fission and fusion simultaneously providing them with a near inexhaustible power and energy.]

'If I could choose from these powers, I'd hope this is the one I've awakened. Such a power would give me the ability to explore the vast reaches of space unimpeded.'

[Clairvoyance: Ability gives individual powers that greatly increase a sense to the extent of being able to affect other objects.]

Edwin knew the last ability was impossible, he knew that if he had awoken it, he'd already have realized that one of his senses were greatly improved.

Further studying made Edwin realize that the likelihood of awakening any of these abilities seemed pretty unlikely. The circumstances he'd experienced when awakening was completely different. For Spatial manipulation, individuals would find their location changing constantly.

One moment they'd be at home, the next they'd be on a towering mountain, very few survived this awakening as they'd often teleport to deadly areas and die in the process.

Internal Sun led to individuals feeling extremely hot, to the point that they would melt metal when they touched it, often they'd burn down whatever environment they were in upon awakening. Clearly his house was still standing so it was unlikely he awoke this ability.

Lastly, Clairvoyance, cause insane mental pain, bleeding from all orifices and sensory overload to the individuals who awoke this ability.

Although slightly disappointed he didn't awaken any of these top tier powers, he'd figured he may have awoken a new type of power. Based on the time it took to awaken it should be quite powerful.

Edwin couldn't help but feel apprehensive about the Ability testing event in 2 days he'd have to go to.

Edwin decided to spend his time productively as possible while waiting. His body could feel the changes from the awakening ceremony more profoundly. His strength has increased by a half and his mind was calm and clear. He was able to come to various realizations and conclusions faster than he was before.

He began to work out his body doing various body weight exercises. He had once read somewhere that the more stimulation he gave his body while still undergoing the changes brought about by awakening the stronger the changes would be.

After tiring himself out he washed himself up and began to research jobs listed by the government.

Looking around for a while Edwin finally found a listing for his dream job.

[Explorer: Delve into the depths of the universe finding new planets for colonization or potential locations for powerful strong holds to bolster Humankind's borders.]

The description was quite short, but Edwin knew he'd only be able to find out more if he had awakened an ability suitable for the job itself.

He slowly calmed his excitement down. He knew as long as the job was listed online there would be openings for the job after the Ability testing event. The whole entire human race performed the event at the same time.

It gave every individual an equal chance to get their desired job as they wouldn't have to worry about those who awakened earlier than them snatching the jobs up first.

Edwin felt a little bored and apprehensive just waiting at home. He decided he'd go out one last time and explore the area near his home as it'd likely be his last few days here. He wasn't worried about any problems because he'd already awaken so he wouldn't collapse suddenly or anything like that.

After walking out the door of his house Edwin took a deep breath. Although he was in the heart of a massive city sporting a population of at least 36 billion people the air was still very fresh. Learning from past mistakes humans learn to perfectly adapt with the environment they were staying in so as not to kill their planets.

The Flora and Fauna of the planet remained as intact as possible as humans tried to build around it. Green trees left a canopy that covered the street near his house as birds gently chirped and fluttered around nearby.

Suddenly Edwin stomach growled, he was quite hungry, and he knew he'd leave soon, so he decided to treat himself well today with a good meal. He walked to the nearest fine dining restaurant.

Upon entering the building, he could see the luxuriously decorated eating area, he walked to a table and found himself a seat. In such a technologically advanced society many old menial jobs had been abolished.

There was no staff walking around the restaurant rather upon sitting down a holographic menu appeared in front of Edwin on the table. After looking for a minute he decided to order a plate of Rike breasts and a few sides.

Rikes were considered a delicacy, they were small birds about the size of a golf ball on earth. They were extremely agile and could be quite difficult to catch making them an expensive meal because it would take quite a few to make a decent meal.

A few minutes after ordering a plate appeared on the table in front of Edwin. He took his time eating carefully enjoying the delicious food.

After he cleared the plate of all the scraps he stood up and scanned the corner of the table with his phone to pay for his meal.


Edwin cringed as he saw the notification. He had saved for 7 months' worth of government subsidies to have that amount.

Luckily, he'd been saving since he entered the ODSI, so he still had a few tens of thousands left in savings.

As he left Edwin thought about how he needed to save coming to the realization that he may not awaken a really good power so it might be better for him to have funds to fall back on.

When he got home Edwin felt stuffed and tired, so he decided to sleep. After lying on his bed for a while he slowly drifted into sleep and entered his dream world.

Edwin felt confused, He was once again surrounded by an abyss. He looked around and once again noticed he could see a fog in the distance.

Edwin thought it looked like it was a bit closer, so he decided he'd continue to try and reach the fog. Even after jogging for a while, he still couldn't seem to get any closer to the fog.

Edwin pushed on and continued running towards the fog without stopping until suddenly he found himself in his bed again. The night had passed, and it was early morning.

He couldn't help but feel a little scared. Did he really awaken or was the previous events really just him sleeping? Edwin was scared that he had yet to awaken. The ability testing event was tomorrow, and he'd never heard of anyone taking more than two and a half days to fully awaken after the awakening ceremony.

Edwin took deep calming breaths and shook the dark thoughts from his mind. He decided to stay home for the day and prepare for tomorrow and clean before he moved.